Return Home

Everything went almost as good as they had hoped. The Knights were obviously grateful for their help and offered them a place to rest for the night; the company was all too happy to agree and crashed almost immediately when they got into their sleeping tents. The next morning, the group woke up to the smell of frying bacon and walked out to see the triumphant Imperial Knights cooking a small breakfast before packing up their camp. The now completed Light of Lunare rested in the center of the camp and illuminated the canyon as if it was morning.

One of the Knights noticed he group as they walked out of the tent and waved them over: "You four must be hungry."

Hope nodded eagerly: "Yeah, we kinda are."

"I think you mean we REALLY are." Adrion said, "I haven't had a good meal in almost a day."

The knight chuckled: "Well, come help yourselves. I'm sure there's plenty to spare."

The company eagerly came to take what food the Knights offered them and sat down with the other Knights to eat. The White Wolves sat eagerly nearby as a Knight would occasionally toss one a bit of bacon, something even Hope, out of her fondness for animals, took part in. Rhogar and Paletar sat with the griffin mounts and were currently being treated to their own breakfast of fresh deer.

Suddenly, a griffin's cry could be heard above them as Gale's mount, followed by Bold'r, descended, landing near the other griffins. Gale himself then dismounted and walked over to the group.

"It's good to see you all" he told the heroes, "and in one piece too."

"It's good to see you too, Gale." Adrion said, "I can't believe we actually did it."

"Well, you better start believing it" the Knight messenger chuckled, "The King Himself knew you would succeed, though I was honestly surprised at your decisions, facing Aktrius like you did."

"That was pretty scary, to be honest." Adrion admitted, "But when I remembered to trust in the right things, I was able to figure something out."

"And that's the way it should be" the captain of the Knights spoke up, "Us Imperial Knights do the same thing when we face a powerful enemy. As long as the White King is on our side, we know we will win."

"Well said, Curtz," Bold'r declared.

Rhogar and Paletar bowed to the Earth Dragon.

"We are honored to be in your presence, mighty Bold'r" Paletar declared.

"And I in yours" Bold'r replied, turning to face the two dragons, "You need not bow to me. After all, it was you two who helped these heroes on their quest; I've heard of the lengths you went to protect them."

Rhogar straightened up: "We suffered too, yes, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Adrion is a close as a friend as you can get.

"And Kai'sair is as loyal to the King as he is his own friends." Paletar added.

Adrion and Kai'sair smiled to themselves as they heard their dragons speak about them.

Bold'r chuckled: "I'm sure they are. You should be proud of yourselves as much as you are of them."

Adrion turned to Gale: "This is it then?"

Gale nodded: "It is indeed. Your quest has reached its end, and you may return home."

"Does this mean we have to split up?" River asked, "It feels like we've grown too close."

Adrion thought for a moment, then shook his head: "No. We should stick together; friends always do. I'm sure you all will be welcome back at Moonbeam once I explain everything."

River and Hope smiled at this response; they weren't ready to be separated from this group so soon. Adrion then walked over to Rhogar and, pulling the sword and scroll from the saddle and handing them to Gale, said: "I guess you'll need these back then."

Gale gently pushed them back towards Adrion: "Keep them. They're yours now, and I'm sure you'll find them helpful should you decide to make any future adventures."

Adrion smiled as he returned the sword and scroll to their places.

Gale then addressed the four heroes: "On behalf of the White King, I thank you all for your fulfillment of the quest. You should be proud of yourselves; the King certainly is."

"You two should be proud as well" Bold'r said to Rhogar and Paletar, "You have my respect for sure."

"And the Prince and Princess?" Adrion asked, "I met them during my quest. Did they say anything?"

"You saw the Prince and Princess?" the Knight captain, Curtz, exclaimed.

Bold'r spoke up: "That doesn't surprise me. Those two haven't been able to show themselves physically yet, but that doesn't stop them from helping in other ways."

The other Imperial Knights nodded and murmured in agreement.

"Actually, funny you should mention that" Gale said, "Because I actually do have something from them I was told to give you."

