Prince of Light

The group walked on through the camp as the princess led them to the main tent. As they did, Adrion could see all different kinds of people; humans, half-dragons, and elves alike, all wearing knight armor and doing various tasks: from attending to their dragons or sharpening their weapons at the blacksmith's tent.

"Are these all knights?" he asked.

Luna nodded. "We were all once students at Dragonsfold, just like Kai'sair."

"What happened?" River asked.

"Yeah" Kai'sair added, "I don't remember there being this many who followed my example."

"Many of them were later additions" Harmony explained, "I summoned your original group here at first. But then over the month that we've been here, more and more knights have left Dragonsfold and come here."

"But why?"

Luna replied, "Because they're finally seeing that you were right about Rowena. The ones. That weren't devoted to her began to see what the others were doing and it didn't sit right with them. So, they came here, where Prince Immael helps keep them, and us, on the right path."

Adrion then knew his suspicions were confirmed. "So, the Prince's name IS Immael."

Harmony nodded, "He knew you would suspect of his name."

"Why would he keep his name a secret?" Hope asked.

"He likes being one of those...mysterious types."

Just then, they arrived at the main tent. It was easily five times the size of the other tents and was a shining silver color outlined with red angular designs.

"He'll be expecting us" Harmony reassured as she opened one of the flaps, inviting them in, "so you've got nothing to worry about."

As they walked in, they noticed a large, round table in the center of the tent with a map covering the entire surface. Racks of weapons and armor could be seen on the outer edges of the tent. Surrounding the table were four different figures, each eyeing the map and talking amongst themselves

Suddenly, one of the four noticed the company's entrance and turned to greet them, revealing himself to be none other than Prince Immael himself. Just as Adrion remembered, he was dressed in his stark white armor outlined with gold. A shimmering, silver cape hung down from his shoulders. Looking into his eyes, Adrion could feel a sense of peace and authority.

"You made it" he said with glee, "Excellent."

Kai'sair was immediately taken aback as he slowly walked forward, stopping a couple feet from Immael. As the others watched, he drew his sword, planted it into the ground in front of him, and then knelt before Immael, still gripping the sword.

"Forgive me" he said, "I haven't been as fulfilling to the Creed as I have wanted. I hid from Rowena when I should have fought."

Immael's smile was kind as he drew his own sword and tapped him on the shoulders in a knighting gesture. "Rise. I know full well what you've done. While it is true that you ran from the Academy, I wouldn't exactly say you hid. Remember, you willingly joined the wizard, Highstar, on his quest and battled Negramor's forces. No, you have not disappointed me at all."

Kai'sair felt a sense of relief as he stood up and looked into the Prince's eyes again.

Immael continued, "Now, I'm sure you're all wondering why I had you all come out here."

"I'm guessing it's something to do with this Rowena person." Adrion assumed.

Immael nodded, "She has taken things too far, and now the Academy I established thousands of years ago is beginning to come to ruin. If we don't do something now, it will fall, and not just from the inside."

"What do you mean?" Hope asked.

Immael turned to the map and waved his hand over it. The map then shifted terrain as it moved from Dragonsfold to an area far outside of it. As the company watched, they could see a black mass heading straight for the Academy.

"Our enemy has taken advantage of Dragonsfold's weakness" Immael explained, "And in Rowena's blindness, he has sent a massive army of his monsters to tear it down. I cannot and will not allow that, but the only way we win this is if we get Dragonsfold's help."

"Rowena won't listen?" Kai'sair asked, surprised.

Immael shook his head. "We've tried sending messengers. Three times. This is what happened."

Immael grabbed a scroll nearby and showed it to the company, and showed it had been ripped in half.

"That's not like her." Kai'sair said, "She still trained us to fight our enemies."

"She acknowledges the coming threat" Immael said, "She just refuses to fight with us."

River scoffed. "What a jerk."

"Yeah" Hope agreed, "Why not just put aside differences for the sake of fighting a common enemy?"

"A little hard to do that when she treats us as enemies" Luna scoffed.

Draco stepped forward, a sliver of smoke coming from his mouth. "If she won't agree, then we'll make her join or step down."

Harmony sighed, "I try to find a peaceful solution at first, but I fear you may be right. If Rowena won't listen to reason, then we have to confront her with force."

"I'll challenge her." Kai'sair offered, "She hates me the most, so I have a feeling she won't resist the opportunity to fight me."

"The question is" Adrion asked, "Is will she make it fair?"

"If she doesn't" Ka'sair replied, "It'll probably be something a little magic can't handle."

Adrion nodded in understanding. Kai'sair then turned to Immael. "Have you told Lord Darkthorn?"

"I was waiting for you to arrive. He'll better listen if you are there with me."

"Makes sense. When do we leave?"

"We can leave as soon as you're ready."

Minutes later, Immael and Kai'sair flew off on their mounts toward Teleris. Back in the camp, Harmony approached Adrion as he was drinking from a water flask.

"I need you for something while they speak with Darkthorn" she said.

"What?" Adrion asked.

"I feel that, even with the Academy and our camp united against the coming force, we will still be outnumbered. We need help from another."

"I know the Night Elves are closest to here."

"I've already sent for them. What we need is someone with superior military power: the Iron Knights."

Adrion almost spat out the water in his mouth. "That's a few days journey. I'll never make it in time."

"I will help with that. What I need to know is will you go?"

Adrion thought for a few minutes, then shrugged. "Well, if you got a plan to get there and back faster, than I don't see why not."

Harmony smiled. "That's all I needed to hear. I suggest you get ready; I will need to send you off soon."

"What about the rest of my friends?"

"River, Hope, Elm, and Draco will be fine here with me, don't worry."

Satisfied, Adrion ran off to find Rhogar. He felt like he was going to have a rough journey ahead.