Cause Who Could Love The Broken


Why can't he just leave me alone!!!! I'm trying my hardest to keep him safe he needs to understand that if my dad or uncle ever found out about him they'll kill him and I know this because they told me if I made any friends they would kill them because I shouldn't have the chance to be happy. Driving home couldn't be more dreadful then the hole day all together, the boy I think is name is Jace I mean that's what was on his paper in art well I couldn't get him out of my head and It may seemed creepy and it should seem that way but to me it didn't, it felt safe and I've haven't felt like that since my mother died.


3 years ago:

It was like no other day, my mom was going on one of her many business trips. I never like that she left, well only cause me and her are really close "Mom do you really have to go" I say with a low voice. My mom has always been my best friend I know that's weird but I don't really have friends nor do i care for them. She's one of those moms that's strict but not over the top and I'm okay with that. "It's only for a couple day baby I'll be back before you know it" she says giving me a hug "ughhhh fine" i say with a little disappointment

"I love you " she says hugging me again "i love you to mama" i yell at her as she shuts the door. if only I knew that the last conversation would be that one there was so much stuff I wish I would've said.

3 hours later

I was waiting for my dad to come home when the front door busts open, i jump to see who it was and it was no other then uncle mike. He's not really my uncle he just my dads close friend that's I've grown up with. I taken out of my thoughts when the living room TV was turned on and the news was going

"It's just in there has been a plane crash. The plane was known to be leaving to Florida when the main gas busted cause the plane to drop in mid air, there has seen to be no survivors we will keep you updated". And just like that my hole left fell apart.


Tears where running down my face and I didn't even notice. Walking to the door I hurried up wiping my tears and slowly opening the door, I walk in to see no other then the uncle mike or that's what i used to call sitting on the chair looking at the door. He had this look in his eyes that I've seen before it's different from when he's hitting me it worst then when he hitting me cause it makes me think he could do worse. Without a second glance i take off down the hall running to my bed room and locking the door.

"Open up baby" he says banging on the door in a obvious drunk voice "i just want to have a little fun" as he continues banging on the door I starting backing away from the door and before i could grip anything i fall and hit my head on wall and everything went black.


Waking up I feel a huge bump on the back of my head 'yup that's gonna hurt for a minute' getting up off the floor trying my hardest not to fall again i walk over the my closest getting some cloths i grab a long sleeve shirt and black plant puting my grey vans on before walking out the door.

I decided to skip breakfast today only because my head was hurting even when i moved anything so eating would do nothing but make it worse. I take at least two advils before walking out the door, I usually only take one but for this day two is needed and with that I walk out the door making sure I had everything and the door was locked.

After the ten minute drive to school I got there pretty early then i would any other day so I take out my note book to finish the drawing I've been working on. Opening the book and a pen and start to flip through the pages to find after about half way through the notebook I start to panic cause the picture not there. I start throwing everything out of my backpack looking for the picture. You may be wondering why I'm making a big deal well that picture is how i feel and if anyone sees it they'll know my emotions and that doesn't end well with me.

I know it's just my feelings but its different for me if people know that give them an easy way to pity me and be 'friends' and I can't have them in my lives ever.

Just before i was about to give up I see two boys stand right in front of me their both looking down on me like I've done something and it was starting to scare me a little bit, they looked exactly like each other but one had tattoos and the other didn't had it started to sink in, it was the boy from chior yesterday that kept staring umm I think his name was Ja- JACE! that's what it was. Rubbing the bump on my head it had really started to hurt more then it did when I woke up and I wasn't even on pills at the time. I could tell that they were getting concerned because they got a little closer then before. I really started to think that I'm losing it but before i could speak and ask them to move back or even what they wanted I started to feel myself start to fall back and everything goes dark.... Again