Here he opens the bag on his griffin's saddle and pulls out a small scroll as well as four packages. As he takes them out, he gives one package and the scroll to Adrion and divided the remaining three packages among the other heroes.

"Read the scroll first." Gale instructed. Adrion promptly opened it and began to read out loud to the others. As he read, the message revealed to be divided into different parts, one addressed to each of them.


I cannot express how happy I am for you and your success. You've proven that you are capable of far more than even your Headmaster believes you are. You may not have realized it then, but you went up against some of the evilest creatures to ever spawn from the Shadow Lands, though I'm sure that some of that was obvious concerning your dream visit from Negramor. Your encounter with Aktrius merely solidified my belief in your faith as well as your drive to do what is right. That being said, I have decided to anoint you a full-fledged Guardian Wizard…

Adrion paused here as he tried to grasp what had just been said. the other knights murmured in amazement while Adrion's companions merely stared in awe; to become a Guardian Wizard, one of personally anointed magical protectors of Pandreia, at his age was practically unheard of. Gale nudged Adrion, prompting him to continue reading.

In your package you will find what you need to make such an anointing official. I have seen to it that you are permitted to continue your studies at Moonbeam, though I am sure your peers will be seeing you in a completely different light now. All you need bother yourself with for right now though is rest; you've earned it. Remember, me and my brother will always be there to guide you.


I know this sudden calling may have seemed a bit of a surprise at first, but the way I see it, you took it rather well. My brother was actually the one to create the oath of the Guardian Knights; the very oath you took on that day at Dragonsfold. He's incredibly pleased with the warrior you've become and, just as I have nominated Adrion a Guardian Wizard, he has decided to anoint you as a Guardian Knight.

The other Imperial Knight raised their swords and let out a cry of: "Hoo-rah!" when Adrion read this. All Kai'sair could was steady himself as the gravity of the nomination, one very similar to the Guardian Wizards, fell on him.

This anointment carries a lot of responsibility, but my brother is sure you will be able to live up to it, and so do I.

Rhogar and Paletar,

I know you may seem very proud of your companions. I too am proud of your loyalty and dedication to them. My only wish is that you do not falter in that loyalty and continue to fight by their sides on their future adventures.

Finally, River and Hope,

To be honest, I am not always aware of my father's full plans, so I was surprised to see you two had joined in on the adventure. However, seeing you now, I realize that maybe you were meant to join after all. What can I say, my father works in mysterious ways. I'm happy for both of you and hope to see where your journey takes you.

For the entire company,

I have concealed gifts for each of you along with this letter. Each one will help in future adventures; I'm sure. Consider it a reward for completing the quest. My only advice is be ready; I feel that your adventure is far from over. Best of luck to each of you.

-Princess Harmony

"Wow," Adrion said as he closed the scroll, "I had no idea she cared that much about us."

"You better get used to it," Gale replied, "The Princess loves all life here on Pandreia."

"Well," Bold'r interceded, "Most of them. Much like us, she can't stand the dark monsters of the Shadow Lands."

Gale nodded: "True enough. Well, heroes, go ahead; open the packages"

Adrion opened his first, revealing a smooth, pure white jewel. Holding it up, Adrion realized it was a staff gem, and promptly removed the jewel in his staff, replacing it with the new one. As soon as he did, the new jewel flared out with a bright light, covering the rest of the staff in white energy. After a few seconds, the energy dissolved, and a new staff, one with the image of a dragon's head encasing the jewel, was revealed.

Kai'sair's package was longer than everyone else's and, when he opened it, he pulled out a sword with a silver hilt outlined with gems that shone like gold. The scabbard was a chocolate brown with a silver, steel frame, and when Kai'sair pulled the sword out, the blade seemed to radiate its own divine light. The knight only marveled at the sight.

"It's…amazing." He finally said in awe.

Gale nodded: "A weapon fit for a Guardian."

