
Sleeping should’ve been easier since Rome had spoken to his parents and gotten a few things settled, but Ella had had a hard time of it and was up with the first rays of light pouring in through the bedroom window. A glance at her sleeping husband told her that she wouldn’t disturb him if she crept out of bed, so she did, stopping by the closet for a change of clothes on the way to the bathroom.

Even the shower didn’t wake him. When she went back by a half hour later, he was still out cold. She smiled at how handsome he was, sleeping with one arm tucked under his pillow, the other stretched up over his head out straight, and grabbed her phone off of her nightstand, wondering if anyone else was up.

Of course, Lenore was. She always seemed to be awake, no matter the hour. Ella stopped by to tell her good morning, grabbing a piece of fruit and asking her not to worry about breakfast yet since Rome was still asleep, and then headed outside to the patio that faced the ocean.