Steep Odds

Aktrius was in a fury. He had just gotten word that not only had the heroes defeated a prepared army of his creatures, but now had the second piece and were currently going to the Shadow Canyon. He slithered back and forth across the floor of the stone balcony in his anger, the other creatures making sure to stay a safe distance from the Snake leader, not just out of fear of the snake's anger, but also of what would happen should the heroes succeed on their quest.

"We must go to them ourselves now," and orc declared, "just as we should have a long time ago!"

"And if they kill us off," argued a Snake Man, then who will be around to conquer this part of the world for the Master, just as Lord Aktrius has?"

"If we don't do something now, then there won't be a world to conquer!"

The fighting intensified as other monsters joined in, and they began to get on the verge of a brawl. Suddenly, Aktrius let out a sharp hiss, immediately silencing everyone. As the creatures looked to their commander, the snake turned around to face them, a creepily calm look on his face.

"There is an old saying that I just remembered." he hissed.

"My lord?" one of the orcs asked. Aktrius paid no heed as he slithered over to one end of the podium, and, grabbing a protruding object from the wall, pulled it out to reveal an angular and deadly looking scimitar.

"If you want something done right," Aktrius continued as he looked at the blade, a devilish smile appearing on his face, "do it yourssself."

"We're almost there!" Adrion shouted.

The company had been flying for a little over fifteen minutes now as they made for the canyon as fast as possible. Adrion had to use the scroll for guidance because night had fallen and, while the moon was shining bright, it would be difficult to find something as dark as the Shadow Canyons. Fortunately, the scroll gave off its own magical light so the wizard could still read it.

"So what do we do once we get there?" Hope asked.

"We need to put the two pieces together at the top of the canyons," Adrion explained, "That should do the trick in lighting the place up."

"Sounds easy enough." River said.

"Oh please," Kai'sair snorted, "since when was anything on this quest easy?"

River only nodded: "Good point."

"Heads up, everyone!" Rhogar shouted to the others, "We're here!"

Adrion looked at the scroll and, sure enough, they had arrived at the Shadow Canyons.

"Where do you want us to land?" the dragon asked.

Adrion checked the map; the golden trail lead to what looked like a large stone at the top of the cliff. He then looked up from the map to see if he could find anything similar, and was thankfully able to find it thanks to the moonlight.

"There!" he said, pointing to the rock.

"Follow me, Paletar." Rhogar commanded, leading the other dragon towards the rock. The two set down next to it moments later, and the four heroes quickly dismounted.

"Kai'sair, get the piece on your saddle!" Adrion said, grabbing the piece of the relic on his own saddle. The knight promptly did so and the two began to make their way to the top of the stone to unite the pieces of the relic.

"Look out!" Paletar suddenly cried as something shot past the two dragons. Adrion and Kai'sair turned around only fast enough to see Aktrius bearing down on them. Instinctively, Adrion lit up the top of his staff, blinding the Snake and causing him to stop his approach long enough for the dragons to pounce and pin him to the ground. Hope then aimed an arrow at the snake's head.

"Hurry!" Rhogar shouted as he held the writhing creature, "I don't know how much longer we can hold him!"

As Adrion and Kai'sair sprinted up the stone, River darted in towards Aktrius, pinning her daggers against his neck.

"Move again, and it'll be your last." She hissed in his ear.

"You have no idea who you deal with now," the serpent replied.

"Judging by your tail, which only Snake commanders have," Paletar concluded, "You must be Aktrius himself."

"Clever beast," Aktrius hissed approvingly, "Indeed, I am."

River simply pinned the blades closer to his neck, causing him to hiss in anger.

Meanwhile, Adrion and Kai'sair made it to the top of the stone. As they looked out into the canyons, they saw only pitch blackness; the only source of light was a cluster of fires directly below them.

"Those fires must be where the Imperial Knights are," Kai'sair concluded.

"Probably," Adrion agreed, "Okay, let's put this relic together and finish this."

The two faced each other, and, each holding a half of the lantern, slowly began to join them together. As they did, the crystal in Kai'sair's half began to glow with a pure white light which only got brighter the closer the pieces got. Once the pieces touched, Adrion rotated his half to lock it in, and the two lifted the relic above them as the crystal, empowered by the light from the moon, sent a massive beam of light into the canyon.

The light cut right through the darkness exposing everything inside. As they watched, the heroes could see the entire floor of the canyon…including the massive horde of Skull Beasts that were approaching the knights' camp, but now stumbled in confusion from the sudden light.

The beasts were all different shapes and sizes; not just the wolf-like brutes Adrion and the others encountered on the plains. There were also some that resembled birds, snakes, bulls, and all kinds of other animals. Adrion shuddered as he saw the beasts; it was one thing seeing the animal as it was, but when it was a twisted, undead version of itself…

"I'm all the way up here, and those things are still terrifying." Adrion told Kai'sair.

Before Kai'sair could respond, a horn sounded out from the canyon. The two looked down to see multiple knights rallying together and rushing out to meet the dark monsters. As they watched, the knights, accompanied by their own wolves, these ones more natural looking aside from their large size and stark white fur, charge the beast and begin to cut them down.

Adrion whooped for joy as he watched the battle unfold below.

"We did it!" he exclaimed.

The joy was cut short as the two heard River and Hope scream behind them and whipped around to see Aktrius had somehow wriggled out of the dragons' grip, stunned them with a tail whip to the head, then grabbed Hope by the neck and forcing her to drop her bow with his tail, and then grabbed River with his arms, pinning his scimitar to her neck.

Kai'sair and Adrion pointed their weapons at the snake.

"Let them go!" Adrion demanded.

"First give me the lantern!" Aktrius responded with the same tone, "I have come too far now to be stopped by some boy!"