River got a silver necklace with a blue amulet shaped like a water dragon which Gale claimed would strengthen her power over water, and Hope got dark green armor for her forearms that matched the rest of her ranger outfit rather nicely.

"I love them" Hope agreed, "Useful yet fashionable."

"Those should serve you well" Gale said, "They show that you are an ally of Guardians and have fought alongside them. They are not something to be taken lightly though; a very small few have ever earned those."

Hope stood up and gave a small bow: "Then I will try to wear them with pride."

Gale nodded, then raised his sword: "Behold, the new Guardians of Pandreia!"

The other Imperial Knight raised their weapons in response, chanting: "Hoo-ah! Hoo-ah! Hoo-ah!" Even the griffins screeched in chorus.

All the heroes and dragons could do was sit back in amazement, joy filling each of their hearts.

"Ya know" Adrion jokingly said to everyone once they had calmed down, "A simple 'thanks' would have worked too."

A good laugh echoed among the crowd before the wizard continued: "Being serious though; when I left on this quest I was just trying to help you guys; I never expected anything this grand in return. So, I guess, I owe you all a thanks as well."

"Hey," Curtz said, "You're the one who saved us from a horde of undead Skull Beasts; that's not something we Imperial Knights take lightly."

"Also" Bold'r added, "It was your selflessness that truly gave you this reward. It's as you said; you were never expecting anything really exciting in return. Those who help and expect little, earn much."

"I'm starting to wonder why they call you the mighty one and not the wise one." Adrion said to the earth dragon.

Bold'r chuckled in response: "Believe me, I'm nowhere near as wise as my brother, Hydraxus."

"I'd believe that," River asked, "So, what now?"

"Now, there's only one thing left." Adrion replied, "Time to go home."

"I can escort you back to Moonbeam if you wish" Bold'r offered, "Make it a sort of honorary return if you will."

Kai'sair looked at the others: "What do you guys think?"

Adrion shrugged: "No harm in it. What do you girls think?"

River shrugged: "Why not?"

Hope, however, was starting to become her giddy self again and started bouncing with excitement: "You mean, fly alongside a dragon KING?! Oh my gosh, ABSOLUTELY!"

"Here we go again…" Rhogar said.

Adrion simply rolled his eyes in amusement, and then turned to the earth dragon king and nodded respectfully: "We'd be honored."

"Just a heads up though." Paletar said, "Hope talks A LOT, so be sure to keep your patience intact."

"Hey!" Hope protested, sparking a laugh from the others, a laugh Hop joined in on after a few moments.

Bold'r chuckled: "I will certainly keep that in mind, Paletar. Now, when shall we be off?"

About a half hour later, the heroes were all rested up, packed up, and mounted up, ready to return home. At Adrion's command, Rhogar, Paletar, and Bold'r took to the skies, and, with the Imperial Knights waving their farewells, the three dragons and their companions flew off and towards Moonbeam Academy. Adrion basked in the wind during the ride; he was incredibly relieved the journey was over and was excited to see his old friends again. Just then, he felt something wrap around him, and looked to see River wrap her arms around his torso.

"Still nervous about heights, huh?" he asked the half-dragon.

"Uhhh, yeah, something like that." River replied, though there was something in her voice that made Adrion feel like there was more to it than that. Whatever the reason was, he didn't care; being close to her always made him feel happy inside, a feeling he didn't want to lose.

As Paletar predicted, Hope didn't stop talking for the whole trip, constantly asking Bold'r questions or going over one of the experiences the group had on the journey.

Kai'sair pulled his helmet over his head as Hope asked Bold'r: "Did you know that I was the one who helped save them from the spiders?"

"Did you know silence on long trips prevents insanity?" Kai'sair asked back.

Hope laughed: "That's not true, is it?"

"No, it's definitely true" Adrion said.

Bold'r chuckled: "Yes, I know. As I said, I know of everything that passes through the ground."

"Fascinating" Hope said.

Meanwhile, Rhogar looked back to Adrion: "You doing alright, kid?"

Adrion nodded: "I'm just glad we're finally going home."

