Cause Who Could Love The Broken


Walking home in the rain was one of my most favorite things to do. Why? Because not only does it look peaceful it's also the sound of the rain hitting the window or the road but it feels like i feel deep down in side.... Broken.

You're probably wondering why I'm walking in the rain, or why I don't have a car, or even what I'm doing outside at midnight well it's because that's my life.

I don't have what other normal teenagers have my age the money, cars, and both loving families, well I did but see god handed me a fucked up ass life if I could say myself. It's just me and my twin brother jaidyn or has i call him Jai. It's been me and him since I could remember or at least since that night. Even till this day I will never speak about what happen or what i saw because if i say it, it means it happen and i don't wanna believe that it was true I'm good thinking it's some fucked up nightmare that I'm soon to wake up from. I know what you're thinking and the answer is no, my "parents" they aren't dead. they left. and i couldn't hate them more for it.

Walking inside the house I could hear jai sitting in the kitchen crying. I hate it. I hate the fact the it's cause of my parents and i hate the fact that i can't take the pain away I hate it all he shouldn't have to go through this, nobody should but he was to sweet and kind to feel this type of pain. Jaidyn was all the good out of us, yes we both were very popular I mean we still are but still. I was the the "bad boy" as the school called me I didn't have many friends just Jake and Ethan and I was cool with that. Me, Ethan, and Jake as been friends since we we're kids, I met them on a playground we started playing tag and it's be us ever since. Jaidyn on the other was the sweet one. Never gotten in trouble or anything but I loved that about him he made our parents proud with grades and being on all the sports teams and I couldn't be more happier about it. After that day something clicked he still the same way as before but be hides the pain. I know he wishes i could tell him about that day but I can't break his heart even more so everytime he asks I tell him it's to painful to talk about it I know one day I'm going to have to tell him but until then I'm not going too.

"Hey jai you okay" I say sitting next to him. He looks at me and i can see it in his eyes that it hurts but he always replies with that same thing "Yeah bro bro why wouldn't i be" he turns away from and there it goes the pain in my chest the fact the he feels that he needs to hide it from me is beyond me he's doing it to protect me I know it but it should be me doing it not the other way around. " it's been 7 years jai i know it hurts just please don't hide it from me" i say as my voice breaks, he looks down looking down at his lap "just tell me what they said Ace( my nickname)tell me why they left. why'd they leave us it hurts Ace and I need it to stop" i look at him when a tear falls down my face I know i need to tell him and i should but it's not the same it broke my heart when I heard the people who gave birth to us say that" I can't break your heart even more jai please don't make me" i say with a sigh and with that I get up and walk out the kitchen before walking out the door i turn around " i love you jai, more then anything in the world" and i walk about before opening my door i hear him say "i love you too bro bro i love you too"


Waking up the next I could hear loud music and i already knew it was jaidyn cooking breakfast no matter what that boy always has too cook something even at the worst moments possible it's funny and i love it, it let's me know that even when he's hurting and in pain that he is still in there and I haven't lost him yet. Getting into the shower i whine as the hot water burns the cuts on my arm. Yes i cut, do i want to No! But sometimes you need to forget about the mental pain so physical pain over powers it in a way. Getting out i get dressed in a red nike sweater, black pants and all red white air forces. Making sure my cute are covered I head down stairs to a laughing Jaidyn. He doesn't know about the cutting it'll kill him if he ever found out.

"Good morning my good brother" i say with a smile " Well it's nice to see you on this very good Monday" we bust out laughing while walking to the car.

Walking into the school i could already here the girls geeking at me and my brother but did i care? Nope! I haven't said a word to no one other then Ethan, Jake, and Jaidyn since that day and I'm perfectly fine keeping that way letting people gets you left as you can see. Only reason I still have Jake and Ethan is because they refuse to give up on me and I'm thankful for that. Walking into my first period which is chior by the way, i used to love it, I can sing really good but that day change everything I'm only in here because it's and easy class.

Once class start and everyone sitting I look up to see a girl with her hood up looking down walking slowly as possible to her seat. I couldn't see her face so I couldn't recognize her but something in me wanted to know who she was and that was strange for me. Really strange.

"And why are you late miss" the teacher says in a annoyed tone. I never really pay attention when the teacher talks but something about this girl just makes me give all my attention to see what she about to say. "S-sorry i-i woke up-up late" she says never lifting her head up. Wow her voice sounded beautiful I couldn't wait to hear her sing. The teacher just sighs and continue teaching. She sit right next to me and i can't help but hear her quietly sigh in pain.

"Can you stop looking" I hear her say I come out of my trance when the class bell rings and she slowly gets up walking out this class usually goes by fast when we're not singing or I mean them but still you get. I go to grab her arm and she flinches and steps back really fast. I look at her with a confused face and I can tell she can tell because she tries to walk

"Hey wait up" i scream at her and she turns around and in her eyes I can see it, the thing i see in Jai eyes it's pain. I stare at her and for a second she stares back. She shakes her head and says "if you know what's best please just stay away" and with that she walks away.