
Adrion and Rhogar found the rest of the group down in a small glen outside of the palace, where Elm was busy retelling some of her more interesting stories from her time at Moonbeam to Darius. Once, she had brought up Adrion's leaving on his first quest however, River, Kai'sair, and Hope had to join in, filling in whatever details about the quest Darius wanted to hear. They were currently talking about how Adrion outwitted the snake, Aktrius.

"We actually thought he had gone crazy" Hope said, "The way he just casually said he would give Aktrius the relic, but then, we saw him not let go when the snake grabbed it and I knew what was really happening."

"You were unconscious on a dragon's back, Hope." Kai'sair said, smiling in amusement. Hope quickly attempted to hush the knight, causing the others to laugh. River then noticed Adrion and Rhogar's approach. "They're back!"

The group then rushed to meet him as Elm asked. "So, how'd it go?"

"She's letting us restock our supplies before sending us off." Adrion replied.

"I thought she would" Darius said, "She's been interested in you and your gang ever since word of your last quest got here."

"Anything else?" Draco asked.

"Not much, though the Prince and Princess are there. They're the ones who are really calling us."

The others needed a few minutes to process that; Hope and Elm were on the verge of fainting.

"Wait" Kai'sair said, "THE Prince and Princess?! Are you sure?"

"I recognized them from my vision." Adrion confirmed, "It's them."

Darius whistled in surprise. "Wow, you guys really are the real deal if those two want you."

"If that's the case" Paletar said, "than we shouldn't waste any more time. We must make for Dragonsfold as soon as possible."

"Agreed" Shado said, "They are eager to meet you."

"I'll get the supplies" Darius offered, "Head for the entrance to the cave; I'll meet you there."

With that, he, along with a group of other elves, ran off.

"We should hurry" Elm said, "He tends to be faster than you realize."

Adrion nodded. "Let's move then!"

A few minutes later, the company waited at the mouth of the cave just as Darius and the other Night Elf Rangers arrived on the backs of other Stone Drakes, multiple fresh sacks of food and water slung over the dragons' saddles.

"Will this be enough?" Darius asked.

"You do realize it's not that much farther to Dragonsfold, right?" Elm asked.

Darius shrugged. "Better safe than sorry."

Adrion didn't seem to mind and had the others grab what they think they would need, moving the sacks to the saddles of their own dragons.

"That everything?" Adrion asked.

"All good here!" Elm replied. The other riders confirmed the same.

"You're welcome back here anytime" Darius told the wizard.

"I'll remember" Adrion said, "Thank you for your help."

"Anything for a friends of Elm's. A friend of her is a friend of me."

After exchanging a few more farewells, Adrion spurred Rhogar into the air, the other following close behind (except Baltroc, who dug underground to follow them).

"How much farther to Dragonsfold?" Adrion asked.

"Not far" Elm said, "A few more hours at best."

They spent the next few hours in relative silence as they marveled at the landscape of the mountains; all different spots and shades of grey, brown, green, and white. They were only startled out of admiring the landscape when a bell tolled in the distance.

"Was that the Night Elf bell?" Hope asked.

Kai'sair perked up. "No, that's the Teleris Bell Tower. We're here!"

Sure enough, the group could see a massive fortress in the distance. The town in front of it was dwarfed next to it, but it was a moderate size. The entire settlement was surrounded by a dense forest.

"That's the Academy?" Adrion asked.

"No, that's just Teleris. It's the town near the Academy. The Academy itself is that fortress in the distance."

Suddenly, they heard a dragon's roar coming from nearby and scattered just in time as another glistening Ice Dragon shot past, screeching at the top of its lungs. Rhogar quickly regained his balance in the air, causing Adrion to breathe a sigh of relief.

"You ok, River?" he asked. Behind him, River was clutching Adrion's body tighter than she ever had before.

"I'm fine" she squeaked, "I just hope I get down soon."

Meanwhile, Kai'sair noticed the dragon and its rider…and groaned in frustration. "That's NOT FUNNY!"

Laughing could be heard as the Ice Dragon pulled up in front of Rhogar, revealing the rider to be a young girl with blue hair and wearing knight's armor.

"Come on" she teased, "We're just saying hello. Isn't that right, Glacia?"

The Ice Dragon, Glacia, chuckled, "Of course we are."

Kai'sair groaned again. Hope began to catch on to what was happening and lit up. "This is your sister?"

Kai'sair sighed. "Yup. Everyone, meet Luna."

The others each waved as Kai'sair introduced them.

"It's so amazing to meet you all!" Luna said, "I'd talk more, but Harmony really wants to see you, so follow me!"

Seeing no other choice, the company followed Luna and Glacia to what appeared to be somewhat large camp in a clearing of the forest. Tents of multiple sizes and colors were scattered about in no real pattern, and various people and dragons were seen mingling about, doing some task.

"What's all this?" Kai'sair asked, "I don't remember this being here."

"That's because it's new" Shado explained. Luna added. "Yeah, it's a camp for those who followed the Ancient Oath. We became so alienated by Rowena that we finally said, "Screw it!" and built a new camp out here, where we accept just about anyone willing to contribute to the cause."

"She's gotten worse, hasn't she?" Kai'sair asked.


Adrion spoke up, "Queen Freya showed me. They've been harassing townspeople recently."

Kai'sair's resulting expression made Adrion nervous that the knight was going to tear something in half, though he luckily regained his composure as they landed in the camp. Luna was cheerfully greeted by other knights as they came up to lead the dragons to the makeshift stables.

As The company dismounted, Luna immediately ran up and grabbed Kai'sair in a massive bear hug.

"I missed you" she cheerfully said, "so much."

Kai'sair was taken aback at first, but then slowly wrapped his arms around his sister. "I missed you too, you divebombing lunatic."

Luna giggled as they pulled away.

"I always did love a heartwarming reunion" said a girl's voice as a majestic figure in a white dress approached. Adrion recognized her immediately and couldn't help but smile. "Guys, that's her."

The others were confused for a split second, but then they felt her calming presence, as if it was far more peaceful just by her being there. They then knew that this was Princess Harmony, and immediately knelt before her.

"We're honored, Your Highness." Kai'sair said.

"Rise, heroes" Harmony said, and the others promptly did so. The Princess then turned to Luna.

"Well done, Lady Luna" she said, "It delight me to see that you continue to prove yourself loyal. You as well, Shado"

Luna blushed and smiled, just as Baltroc appeared out of the ground and Draco dismounted.

"What did I…miss…" he began to say, but then he and Luna locked eyes. Adrion sensed that something happened between them just then, something Kai'sair might not be too pleased with.

Draco walked up. "Uh, hi."

Luna waved. "Hi, I'm Luna."


Luna awkwardly brushed her hair behind her ear. Kai'sair looked back and forth between the two and began to interrupt. "Excuse me…?"

Hope put a hand on his shoulder and shushed him. "Don't ruin the moment."

Harmony simply chuckled. "Well, now that we're all introduced now, Let me show you around camp. My brother, Immael, will want to meet you and I'm sure most of you have more than a few questions."

River shrugged. "You could say that."

Harmony nodded. "Follow me then."

With that, Harmony lead them towards the larger tent in the center, where the Prince was waiting.