Lord Darkthorn

Lord Darkthorn had had almost enough of this. He sat in his office in his estate, an elaborate room, decorated with suits of armor, weapons, and paintings of famous battles. His desk was pied with papers, though a sword rested at one end of it. Darkthorn himself was a middle aged man with short, brown hair and striking blue eyes which right now held the expression of frustration. Recently, he had been swamped with complaints from the people about knights from Dragonsfold harassing them. The last thing he wanted was more visitors.

Just then, the door opened as one of his servants walked in.

"My lord" he said.

"What is it?" Darkthorn demanded.

"There are two people here to see you. They claim to be from the knight camp just outside the town."

This got Darkthorn's interest. He had heard of the camp, but never expected to be visited by anyone from it.

"Alright" he said, "Send them in."

A few moments later, Kai'sair and Immael entered the building and respectfully bowed before Darkthorn, who found himself almost entranced by Immael's armor.

Darkthorn cleared his throat. "Welcome to you both. Say what you need to, but I warn you that I might not be able to help. First things, however, who are you?"

Kai'sair stood up first. "My name is Kai'sair Suncrest. This is Immael, Prince of Genesaria."

Darkthorn narrowed his eyebrows. "Suncrest? I've heard of you. A lot of the knights here REALLY have it out for ya. You, however," here he turned to Immael, "You're from…"

He stopped as he made eye contact with Immael and gasped. He could feel the power behind those eyes: strength, courage, and kindness. Immediately, he seemed to know exactly who that was and climbed out of his chair, walking in front on Immael, and dropping to one knee in reverence.

"You majesty" Darkthorn said, "I am not worthy to have you here."

Kai'sair looked confused. "How did he…?"

Immael chuckled. "Those who are on the lookout will tend to know what it is they seek when they find it. You have been waiting for me for some time, Lord Darkthorn."

Darkthorn nodded, "I have. The things I have read about you…you are the only one who can help me save these people."

"I know why you wait" Immael said, "But we are here to speak with you about this same thing."

Darkthorn managed to recover his dignity and stood up, walking back to his desk. "I have been up to my neck in complaints from people who say that Dragonsfold's knights are harassing them. They're pressuring vendors, demanding tributes, even messing with some of the girls. I've told Rowena of it before, but it's obvious she's not listening or she's ignoring me."

"She's probably not caring" Kai'sair scoffed, "It's part of her new code."

"New code?"

"She never told you?"

Darkthorn shook his head. "I always thought she used to ancient creed."

Kai'sair expression was grim "No, I, along with everyone in the camp, swore the ancient oath. Rowena and everyone in Dragonsfold has alienated us because of it."

Darkthorn widened his eyes in shock. "But…the creed is rooted in history! She couldn't possibly turn her back on it!!"

Immael chuckled. "I see you have an eye for military history."

"It was my passion as a child. One of the side effects of living in the shadow if an Academy like Dragonsfold. It always held my fascination."

"You and I both" Kai'sair said, "But here's what happened."

Darkthorn listened intently as Kai'sair recounted all that had been going on, from Rowena creating the new creed to him leaving Dragonsfold. Immael stepped in here to tell of how he created the camp for those wishing to be free from Rowena. By the time the two finished, Darkthorn's expression was angered and he clenched his fists.

"She's been hiding this from me THIS WHOLE TIME?!" Darkthorn roared.

"More or less" Kai'sair replied.

Immael added. "We're going to dethrone her, but we need your help. If we get the people behind us, she'll hopefully get behind us."

Darkthorn eagerly nodded. "You can count on my help. I'll make sure the people know. When do you want us?"

"Have whoever is willing to meet us tomorrow evening outside the academy. They will have me and my sister's protection as well as that of the knights of our camp."

"I will do that. I'll even have a little chat with Rowena myself."

"Whatever you need" Immael replied, "Just remember what I told you."

"I will, your Majesty. Don't worry."

Immael and Kai'sair nodded before leaving the room. Once they were gone, Darkthorn immediately sent for his messenger and scribbled out something on a scroll.

"Get this to Headmistress Rowena of Dragonsfold." He told the messenger, "I need to have a few words with that blue-haired witch."

Back in the camp, Kai'sair and Immael just made it back, where they were greeted by Hope, River, and Harmony.

"I've never seen someone so eager to help" he told Harmony with a smile.

"Well, that's nice"

Kai'sair hugged Hope as she came in, "Did I miss anything?"

Hope shrugged, "No, not really."

River explained "Harmony sent Adrion and Rhogar to Grind's Keep. Apparently, she thinks the Iron Knights will be able to help. I trust her, but that's quite the march."

"We'll just have to see" Kai'sair said. Then, he looked around and noticed something was off, "Where's Luna?"

"She was with Draco and Elm last I saw." River replied. Kai'sair got a small fire in his eyes.

