
Chapter 4- Descend

For now we will call this story "Big Bang" . I gave it this name because the singularity did follow the similar patterns as Big Bang cosmology which is the idea that the universe started at some point in time and has expanded ever since Big Bang cosmology is the current accepted model of cosmology. If we take the mathematical equations that describe our universe and its expansion and follow them back to their zero point we come to a time 13.8 billion years ago where there was nothing the universe was infinitesimally small and dense its size was zero nothing akin to the singularity of a black hole but then something happened I don't know what but something triggered this point to expand rapidly allowing its interior contents to breathe as the universe expands its temperature energy becomes finite and begins to fall and at lower temperatures things are able to form so in reality there was probably no explosion at the Big Bang the universe began as infinite heat and as called ever since the term Big Bang more loosely refers to the very early seconds of this universe when it was inconceivably hot and thus the universe of which we are apart today was born. This is what is same about this and old universe but for old Multiverse which contracted into itself to form a Type 0 black hole but because the Multiverse is now a singular Universe, this singular universe has ridiculous amount of Ather and we are going to a place in this universe where the Ather quantités are even more denser in specific places. Now when we

experience four fundamental interactions

gravity strong nuclear interactions weak

nuclear interactions and electromagnetism and also Ather which can be called the "Wild Card" of the Forces.

"During the earliest increment of cosmic

time known as the Planck epoch these

four fundamental interactions were

bundled by the unimaginably extreme

conditions of the Micro

universe and were as one in an overall

unified fundamental force I cannot test or

prove or verify that such a godlike

force existed but it is most likely

that it did exist, it is possible that the laws

of physics as we currently experienced

them may not have applied under these

extreme conditions either the

temperatures and energies were so highly

that subatomic particles wouldn't have

been able to form until later and the

universe was a tiny hot mesh a fraction

of a nanosecond later things start to

happen this unified force began to

separate into the individual forces with

the temperature falling as the universe

expanded think of it like water vapor

condensing onto a surface and then

freezing a space called the quantum

fields and Supernatural Fields which highly interacted with Ather which created the particles and forces we see today, these forces and Ather were able to settle

at lower energy levels becoming more

stable this increased stability

completely changed how these quantum

fields interacted this caused the single

force to break into two and continue as

separate forces this phenomenon is known

as "symmetry breaking". The unified force

continued as gravity and electromagnetic

interaction symmetry breaking occurs at

ridiculously high temperatures and we're

talking crazy numbers here when the

temperature fell below 10 to the 28

Kelvin this electro nuclear force then

itself broke into two separate

interactions strong and electro weak

interactions but this seemed to have a

profound effect on the universe as after

this symmetry breaking occurred the

universe violently expanded in an event

we call cosmic inflation this expansion

was incredible in under a trillionth of

a second the universe had become at

least 10 to the 78 times more voluminous

that's the same as one nanometer being

stretched to over 10 light years in size."

Nir gave them knowledge of early seconds of the universe, there was more to learn but this was sufficient for now so as to give them heads up on his coming plans for the Mystical World that his agents will visit. He will use satellite galaxies and wormholes on the mother galaxy of this Mystical World then slowly put stars using physics to his advantage. The plans are too complicated and this is his personal plan so he plans to first just give them knowledge about the Universe so as to prepare them for the later states of their journey towards divinity.

"Ok remember this story but it's not important currently, Inspect Ascen's death and his's servants mystery and how to lay the foundation for our creation of a base in that planet. The name of the planet is unknown to me but the time period we are on is 13.8 billion years after singularity expanded so u guys are on similar time scale to ur previous universe's time, this time period of the civ in that planet is late medieval with few powerful countries and mysteries in the planet atmosphere and biosphere. The place you will land on will be near the corpse of Ascen and his servants near his Manor's ruins which was set destroyed using magic to set aflame the building and mystical forces for killing of all the members."

"Hm.. there is a another End's frequency by a dead late teenage female who has an Anomalous body with high mystic, magic and life tinder energy in her body. She and Ascen's party will be resurrected using SMC's energy, Eva is in charge of Ascen's safety and also communication with other people while Amiss will go check on the other End's Frequency to investigate."

