Cause Who Could Love The Broken

When I woke up, I sat up confused on where I was at. Oh shit this isn't my room. I start to get up and look around too see if I could find a way out and see that the door was unlocked. Walking out of the room I quickly try to find the front door, getting closer to I start to hear noises coming from the room to my left. I could hear two boys talking. Letting my nosiesness get the best of me I put my hear to the door so I could hear better.

"What's gotten in to Ace" one of the boy's says "Nothing man she passed out and I brought her here nothing more" I'm guessing Ace had said. "I know that I was there but why'd you bring her here and not the nurse" the boy had said which he is right why didn't he just take me to the nurse like any other person would've.

"I don't know Jai, somethings off about her I don't know what but I need to find out" Ace says. Ohh no no no did he see my cuts no worst did he see my bruises. FUCK!!. how could I be so damn dumb and not cover them better. I'm guessing that when I was going through my argument in my head I didn't see the door open because both boys were standing right in front of me. It was Jace from school. I didn't know that he had twin brother. Both brothers was looking down at me Jai was looking at me with worried in his eyes we all sat there for a second just looking at each other not knowing what to do.

"Umm I'm going to get going um thank you for helping me" I say breaking the silence. I started to walk off when Jace had grabbed my arm "Hey hey how bout we get you something to eat or drink" I sat there for a second thinking. "no I need to go now I know my dad waiting" I see something in Jace's eyes it's more like hurt "fine." that's all he says before he walks off.

I look down at my feet. I don't want to hurt him I can't let him in my life and it needs to stay that way. "I'm sorry about him, my name is Jaidyn" he says with his hand out. I look him for a second "Sila my name is Sila" I say about to walk off I can't stay I can't let them get close cause in the end it's going to hurt us both.

before I could walk off Jaidyn grabs my arm and the sleeves come up. And out of all the arms it had to be the one that has my cuts on them "Oh. My. God." that's all he says before screaming Jace's name.

Running into the living room Jace looks at Jaidyn then to my arm. Something in him snaps because he runs straight to me grabs me by my other arm and drags me back up stairs. Once we get up stairs he takes me in what I'm guessing is his room. "Why?" he says in a low tone and for some reason it made me mad "You don't know me Jace." I say back looking at him now. His eyes turned a darker shade of blue and he tilts his head to the side. "Don't you think I know that Sila, That wasn't the question!" he says getting a little louder which makes me get a little louder "Then why the fuck do you care!!" I yell back.

He steps closer to me "I don't know I just fucking do" he says trying to control his anger. "Then don't, I'm not the person you want to care about" I say and all his control went out the window "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!" he raises hand which makes me jump back and hit the wall. The hit never comes. When I open up my eyes his eyes are wide and they look like tears were about to come pouring out of them. "I-I would never hit you Sila" he says backing away "I'm sorry if I scared you, but I'll never hit you ever" I want to run and kiss and tell him that I'm not scared of him because I'm not.

It's not his fault that I am this way. We sit there for a second just looking at each other. "Why are you cutting Sila, please tell me" that was about to make me break and start crying begging him to make it all go away but I don't. "Jace I'm bad for you okay no one wants the broken girl with no friends okay" his eyes looks like I just broke his heart.

"I'm broken too" I need to get out of here before I break. "thank you Jace for helping me but please stay away, two broken people will only hurt each other more love doesn't come our way" and with that I walk out the door. Once shutting it I start to here things get thrown and hitting the wall. A part of me wants to go back in their and hold on to him and never let go but I don't instead I walk down the stairs.

Jaidyn was sitting on the couch and when he heard me come in he shot straight up he looks at me and before I could I say anything he beats me to it. "I've never heard him say that" he looks so sad and I hate that I'm the one that did that to them "Say what?" I say looking back up the stairs " That he's broken" and that's it tears start coming out my eyes "I'm sorry Jaidyn, I want to go up there and hold him but I can't" I say Jaidyn gets closer to me "I know" that's all he says before walking up the stairs. I sit there for a second before deciding to walk when Jaidyn call me "Sila I need you to save him and me, we are going to find out why you cut and once we do we're never letting you go, we're going to save each other" I turn around and look up at him "what if the reason could get you killed!" I yelled why can't they understand I'm trying to protect them FUCK! "I don't care Si my brother cares for you that makes me I haven't seen that since they left us" and with he heads up stairs.

After walking out their house I run home. I run cause I don't want to think about what just happened and I run cause I'm scared of what's about to happen when I get home.

Opening the door I try to be quite as I can and walk to my room. I thought I did but right when I put my hand on my door knob I hear the voice I hate the most. My dads.

My blood run cold and I turn around the face him. We don't say nothing for a minute which in my head feels like hours.

"Welcome home sweety" he says walking towards me. I run inside my room and lock the door. He starts to band against the door. After about 20 minutes it stops and I fall asleep.