"I swear" he said, "if he and Luna are…"

His thought was interrupted as a few knights yelled out that someone was coming. Immael and Harmony turned to see a single horse and rider approach. The rider was clearly a knight, her armor gave that away, but is seemed more regal with different ornamentations decorating it. A shield was slung across her back, with the Dragonsfold symbol, a pouncing dragon with a sword crossing through it, engraved on the shield. The rider stopped in front of the siblings and dismounted before removing her helmet.

She was a younger woman, about her mid-twenties, with flowing blue hair and green eyes that looked over the siblings with some hidden emotion. Kai'sair had to hold back his rage and clenched his fists. Hope noticed this, then looked to see the dragons nearby snarl and snap at the woman's feet.

"Well considering everyone seems to hate the very sight of her" she said, "I'm guessing that's Rowena."

Kai'sair nodded. "What I wouldn't give to plunge my sword through that hag's heart."

The woman showed no emotion as she approached the siblings. "So, you are the two who have been harboring the defectors. Hmph, sure makes the arrests easier."

Immael stepped forward, "You will do no such thing. You have no authority here."

"On the contrary," Rowena replied, her voice deceptively calm, "I have all the authority I need. This is Dragonsfold territory, after all."

Then, her gaze fell on Kai'sair and her jawline tensed up. "Suncrest. So you've decided to return."

Kai'sair walked up, his expression still fierce. Rowena simply continued. "Once I am able to bring this camp down, you will be the first that I personally choose the dungeon cell for. Your influence has become too infectious."

Kai'sair prepared to shoot something back, but Harmony restrained him and looked Rowena in the eyes. "Like I've said, you will do no such thing."

Immael added. "I've spoken with Lord Darkthorn. The people have sided with us and we all agree; it's time you stepped down."

Rowena's eyebrows furrowed. "And let the military strength I have built up in this Academy for years go to waste. No, I don't think I will."

"Then I'll make you" Kai'sair said, "You and me in the courtyard, so everyone can watch."

Rowena showed mild surprise. "You're challenging me?"

"Traditional rule" Kai'sair added, "If I win, you step down."

Rowena was silent for a moment, but then chuckled. "Very well. And if I win, you turn yourself in and don't resist when I arrest everyone in this camp, starting with your sister."

It was Kai'sair's turn to be silent. Hope and River watched tensely, wonderin what he was going to say. Finally, Kai'sair gave a nod. "Fine."

Rowena turned back to her horse and mounted. "I'll see you then. Tomorrow evening. Oh, and don't be so eager; I've improved since we last saw each other."

With that, she turned and rode off back towards the Academy. Harmony looked somewhat concerned. "Kai'sair, I hope you realize what you've just done. If you lose…"

"But if I win" Kai'sar replied, "Than we have a better chance at taking her down. It's a risk I'm willing to take."

Immael chuckled. "I always did find the riskier choices to be the better ones. Besides, I have a feeling this could go in our favor."

Hope walked up to Kai'sair and hugged him from behind. "Be careful. I don't want to lose you."

Kai'sair turned around and gently guided her face to look at his. "Relax, Hope. I'll be fine."

River looked between the two and smirked. "I KNEW it!! You two do share feelings for each other!"

Kai'sair and Hope blushed and looked away, but there was no denying it now.

"Speaking of" Kai'sair said, switching the subject and pulling away from Hope, "Where's Luna?"

He walked off in search of his sister. Hope and River ran after him, hoping to hold the knight back should things go in an…undesirable fashion.

Meanwhile, Luna, Elm, and Draco were sitting next to a lake outside of the camp, where Luna was simply talking with them. Turns out, she and Elm had a lot more in common than she realized.

"You know" she told Elm, "You and I gotta try a few of those prank ideas later."

Elm chuckled, "I'd be happy to."

The three smiled as they looked out onto the water, which was now glistening in the light of the sunset.

"You know, Luna" Draco said, "The water really reflects your eyes right now. It's beautiful."

Luna blushed at the comment, but she also managed a smile; she was starting to really like Draco, though she wasn't sure why. In honesty, Draco wasn't sure why he felt so attracted to Luna to begin with. Elm merely boiled it down to "Love at first sight".

"You two make a cute couple" Elm said. Draco and Luna managed slight smiles before Draco said, "Come on, Elm, we're not actually…you know…dating yet."

"No" said a voice, "But something tells me you're darn close to it."

The trio looked to see Kai'sair standing next to a nearby tree, his arms crossed and with a stern expression on his face. Hope and River ran up behind him.

"So, Luna" Kai'sair asked, "Care to tell me what you're doing here?"

Luna and Draco blushed while Elm merely shook her head.

"Busted" she murmured to herself.

"Hold on" Hope said, stepping in between the knight and his sister, "Let's just talk about this, at least. I mean, you're dating me, so she deserves a chance to be with someone too."

Kai'sair and Hope had an intense staring argument before the knight finally sighed.

"Fine" he said, "Let's talk then."