"Bro... The End is trying to be a buddy and help me with finding a female friend. Nice nice, I will descend and complete this task, Now everyone let's gather our Angel powers and let's Gooooo" Amiss said in a cheerful voice

Then the wormhole in the BFW formed out of thin mist then the 2 walked out, then the 2 End angels descended into the planet, they were beings of high amounts of Pure Cosmic Energy with high affinity for mysticism and Ather so falling to the ground to where the ruins was from 10 km up in the sky was no problem, they landed and turned their vortex of Cosmic Energy which looked like color no one ever saw with colors of blue, black, purple mixed in. It lighted up the ruined area then slowly they reformed their body.

Amiss was wearing a Pitch Black Trench Coat. He looked young gentleman with long unkempt but silky black hair and dark crimson eyes. He looks colder and sharp with a cheerful face, He looked like a poet who would sing the songs of end times,

Eva was wearing a complex, gorgeous, dark, and gloomy blackish red dress. She has Creamy White hair with Scarlet Eyes. The dress has complicated patterns in faint silvery color.

They saw Ascen and his servants corpse. Eva started using Black Sand Power of the Orb then black sand started to be created from the dust and soil around the ruined manor then the black sand completely surrounded the body of all of them then the Corpses started to slowly light up in bluish light then their souls came back to their body from the underworld and their bodies was healed using their own Pure cosmic energy to stimulate their body to forcefully repair all the wounds then recover the destroyed body parts using Amiss's soul Necromancy power.

"Damn it, I lost my Necromancy power but I gave it to Ascen which came from a planet of Necromancy related magic so it's a good investment on a friends power" Amiss was looking forward on how Ascen will use his Soul Necromancy power"

Ascen was to first to wake then his servants slowly started to wake up.

"What.. I though I was dead but how am I now?" The butler said in a terrified and confused tone

Sebas was his name and he was wearing a butler uniform which consists of black trousers, a six-buttoned double-breasted tailcoat, and a gray vest; on is his shirt cuffs and tie is the He also sports white gloves, a pocket watch, they were all tattered and dusted because of murder attempt. He was very confused and was concerned about his master. He was a man who looked like early 20's handsome young mischievous look but currently he looked worried"

"How is Young Master Cesi?" Sebas asked not knowing where His master was

Ascen coming back to his body, he changed his tone and attitude to his normal personality which was calm and cold. Which was opposite of how a 10 yr old child who was murdered would react

"I am fine, there are some secrets behind our resurrection which I will tell you later but watch my two maids and don't let them get hurt and Also I will introduce you to two End Angels" Ascen was trying to imminently show his 25 yr old impulsive butler to show the status of these 2 beings but also to hint about the future explanation.

Sebas was shocked as he was a Mithril ranked adventurer so he knew about secret organizations and religions so he knew that these 2 were legit Angel like beings based on their power of resurrection and also the high oppression being excluded from those 2 beings. Based on what he knew Angels are Mystic Order 2 or 1 beings with high power which dominates the world. These beings are high level beings in the world, why have they come here and what's the conspiracy behind our death and resurrection. Sebas was alarmed but he decided to first listen to his master but what was strange was that his cheerful and happy kid behavior changed into that of a cold calm one. He was depressed as he thought he couldn't protect his master and now he has shut himself from the world.

"Hi hi I am End Angel and this is my friend End Angel Eva" Amiss said as greetings to the butler

"Hello, Exalted Angel what is the purpose behind your actions of saving us" Sebas said

"It's to much to explain and I am too lazy, here lemme put it onto your minds" then he sent memories of Ascen meeting a god and his 2 angels and their meeting before coming to this world, it felt like something so bizarre yet it was true. These memories were sent to the sleeping beauties maids by Amiss but he decided to let them see it in their memories and then also explain it to them later.

