
Chapter 6- Negotiations and Learning

Amiss was in a rather good mood as he not only met a Native Angel of this world but he seems to sense something from his "System Blue" power which suddenly activated.

It was now in a state of slowly "booting up" or turning on and it will take a few days for it finally "boot up" and during this time, he will use some of the End power such as:

Essence Puller which is a simple but deadly ability. It directly ends the fate, life and soul of a person and rips the soul, information and power of it that person and directly added into the vortex of cosmic lights as a form of information which will increase the power of System Blue. This power is op and useful and he plans to learn about this world and directly end the fates of evildoers in a grand event where he will rescue The female Second End Frequency.

All other power of his seem to directly need the turning on of the System Blue to be activated and sense and perceive its uses so he plans to save her using first the power of Royal Family

"I came here on a personal mission from the End to locate someone which position in the End org will be as high as Ascen." Amiss Didnt reveal the whole situation but he said the truth

"Amiss will plan on going to find and bring her here after completion of location of her. This will also be her residence with us, is that ok" Eva said

"No problem, we can exchange information for some equal compensation but since Ascen will need to hide. We shall give u the general run down of the world politics and Mystical world undercurrents." Solomon was also willing to dispatching of these 2 angels for a win win situation where they and I gain what we want

Ascen who was quite for a while said in a child like cold voice "I want to gain strength and learn the skills of Necromancy, Alchemy, and sealed artifacts and also learn about the all the Koeta Mystic Order"

The Royal angel thought that the Ascen boy has learned the cruelty of the world and with resurrection, he can become a cold weapon of the Solomon empire on its enemies if he nurtured right with the cooperation of the End Faction.

The royal angel was secretly happy because what the End Angels wanted now was Info, Nutrition, and sealed Artifacts and also a place to live which all of the things he can provide so he planned to probe how much the End angels knew so as to figure how which info to send first to digest. His intention was clear, give them truthful info but these Info sharing will have a goal which is to solve high level Headache problems for the Solomon Empire such as creation of balance between Internal factions, The stability and wealth and protection of its citizen, External Factions and countries and their respective factions and mystical organizations and their various source of conflicts will lead to unstableness in the world. 2 angels which have a vague authority towards "End" which is a vague concept so this proves that these angels are sent from Concept Gods not only that I have never heard of End concept God among the different gatherings of mystical beings so it's a descent of a Concept God which isn't familiar to other forces. This is equivalent to getting more chips for deterrence between gods and angels fight.

"How much do u know of the world and are you grounded angels" Solomon said

"We aren't grounded angels, We are End Angels that can walk the land as agents of the End" Eva said in a Ethereal voice

"End Angels... I see I shall give you information which you can accumulate by doing small favors for Empire in the future And we will bet on your future so that we won't have the same failures of murder of Ascen again" the Emperor said in a respectful voice

Needless to say Solomon's intention was towards the end angels was different, he wanted these beings introduced to different factions to temporally reduce their friction between the factions and also to focus towards the increasing troublesome Overseer of Europa Federation. This is his goal, he will give Mysticl info and general info to Ascen, Aurora and End Angels while high level info only angels can provide will be provided by the royal angel but other benefits will be given to the Emperor to Handel as Solomon is too lazy.

Aurora brought cheesecakes for everyone to eat and the mood was lively for a while as maids, Butler, Angel, Emperor were eating tea and eating cup cakes and discussing what Koeta was.

From Amiss early understanding of this universe. There are few rules of Mystical World such as

Koeta can be described as levels of power of different individual. Koeta 7 is the beginning phase of 25 pathways. 18 pathways can be described as normal in his eyes while 7 are more unique. There are hidden secrets in some pathways which I will ask the Royal Angel later.

People in this world can choose any of these 18 known pathways but once after consuming Koeta Characteristics or Potions then of Koeta 7 of respective pathway they can't change their pathway until Koeta 1 where some pathways are interchangeable.

There are various organizations which are vastly ancient, while some are centuries old, some secretive. These will be his focus of thought later but for now general idea of world is needed. There are "laws" in mystical world such as :

Law of Convergence and Qualitative Change- Sealed Artifacts, Mystical Beings and Angels and Gods are created from this Rule. The "Primordial One" was the first to master life tinder energy and he spread the idea of Mystical Sublimation. This idea was that all Life tinder was a form of energy that allowed for manipulation of Ather to various degrees which lead to formation of magic and then later when the Origin Magic combined and merged with Ather of this planet. Origin magic was the will of the Planet itself which lead to changes in third Epoch where Astral Plane was strengthened and gods migrated to the Astral Plane to stabilize themselves. —Law of Convergence states "All pathways of Different Mythical Koeta have certain connection towards each other thus all Mythical Individual have inside of them "life tinder core" which stores their soul and internal madness in a state of imperfect harmony, The core stores the essence of the soul and all powers of person thus when a soul dies a person's life tinder core will converge into certain part of body and all of person's essence turns into Sealed Artifact in the shape of an item.——Law of Qualitative Change states that Sealed Artifacts and Koeta Characteristics (dead remains of an Angel or saint or demigod turns into a Koeta Characteristic which is the essence of some special Sealed Artifacts) are more suitable for the respective pathway which it was formed out of. Because Pathways are slowly created by ascension to godhood, When these is a Pathway created by Ascenson to godhood of individual Mystical Beings, it leads to qualitative change in power because Godhood has history with origin magic.

