Prologue: Fortress Attack

It was nighttime at the old fortress. What was once a hideout for evil now lay almost desolate, with a few creatures still remaining. Such a thing happens to a fortress formerly inhabited by dark monsters when the one commanding them dies, and these creatures had lost their commander just recently. A large skeleton in tattered clothes and armor stood at an open precipice, looking out into the horizon.

His name was Rorshak, and he was the elite hunter of the Snake Commander, Aktrius until the snake was killed only a week ago. Now Rorshak had taken command of the few creatures that didn't flee the area. As he looked out into the surrounding country, he became unaware of the events that were happening below him.

Down in the lower levels, a group of orcs and Bone Wraiths stood around, some deep in thought, others sharpening their weapons, and all unaware of three hidden figures watching from the shadows.

"Well, I see these creatures everywhere in this fortress" one of the figures, a Lizard Man, hissed, "But are you sure this is the place?"

"Skalidor" replied another voice, this one more human, "My scouts confirmed it. This is the only place that snake, Aktrius could have hidden out."

"Even if it isn't" The third said in a metallic voice, "At least we get to bring this place down."

"Agreed" the Lizard Man replied.

"On my mark" the second voice said.

There were a few moments of silence, the creatures were still unaware of the figures' presence. Suddenly, the second figure revealed a bow and arrow, aiming at one of the unsuspecting orcs.

"Now" he whispered as he fired the arrow. The projectile went clean through the orc's head, killing it immediately. As it fell dead, the other monsters looked in shock and whipped around just as the three hidden figures emerged: a Lizard Man, a Wood Elf, and what looked like a giant, armored man, except there was no man in the armor. This was the king of the living suits of armor known as the Iron Knights, Grind.

Grind swung a mace high above him and brought it down on another orc's head, shattering its skull in a single strike with a burst of green blood, he then grabbed another orc by the head, crushing it in his bare hand. The Elf, King Varitan, drew a short sword and began dueling a Bone Wraith, making quick work of it thanks to his speed and better swordsmanship. The Lizard Man, Skalidor, carried a battle axe and swung it in a deadly arc, cleaving off three enemy heads at one. Within moments, the creatures in the room were all cleared out.

"That was it?" Grind asked, flexing his arms and shaking the orc blood off of his metal hands, "Hmph, boring."

"Relax, Grind" Varitan reassured, "We still have Rorshak to deal with."

Skalidor hefted his axe "Well then, what are we waiting for?"

The three made their way to the upper levels, cutting down every monster they could find along the way. Finally, they came to the precipice where Rorshak stood. Catching their scent, the Bone Wraith turned to face them.

"Rorshak" Skalidor growled, "I've been waiting a long time for this."

The skeleton merely drew his scimitar "You'll only find death here."

"I doubt that" Varitan said, "what with your boss gone and all."

Rorshak raised his sword as a crowd of orcs, Bone Wraiths, spiders, and other hideous creatures appeared all around the room.

Grind raised his mace "This is more like it."

Just then, a screeching echoed in the air as a dark, winged shape dropped down next to Rorshak, and as it stood up, the three attackers were filled with dread as the figure revealed itself to be one of the three Shadow Drakes, evil half-dragons that looked like mere shadows under their dark grey armor. Rorshak chuckled.

"I think you may find your hands full in this case."

"Yeah" Grind replied raising his mace, "My hands full of your crushed heads!"

"As you wish" Rorshak said, and the Shadow Drake screeched "Get them!", signaling the monsters to charge forward with the intention to rip the three apart.

However, they soon realized that was going to be more difficult than they had anticipated; the three attackers were very powerful. Grind swung his mace in wide arcs, breaking bones and tossing monsters aside with every swing. Varitan drew a second elven sword and cut down two Bone Wraiths and then stabbed both his swords across an orc's neck, slicing its neck and causing the head to fly off once the elf had removed his swords.

Skalidor was a truly terrifying sight, cleaving heads, legs, and all other manner of limbs with his axe. An orc attempted to jump on the Lizard Man's back, only for Skalidor to catch the creature and quickly bite its head off, spitting it out at a Bone Wraith as he tossed the body aside. The Lizard's snout was covered with blood after a few minutes of combat.

Rorshak soon realized the fight wasn't going in his favor and started forward to attack, only for the Shadow Drake to stop him with its wing.

"Not yet" it hissed, "Wait until they are more tired from the fighting."

