
Chapter 5- Meeting

Aurora was outside of her personal room's backyard which had a waterfall in the middle and the Palace were bathed in white and purple light from the two moons in the sky but she could only see The White Moon as the Purple Moon was blocked by the magnificence Castle.

She was thinking about the recent war between Indus Empire and Sirlaka Nation which has caused a headache for the Indus Empire thus it asked The Solomon Empire. This war just came to an end after a High Mystic Order of Ocean Koeta. was sent from Solomon empire to help end the sea war. She was thinking about other problems of the royal family but she knew that she wouldn't get any positions cuz of gender issues as even if the Solomon Empire has progressed a lot. A princesses is still only a political tool of marriage which is what she despised as her parents didn't give her much love to as the other male siblings. Her older brother or the first born sibling and the younger brother who is the third born while her brothers didn't become biased towards her but even in their eyes even after she become a Mid Mystic Koeta of Light pathway she was still a weak sister who needed to be protected while her brothers loved her a little but they were sucked in to the Mystical and Nobility world which made them more cruel so she felt her family was slowly becoming distant and more cold. She was also extremely depressed as she tried to not think about her true kid brother from Cesi Family was murdered with his servants, she lost her tiny flicker of joy which was his smile of a cheerful kid who wasn't tainted by evil and cruel desires of the world but now he is killed...

Suddenly a dark purple vortex rips space apart and a wormhole is formed and 2 beings with immense power enter through the void then form into 2 beings made of purple, blue, black and white colors which molded themselves into 2 humans one looked like a male in his mid 20 who was wearing all black clothes which were strange design, his crimson eyes shined out of his black tinted gold rimmed glasses. The female was wearing a complicated regal black clothings with silver patters, she has Silvery White hair with scarlet eyes. She wanted to contact the guards but she knew these beings were far more powerful than normal demigods, then what shocked her more was that her true little brother came out of the wormhole with his butler and maids. She was shocked as this was stable teleportation of multiple people without failure. She was weary as how her brother is alive and wondering if this is a Illusion of a enemy.

"Hi hi My name is Amiss and this is Eva, We are the End Angels and also you know your lil bro, also here Ascen explain our Situation to her" Amiss said in a cheerful voice

"Also I would like to meet the royal family for residence as your brothers house has been complete destroyed. We would like to live here until our power recovers until to protect Ascen by ourselves" Eva said In a calm time

"What... who are you Ascen is that you" Aurora was confused and weary but also knowing that In mystical world, teleportation and resurrection can only mean High Mystic Beings, probably Koeta 1 beings.

"Sis... I was resurrected by God of the End and these 2 are the Angels of the End, my servants were also resurrected. I can give you some of my memories" as he said that Aurora started seeing Ascen meeting the God of the End and 2 angels and Ascen in a world of Blue Fog and them descending into this world then she saw these angels resurrected her brother and servants than them coming her.

"This... Ascen your life has been destroyed, your parents dead and your death too, I have failed as a sister and I can see that u have gone through so much, I couldn't help you but now I promise it won't be the same in future. I won't let my true brother die in front of me again"

"There are some secrets to my resurrection and there is more to explain but that will be in future but I can say that I am no longer the same person." Ascen said

Amiss Thought that Ascen was being really cocky by mentioning his biggest secret to his sis of this world but she seems to be trustworthy as far as Eva's instinct can tell..

Oh I need to go to the second frequency quickly tomorrow morning so let's settle everything with Ascen side today for me then I will go look for the End Frequency human.

He is not the same person anymore, Aurora started to analyze the words but she thought that her cheerful brother untainted by evil is now gone and now he has turned cold which made her depressed. But she determined for her brother to be tutored in magic and mystical subjects so that he won't encounter his misfortune again and also to protect him.

"I wasn't able to protect you from the evilness of this world but now atleast I want to educate you about dangers and powers so that you will be safe and you can live the palace with the royal family. Also I will contact King and Queen immediately so that we can know the perpetrators behind your death and to hide your resurrection which isn't known by anyone else so your maids and butler will live here too".

Ascen nodded then said "Thanks Sis"

"Hold on a minute, I will call the Emperor and the Empress and also the representative angel of the royal family".

"Ok~ come fast and bring food to eat" Amiss said in a cheerful voice

Aurora nodded and went to the Throne Room to call for the Emperor and Empress.

The throne room was vast and it was dyed in a golden color, there were 3 large columns erected on both sides, there was a long red exotic fur carpet which lead to the Emperor's Throne, Close to that was the Emperess Throne. Behind the throne was a massive dragon head which was bathed in purple color.

The Emperor was 45 years of age, with a grey eyes and neat black hair wearing a red suit with golden patters at the edges, the Queen is a beautiful women in her early 40s with a solem dignified look and blue eyes which oversaw everything and regal white dress. The Empress had quite high power and not because of status but because of might and Mystical powers. They were Aurora parents who didn't give her much thought as a child because of middle child syndrome and because of intrigues of the court made their parents put their focus on the male siblings of the family as they were already High Mystic being at Koeta 4. While she is Koeta 6 which is just the threshold for ordinary female royal family members. Koeta 3 is the highest limit royal family can attain because of specifics which she doesn't yet understand.

