Light Up the Dark

Holding her breath, Bree waited for Shawna to tell them what her boss had said. Would she be able to play keyboards with them in the band that night?

“He said… I could,” she said with a big smile.

“That’s great news!” Bree exclaimed, hugging the woman, even though she really didn’t know her that well. “Let’s get you up to speed. Is there a keyboard somewhere we can use to practice?”

“Yeah, there’s one in the closet. Can some of you guys help me?”

“Sure.” Zach was the first one to jump in to help, and Griffin volunteered, too. A few minutes later, they had a keyboard set up in the green room, and Bree and Zach were going over chord progressions with Shawna. She caught on very quickly to the newer songs, and she did already know all of the older ones. By the time another stagehand came to tell them it was time to take the stage, Shawna was ready to go. She wouldn’t be able to play any of the solos Cat usually added in, but she knew enough to get by.