Cause Who Could Love The Broken


I can't get what she said out of head 'if you know what's best please stay away' what the fuck did she mean by that. FUCK. I don't even know her and she stuck in my head, why did she flinch when i grabbed her arm or why wouldn't look me in my eyes. That's the thing about me I notice little things in people, I'm very observant in many ways. I was taken out of thoughts when i heard Ethan yell my name.

"Ace!! Man are you okay you've been staring at the girl for 10 minutes" he says with a confused tone "Yeah man do you know who she is" I say really trying to figure out why i care i haven't spoken to no one other then the guys in 7 years why now out of all the times.

"Her name is Sila-Maria she on my art class really good if you ask me. Never has said a word. Why?"

Hmmmm she can draw and doesn't talk interesting will have to learn why pretty soon"you like her don't you" Ethan says with a smirk "dude i don't even know her. Let's go i wanna see my brother". As me and ethan walk into art I see Sila sitting in the back of the class looking down at the table like she in mid thought. Remembering what she had said pushing it out my mind I sit next her.I could see her face this time and she really beautiful I can't wait to see what her eyes look like. For the rest of the period We don't talk the hole period but when the bell rings she rushes out like she did in first period and drops a paper I pick it up but it's too late shealready left the class room. Looking at the picture in total shock i look around before running to find her.

I've been looking for her all around school. I know this picture meant something I just need to find out what..


Waiting outside jaidyn to come so he could help me find her was the longest 10 minutes of my life. All I kept thinking was that I'll miss her and I won't get to find out what the picture meant. As I seen Jaidyn come out of the school I rush to him holding on to the paper. I could see the way he's looking at me that he's confused but I didn't have time to explain I just needed him to help me find the Sila. "Jai bro we need to find Sila" I say trying to catch my breathe from having to run across the parking lot, we need to start parking closer. I put that as something to yell at Jai for later.

"What?! why dude" he says looking at me like he shocked to hear that come out my mouth, yeah I am too brother I am too. "She dropped this picture in art today and I want to know what it means" I show him the picture and his eyes get wide as he actually looks at it.

"Ummm this is deep man I don't know what to say" he says looking up from the picture "exactly what I've been saying all day I need to find her so she could explain it" I say looking at him with a confused face, like come on dude I said it was important. He turns around and looks around the parking lot looking for her. "i know she's important to you and I'm helping you cause you care so I care, I just want to know why" he say looking back at for a second then continues to look around.

"I don't know why I do bro I just do, she's different something wrong and a part of me wants to know why" I say now starting to walk around the parking lot towards the hallway. Going to grab the door but it's locked, I sighed and turned around only to see her walking to her car. "SILA!!! WAIT UP I'VE GOT SOMETHING FOR YOU" I say trying to catch up to her. She turns around and when shes sees me she hurries to her car and jumps in locking the door. What and the actual fuck is wrong with her I keep saying that to myself cause there is no way in hell that she could be that scared of me calling her name. As I start to get close the car she hurries up and starts the car driving off really fast. I sighed in defeat guess ill have to catch her tomorrow. Walking about to the car Jaidyn is looking at me with a smirk on his face, I tilt my head to the side in confusion.

"you like hee don't you" he says smiling. And I look at it for a moment cause I haven't seen it in so long I wanted to save the moment "No I don't I just want to be there for her is that a bad thing Jai?" he looks at me raises his eyebrows "If you say so bro bro" I look him with a death glare "I can't and will not let anyone new in my life so they could leave like they always do Jai I just want to there for her." I say looking out the window I know I'm lying to myself but she has something in her that won't let me stay away and I needed to fight it off before we both end up so fucked up that we wouldn't be able to handle it. "Okay Ace if that's what you wanna go with then it's fine" he saying in a more serious tone "if you want to be like that then go ahead but I can see it now what are you going to name the kids? ouuu how does uncle Jai Jai sound?" he starts laughing again, I just roll my eyes can continues looking out the window.