Then, after a few moments, he asked: "Rhogar, what do you think will happen when we get back?"

"I don't know" the dragon replied, "but I'm sure we'll be fine."

Adrion looked forward, and brightened up to see the towers of Moonbeam in the distance and closing: "Well, only one way to find out." He said.

As they approached, they heard a growl as a group of dragons flew out to meet them. In the front was Flannery on her dragon, Zukar. The dragons started to approach with confidence, but immediately stopped in midair at the sight of Bold'r.

Flannery's eyes widened when she saw Bold'r, but the real surprise for her came when she saw Adrion and his new friends.

"Oh my!" she exclaimed: "Adrion! You're back, and in one piece too!"

Adrion nodded: "I thought you would be teaching a class right now."

"Oh, my period just ended. So, who are your new friends?"

Adrion gestured to the others and introduced the others to Flannery, who, not surprisingly accepted each of them with open arms (literally, she personally went and hugged each of them). Then, she eventually decided to lead them back into Moonbeam and announce their arrival. She would have too, it Bold'r hadn't let out a massive bellow that did it for her and nearly destroyed the eardrums of those around him.

The bellow did its job, however, and Adrion could see a massive crowd of students, dragons, nymphs, and griffins run out into the courtyard to see what the commotion was about, gaping up in awe and surprise at the sight of the four dragons, one of them being massive, soaring into the courtyard, landing right in the middle of the crowd. Adrion quickly raised his hands to greet everyone: "Relax, everyone. We come in peace."

"Adrion!" cried a voice from the group. The wizard looked to see Elm run up to him, Draco close behind.

"You're back!" Elm cried in joy.

Adrion shrugged: "Yeah, and in one piece too."

Draco snorted and crossed his arms: "I'm impressed."

Elm then immediately noticed the others and pointed at them: "Who are these guys?"

Adrion dismounted: "It's probably best if we go inside for that; we have a LOT to talk about.

The next chain of events happened rather quickly. The Headmaster had decided that Adrion and his new friends go to the speaking podium to recount the quest to the rest of the school. Each of the four did their best, filling in wherever they could, but it was Adrion who did most of the talking. The crowd gave mixed reactions throughout the whole thing, from oohs and aahs to occasional shouts of surprise or joy. Eventually, Adrion finished recounting everything that had happened, and it was clear he and the others were still a bit exhausted from the journey, so the Headmaster finally decided that Adrion be allowed to return to his room. His new team was allowed to stay with him until the staff could find them separate rooms.

That night, Adrion reclined in his bed for the first time in days, relieved more than anything to be back home. River, Hope, and Kai'sair all had sleeping bags that they laid out on the floor, which they too now laid in. As for the dragons, they slept in the rafters above, which were sturdy enough to hold their weight.

Hope let out a massive sigh of relief: "Aahhh, it feels good to be in a soft bed again."

"Without any possible threat from Spiders or undead wolves." River added.

"You said it." Adrion said.

"The only relief I have" Kai'sair said, "Is that of knowing that we did it. We finished our quest."

"Kicked some tail" Hope added.

"Made new friends" River said, looking over at Adrion.

Adroin smiled: "Trusted what was right as well as each other."

Rhogar snorted: "I couldn't have said it any better myself."

Kai'sair nodded: "Well, we should get some sleep. I'm sure we've still got a bit to do tomorrow."

"G'night!" Hope said as she laid down.

The others all followed suit and laid down. Adrion smiled as he looked at each of them one last time before snuffing out the torches lighting the room. As he himself laid down, he realized that he too had no idea what was to come tomorrow or in the days ahead. What he did know, however, was that he, Adrion Highstar, student wizard turned Guardian, would face it so long as he had his friends by his side and his trust in the King strong. And River…well, he wasn't quite sure where that was going to go yet, but one step at a time was all it took. With that happy thought, he drifted off to sleep in the peace of the Academy.

It was good to be home.

As they slept, a pure white bird rested on the windowsill watching them. Once it was satisfied with what it saw, it flew off into the night.