Cat's Out of the Band

The bus had barely stopped when Cat got up from her seat, stalked to the door, and got out, walking several steps away and pulling her phone out of her pocket. Bree assumed she was calling a ride back to the hotel, or maybe she’d take a rideshare all the way back to Nashville. Bree didn’t care. She’d even pay for it, as long as she was able to get the negative influence out of her band, and out of her life. Cat’s erratic behavior made sense now. She’d been doing drugs this whole time! Bree felt dumb for not realizing it, but she didn’t know anyone else who did drugs and didn’t know the signs.

Following Cat out the door, Bree noted the confused expression on Shawna’s face. “Is everything okay?” the girl asked.

“No, not even a little bit,” Bree replied with a sigh. The rest of the band got off of the bus, all of them looking morose. “Shawna, how would you like to play with us tonight?”