"Fine" Rorshak growled, backing up again. Withing a few moments, all of the monsters, save for Roshak and the Shadow Drake, lay dead in pools of their own blood around the floor in the room. The three attackers themselves were barely wounded (in Grind's case, not at all), but were panting from the battle.

The Shadow Drake chuckled as the three turned to face it and cracked its knuckles "My turn"

Varitan raised his sword, "You know you won't win. As long as the White King is on our side, you'll never succeed."

Rorshak and the Drake recoiled at the mention of the King's name, btu then they both charged forward, the Drake drawing two, jagged swords as it lunged. The three braced themselves for the oncoming assault. Grind was the first to react, bringing up his mace and intercepting the Drake's blades.

Skalidor and Varitan battled with Rorshak, and the skeleton proved to be surprisingly capable of holding his own, parrying both swords and axe in a flurry of motion. Unfortunately, the skeleton realized he had overestimated his opponents as Skalidor dropped his axe and grabbed the skeleton in his claws, giving Varitan enough time to drive both his swords through Rorshak's head, the blades coming out of the skeleton's eye sockets. As Skalidor dropped the now dead Rorshak, he and Varitan ran to face the Shadow Drake, who was still locked in battle with Grind.

The Shadow Drake was fast and struck with accurate blows, but it failed to remember that Iron Knights, being hollow suits of animated armor, are practically invincible and don't tire out. They do have a weak spot, but it is very difficult to find and even more so to hit. Eventually, Grind reached up and grabbed the Shadow Drake by the head, throwing it into the wall. Varitan and Skalidor finally joined Grind as the Drake crumpled to the ground.

"Had enough?" Grind taunted.

The Drake merely laughed, then spoke in a new voice, one far more sinister "This changes nothing. My plan for this pitiful world is still in action."

The three looked at each other in shock; only one person in all of Pandreia spoke like that.

"Negramor" Skalidor growled, turning back to the Drake, which returned his gaze, the once black eyeholes in the helmet now glowing a faint orange, the sign of Negramor's temporary possession of the Drake.

"You cannot stop the inevitable. Pandreia will be mine." he said.

"Don't count in it, necromancer" Grind shot back, "You know full well what your future is."

As they talked, they were unaware of a stark white dove that had flown in and landed on a ledge above the room, listening in on their conversation.

"Maybe" Negramor replied to Grind, "But that won't stop me from taking as much as I can from the King before that happens. I may not be able to conquer all of it, but I won't let Him rule it all either."

Suddenly, the dove flew down in between them and then erupted into a flash of light, causing the three to stumble back in surprise as they, along with Negramor, covered their eyes. As the light died down, they looked to see that in the dove's place stood a young girl in a flowing, pure white dress, her shining golden hair flowing down her shoulders like a golden river. Her eyes were a calm, light blue, but her gaze on the Drake was fierce.

The Drake backed away as Negramor recognized the girl that stood in front of him.

"You…" he whispered, "but…that's impossible!"

"Not anymore" the girl replied, "Me and my brother have finally been allowed to show ourselves, and now we have come to stop you once and for all. Now, leave before I destroy you where you stand."

The Drake managed to stand up and glared at the girl "We are far from through, Princess Harmony. FAR from through!"

With that, the Drake flapped his wings and disappeared in a cloud of smoke and dust. Once she was sure the creature had left, the girl turned to face the now awe-stricken three, who could feel the radiance of power from her and knew immediately who she was the second they looked into her eyes. After a moment, they simultaneously knelt before her.

"Princess Harmony" Varitan said first, "We are honored to be in your presence."

Harmony nodded, "You three may rise."

They promptly did so, as Skalidor asked, "So, it's true: you and your brother are here at last?"

Harmony nodded "Father had decided that now is the time. We must bring the nations back together to face the coming darkness. My brother already heads for the kingdom of Men in the mountains, and I must soon join him."

"What do wish for us to do?" Grind asked.

"Varitan, you are to bring your people to the hidden fortress in the middle of Pandreia."

"As you wish" Varitan said with a bow.

"Skalidor, Grind" Harmony continued, "You are to return to your kingdoms and wait. You will be needed in the near future and may only move for the fortress once that duty is fulfilled."

"How will we know when it is fulfilled." Grind asked.

"You will know when one sent by either me or my brother comes to you and asks for your aid, and I know just who to send." Harmony replied, thinking back to a very particular group of heroes who had gained her favor in the past despite their younger age and rather differing personalities, "They haven't failed me in the past, and I have full faith that they will be ready for what is to come…"