"I.. see so your goals are to explore the world and learn about its mystical, magical properties, learn about secret organizations, religion, secret groups and ways to gather strength and intelligence" Sebas said, he found these goals for a god very vague yet kind of reasonable for a God who has just come to this world. He decided to help these angels to gather info not only for his gratefulness for resurrection but also because it seems he is now part of a secret organization of the End, He never realized that his supposed End lead to resurrection of life vastly different than before.

Ascen was looking through his childhood memories of this body and he roughly understood that his murder was probably a political reason from the nobility in a internal war between the nobility and Royalty of this nation which he is residing. This nation is called Solomon Empire , it is a rather large country which spans a continent with High nobility like 4 The GrandDukes and 2 Earls which have country spanning lands. The Royalties, the Family of Rex also have their own lands which is located at the Eastern part of country near to us. The current Emperor is Rovis Rex and the Empress is Jane Rex. There are 2 continent spanning countries which are Solomon Empire and Europa Federation, North of the Solomon Empire is Sonis Sea, South is the Indus Nation , East is the Cold Sea and West is the Eren Sea. Indus nation is a semi vassal state of the Solomon Empire. West of Eren sea is the Europa Federation which is its own continent named Euron Parago, there is the Exesa Continent with multiple city states famous for its ports and trades. There are 2 nation in Essex Continent which are Vsexa Nation and Soros Nation. Other city state are important too but I don't know their names rn. I don't know much else about the world expect the few details of trustworthy people he could meet rn.

"The Emperor's first daughter is a friend of mine who I could trust, our house is ruined and we just resurrected, He should know about mysticism more than me and seeing two angels should explain a lot of things so We need to go there now just to get the support of the current ruling authority in the Empire so that there is some protection and deterrence." Ascen chose his friend the the Emperor's Daughter Aurora Rex because she cared for him when he was 7 and 8 and she was just 15, she understood some of my family secret and also seemed to care for me as a brother so I am 12 and she is 18 but she has some authority but not too much to be wary of angels plus she also is discriminated by other brothers cuz of gender bullshit but I shall give my sister in this world protection and power of the End Angels and me.

Since this house is destroyed and his family killed. He knew the royal faction will at least investigate and put me in custody so that I won't again be targeted by the nobility. The internal war was a silent but deadly one without proof on both sides so they will be wary of the other side and End angels need info and who better than the heads of SIB (Solomon Intelligence Bureau) which is the Royal Head or the Emperor.

"Let's go meet them but first they are waking up" Eva pointed at the maids

"Young Master!! Are you ok!!" The maid frantically but weakly said

The 2 maids name were Nirko and Yuris. Nirko can be described as a true beauty, she has pale shiny skin,Dark Blue Eyes and fine facial features.Nirko black hair is tied in a ponytail through a large ribbon on top of it all, allowing others a full view of her face. She wears a soft blue evening dress with a beautiful skirt. Her upper body is dressed in a lace embellished ribbon and a short tailored jacket. Of course it's tattered and dusted and bloody

Yuris has long golden hair, silky smooth and supple as it drapes over the back of her neck. She has vibrant, dark blue eyes that shine like sapphires, filled with warmth. She wears a simple white dress which is dusted and bloody because of the murder.

They were both Mithril Ranked Advantures and they realized that their wounds were healed and they were resurrected and then the memories planted by Amiss surfaced which shocked them to the core and terrified them to see 2 angels and also to realize their young master has affiliation with Angels with unknown identity to the world which was the most terrifying but they were grateful for being alive and seeing they were harmed they were relived and looked at each other.

"Get up, we are going to Sis Aurora Royal Palace" Ascen said

They were confused but said Yes to their young master who has changed from cheerful to cold and calm which depressed them as their promise to his parents about his childhood being normal was gone now and they must serve their young master and his angels even if these sound scary but for Mithril ranked adventurers, they will trust a angel who hasn't shown any killing intent towards young master of Us. They also thought of what Sebas thought of all this as they saw him, he just told them to be ready to serve their masters and also realize that their master has closed himself from trauma and shock of angels

but they never would they realize the truth was that their master Ascen is a combination of Old Ascen's memories and the memories of old planet which was burned from reality.


amiss physical appearance

eva Physical appearance