The dragons had by now recovered, but stayed back a bit as they took stock of the situation.

By now, Hope was also clawing at the scaly tail wrapped around her neck as she tried to breathe.

"These two won't last much longer," Aktrius threatened, "Choose quickly."

"Don't give it to him!" River shouted, causing the Snake Man to press his blade harder to her throat; Adrion could now see a trickle of blood running down her neck. It was clear they were running low on options.

"Why are you even after us?" Adrion asked, "What did we ever do to you?"

Aktrius, though frustrated by this obvious distraction, was intrigued by the question (snakes are always intrigued by such questions). He calmly replied: "You've done nothing. Not to me at least."

"Then why hunt us?" Kai'sair demanded.

"You've interfered with my master's plan. I cannot allow it to go any further."

"Well, we won't allow your master to succeed either." Adrion shot back, the memory of his encounter with Negramor still fresh in his mind.

"I sssupose we are at a stalemate, then." The snake replied, "It's a shame these two lovely creatures would have to die because of it."

Adrion's heart beat furiously with fear; he didn't want to lose either of his friends here.

'C'mon, think' he thought to himself 'What do I do?'

"Trust" came the word in his head, as if someone spoke in his mind.

Adrion took a few deep breaths; he needed to trust in himself that he would see this through as well as save his friends. Besides, he had the White King on his side; if he believed Adrion would finish it, then Adrion would truly finish it. Slowly, an idea came into his head.

"Alright." He finally said, "I give up. You can have it."

"WHAT?!" Everyone shouted. Even Aktrius raised an eye ridge in surprise.

"Adrion, have you LOST it?!" Kai'sair demanded.

"Relax. I know what I'm doing" the wizard replied. Then turning back to Aktrius, "I'll give you the relic, but YOU have to let them go FIRST. That's the deal."

Aktrius thought for a moment, then shrugged: "Oh well, if you insist?"

Promptly, he loosened his grip on both River and Hope, and River immediately ran towards Rhogar, dragging a dazed and almost unconscious Hope with her. The Snake turned back to Adrion, "Alright, your turn. Hand it over."

Kai'sair aimed his sword across Adrion's throat: "Don't you do it."

Adrion looked back at the knight and gave a sly wink: "Relax. I got this."

Kai'sair noticed the wink, and realized something else was going on, so he relented and let Adrion take the lantern. Adrion then walked up to Aktrius, who in turn slithered up to meet him. Once the two got close enough, Adrion held out the lantern, and the Snake then grabbed it as the others watched in disbelief.

However, as Aktrius pulled to take the relic, he noticed that Adrion wasn't letting go. Then, he noticed the wizard smirk.

"Got ya." Adrion chuckled, suddenly lighting up the end of his staff right in the Snake's face. Aktrius fell back, blinded, and only had time to get up before Adrion jumped forward, switching his staff out for his sword, and plunged the blade straight through the Snake's chest. Aktrius stared in disbelief at the sword in his torso, then looked at Adrion.

"Not…possible." The Snake gasped.

Adrion replied with a chuckle: "With the White King, anything is possible. Now, Rhogar, would you care to do the honors?"

"With pleasure" the dragon replied, launching himself forward. Adrion removed his sword just as Rhogar snatched up the dying Snake commander in his talons and flew him over the canyon, dropping the body into the chasm below. Adrion walked up to the edge of the stone and looked over at the fallen form of Aktrius, now lying among the many forms of the Skull Beasts that had been killed by the knights and their wolves.

He was unaware that his companions had run up behind him until River caught him in a bear hug.

"You mad genius!" she cried, "I thought you had gone nuts!"

Adrion laughed: "Me? Nah, not that easily."

He then turned his head to see Kai'sair solemnly looking him right in the eyes, and then hold out his hand.

"That was a pretty crazy plan," the knight said, "But it was nicely done. You have my respect."

Adrion shook the knight's hand: "Thanks."

It was then at this one moment that Hope decided to shoot awake, launching herself off of Paletar's back with her short sword drawn.

"Yahhhh!!" he cried, only to fall face first into the ground, causing everyone else to laugh.

"Relax." Kai'sair explained as he helped her up, "We won."

"Really?" Hope asked, lighting up in a smile.

Adrion nodded: "We did it. Now all that's left for us to do is sit here and watch what happens."

"Look!" river exclaimed, and the others looked to see the remaining Skull Beasts were fleeing.

"They're running away!" Paletar observed.

"Not that!" River said, pointing elsewhere, "THAT."

The others followed her finger and saw a massive, dark brown dragon standing farther down at another edge of the cliff. Judging by his bulky features and dark color, it was a Stone Drake, but there was something unusual about it.

"It has wings." Adrion marveled, "I thought the Stone Drakes don't have wings."

"They don't" Rhogar confirmed, "But that's not just any Stone Drake."

"That's Bold'r." Paletar gasped, "In the flesh."

"Woah, hold on," Kai'sair interjected, "The king of the Earth dragons?! That's him?"

"I'm very certain." Paletar replied, "But what's he doing here?"

As if to answer his question, Bold'r reared up, and let loose a deep blasting roar that echoed throughout the entire canyon, causing the others to cover their ears. The roar lasted for at least ten seconds, then stopped, only for another rumbling noise, followed by panicked shrieks, to occur. The company soon realized that the Earth King's roar had caused a part of the cliff to collapse on top of the remaining Skull Beasts, killing them instantly.

"Well…" Adrion said in amazement, "Alright then."

"That's one way to do it, I guess." Kai'sair casually replied.

"Sooo, what now?" River asked.

Just then, a screeching sound was heard, and the company looked down to see a group a Griffins and their Imperial Knight riders approach them.

"Now," Adrion answered, "I think we speak with those guys."