Law of Death and Recycle of Characteristics states Death of Koeta Mystic Order Beings lead to creation of mana core inside of sealed artificial which can absorb Ather from World Energy that Is dispersed in all places of the World. When a Sealed Artifact is shattered, it is recycled to the World Energy or it is absorbed by beings capable of doing so.

There are guilds, adventures Association in different places, different monsters and mysterious Shadow dimension which is only known by the Emperor and he has vague knowledge only.

There is various ways to obtain power in this world. There are various towers that have mysterious appeared in this world and they give power of Jinns every "Jinns" exist in the heart of the tower and the inside of tower is a secondary dimension which is different from Main universe in the sense that these secondary dimension emerge and dissolve out of existence in a strange pattern which resembles similar patterns to structure of Galaxy Filaments of previous universe, he shared these finding telepathically to Eva and Eva gave her insights that this world not only had "Dinjins and Ruk Towers" but also Magic which has 7 main elements of Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Electricity. 2 elements of dark and light and various sub combinations of these elements. There are also Mystical Elements which seem to more ancient than magic. They will need greater exploration of this Field to learn about magic. Magic seems to be more stable than Mystic thus this can be our foundation phase to learn and gain magic to strength the foundation so that we can handle Mystic elements much more easily.

Eva opinion always gives new views so its a plus. Amiss Thought then he asked the Emperor "let's end info gathering for today, can I get some magic artifacts which have elemental powers of each 7 elements and also get grimoire of highest quality to Create a stable magic foundation for Eva,Me,Ascen and his servants who also seem quite knowledgeable and worthy of trust and Aurora"

A grimoire is a book that is forms a Mystic connection to its master and is the Catalyst for mages to use their magic. Each spell must be learned by the individual and be highly proficient to be added to spells in his grimoire, a grimoire is a part of soul plus something physical that binds magic and mystical energy to the master so that he can utilize his spells without needed to voice it or silent casting. A grimoire allows silent casting and also to combine magic and Mystic energy.

A Koeta 7 and 6 allows for a person to be able to use one of the 5 Elements that they have the most affinity. At Koeta 5 allows to branch out to other elements the highest being 3 that is known by Solomon. At Koeta 4 allows for individual to use their 3 elements at higher level and are slowly touching towards the path of divinity.

At Koeta 3 is when a powerful mortal turns into a Demi God, here he can gain the opportunity to learn about Mystic elements. There is which is basically primordial secondary dimension that have gained consciousness and are projecting their knowledge to this world through the Spirt World. There are High Level Spiritual Beings that exist in Spirit World that are known as the 7 lights of Spirit World, they don't show malice unless you do first and have good will towards beings who follow order and have little malice in their heart.

malice seems to be corroding of Internal Madness which causes changes in person's perspective and personality which might lead to loss of humanity and eroding the demigod from a individual to a collective idea of all of "Internal Madness of Sentience Lives". The path toward divine is paved with madness and pain in the soul inside and external influence of the environment around a person is what Amiss concluded after realizing how gods are created and he roughly guessed why churches exist, that Is to stabilize a God's power and Internal Madness and also exert his influence on the world more subtly through ideology which is the purpose of Angels and Saints creation of churches.

There exist The Church of Crafts, this is lead by the dwarven nation of Dregts which lies near the West border of Europa Federation. They are a group of people who don't care about combat but about their craft and their forgery of grandest weapons, this group is one of the orthodox churches which were part of Solomon Empire.

Solomon himself was a creator of a nation and was a legendary being who forged his own legend and created a continent spanning Empire.

The church of Craft is a independent god with no affiliation with other gods because of his early age of conception thus he relied and entered a contract with Solomon Empire which was to gain weapons and sealed artifacts for spreading of religion of God of Crafts and helping in building churches of Crafts.

The church of Neptune led by the race of sea elves, They are a group of wild blooded, friendly but savage people. They were famous for their large net of cohesion behind all of the elves. Wood elves, Desert elves or sea elves, they believed in the god of sea and all elves have a connection to nature and natural mythical beasts such as sea dragons, The hydra, and other deep sea lurkers so the Church while friendly has some bad vibes mixed with it.

The Church of Death is a extreme cultist group with deep influence in black market and is heavily associated with undeads, lichs, Necromancers and other death mage and mythical beasts such as wraith, banshee, ghosts, zombie, death knight and other beings of similar nature towards death pathway. It can be considered the chaotic evil group fundamentally but the motives have reasoning and sanity behind their actions thus these are the true monsters in society in Amiss's Eyes and since End and death have similar authority, he had a playful idea that is to kill the current god of death and replace that with our Death, Ascen. He shall represent the Authority of dead, sleep, ethereal slumber and soul necromancy, last being his person ability given to Ascen as a gift by Amiss. This is a unorthodox god and a danger to his future plan so he plans to directly murder the God of death and gain a sub authority on it then give this authority to Ascen to cultivate into a future powerhouse.

Ahhh, the good days of Amiss the Farmer of potentials shall be born after directly Ending the god of death with his unique power but this is just a rough idea and this plan shall move forward as more he knows

He directly gave these ideas to Eva and she agreed to help and she says to be low key and don't tell anyone this plan then after enough strength is gained, strike and End the God of death and pull his essence out and shatter his Koeta Characteristics and give the pure form to Ascen few years down the line when he is strong enough and he himself doesn't need the authority of Death and only needs a sub authority.

Now that a few hours have passed he can get initial control over System Blue which will show its effects any time now

Suddenly a Augmented Reality Panel was projected in his surrounding area, it embedded it self deeply into core of reality.