Ella Gets Caught Up

Headlights shown through the window. Ella leaped up off of the sofa and ran over to the window to watch a sedan come up the lane. It wasn’t Bart’s vehicle, but then, he’d mentioned on the phone they’d switched cars. She held her breath, hoping this was Rome returned home and not trouble brewing.

When she saw her husband step out of the passenger side, a flood of relief washed over her. Bart got out, too, though he didn’t step away from the open door. Ella couldn’t contain herself anymore and went out to greet him, flying past the security guard on the porch who only chuckled.

Rome opened his arms just in time for her to slam into him, burying her head in his chest. “Well, hello there, beautiful,” he said with a smile, squeezing her tight but not as ferociously as she was gripping him. “Did you miss me or something?”

Regaining her composure, Ella looked up and shrugged. “Maybe a little.”