When she met her parents they asked her why was she here at 10 in night, then she took a deep breath then explained "This sounds absurd but listen to full story first. Ascen who was murdered by nobility and his entire manor was destroyed, I lost my brother and you lost your nephew." They nodded and told her to continue "Ascen was resurrected by End Angels who also resurrected Ascen's Adventurer Butler and Maids were also resurrected with him and then Ascen came here because he had no where else to go and also the End Angels want to meet with you, in addition These angels are rather unique as their mythical aura is different from normal angels."

The Emperors eyes dilated and he was internally shocked to know that there are 2 foreign angels in the royal house and he couldn't detect it plus his daughter catches the angels uniqueness. These angels haven't yet been hostile and they seem to be very stealthy as their aura is completely undetectable.

He decided to meet them and also determine the relationship between the angels and Ascen. He was thankful for being able to meet and possibly ally themselves with angels.

"Lead us to them and also send a message to the Red Prince (royal family angel) to meet the 2 angels and also to protect us from any harm and I will call the head Guard."

In the same time, Amiss was chatting with Ascen casually and trying to know more about the guy

"Bro, your sis loves you dearly treasure that" Amiss said in a somewhat sad tone

"Man, I wish my starting point in life I could get someone who loves me like a brother and this bastard has 2 hot maids and a cool butler loyal to him. That's like getting Heaven in earth but alas your last body died of political bullshit of nobility" Amiss said

The maids were stunned as the angel which exuded aura of fear was casually talking to their young master as if friends. They realized that these angels were far more peaceful than their aura showed but the other angel was silent just overlooking everything with indifferent eyes.

Then came the Emperor and the Empresses with a unfamiliar figure behind them, Ascen and the maids and butler bowed to the king but the angels didn't

"How may I call you? And may I know your purpose for visiting the royal family"The emperor gave a faint simle

"Sorry for the sudden intrusion but we came here to represent Ascen and to give him a home and protection from people he could trust, that would be his sister. I want protection from the crown on Ascen and also to gather information about the murder and also information in exchange for help or other transaction" Eva said in a indifferent voice

"Very well, I promise to my capability as the crown that Ascen wouldn't be targeted again for murder and he can stay here with his sister. May I know what your purpose for descending into this world" The empress said

"May I know what your relationship with Aurora is?" The Angel of royal family said, he thought that his daughter's royal faction was the weakest but now it seems there are 2 angels

"We come to this world to very simple reason, to spread the glory of The End to the world and Aurora is our spokesperson for our activities in this world. Truthfully we are here to have fun but also to spread the power of Ascen said in a cheerful voice

The Angel thought that these angels are here to represent their own factions of the end and he was right but it seems Aurora is the ambassador between royal family and the End.

The Angel wore a simple black suit, he was a middle aged man, he had 2 black wings behind his back and his suit seemed to be gentleman typical clothing. He had blue eyes and a sharp look on his face and a goatee.

"We also want to learn about this world secret organizations, Religions, Nations, Geopolitics, and the power system of this world. The technological level of this world and the seas and the gods."

"Very well we shall provide that to the best of our capabilities, some info can only be shared for merits and other valuable knowledge"

"Fair and equal exchange of info and materials is what I would want from the royal family, we will be independent from the royal family and we have our own goals, if there are any taboos for a angel to be doing in this world, please inform us about étiquetés and culture so that we become accustomed to this lovely world" Amiss said in a cheerful voice

The Royal angel was speculating based on their convo that these beings while immensely powerful are ignorant to the world but aren't stupid. If we get their trust and if we can play our cards right by good equal and fair exchange with these angels then royal family would be safer and more powerful. The Angel wasn't planning on playing fraud and manipulation of these angels because if they find out one day I am afraid even royal family won't survive 2 angels wrath of unknown origin. I must plan to talk to Aurora about these beings and bring her to my side so that I will have 2 angel friends. My descendants are truly a boon. Aurora is a blessing of the family.

At this second, Aurora and Ascen were in a different faction than the nobility, or the middle class or the Corporations or the peasants or Merchants. They were the faction of Solomon Himself the founder of Solomon Empire, He was always with his family as an Angel that guided and guarded the royal faction as his own power as the founder of nation and the many boons it can bring. While he is the only angel from Royal Faction, he was in fact independent in his action but he protected and pretended to be in the side of royal faction so that there will always be a balance of power between the various interest groups that existed in his country but now there was a blessing coming from his great-great grand daughter of 2 Cosmic Angels. Now only that these Angels don't seem to have any malice towards Solomon Empire and it in fact comes here in good will. Any Mythical Being such as an angel would know how profoundly different the fate of this Nation would be if he played his cards right with this 2 quasi deities, they can bring protection and stability from the Europa Federation.

He was clear dont provoke these 2 beings and bring them towards your side by being a good hospitable host then play his cards right.

"May I know what goals u have towards this world and my country and rough idea of what I can help with" Solomon said with a hospitable voice

