Grind's Keep

When Adrion first left for Grind's Keep, he wasn't quite sure how he was going to get there in time. That is, until a massive flash appeared in front of him and Rhogar, nearly blinding the two and startling them. Once it cleared, they found themselves encased in a cloud of smoke.

"Hold on!" Rhogar said, hearing Adrion coughing before tucking his wings into a dive. Once they flew out of the smoke, they could see a giant fortress in the distance, covered win spikes and dotted with giant crossbows and other weapons. A pit was dug around the perimeter, where fire could be seen burning from within; the source of the smoke.

"Forges" Rhogar observed, "We must be here."

"Already?" Adrion asked, "But, how is that possible?"

"The Princess must use a type of magic that we're not aware of."

Adrion's curiosity spiked and he made a mental note to talk to Harmony about it when they got back. For the time being, though, he guided Rhogar down to the fortress. Suddenly, a metallic shape shot up in front of them in the form of what appeared to be another fire dragon, this one covered head to tail in a shimmering bronze armor. It's rider also appeared to be armored, but his face was concealed by his helmet…if he had a face.

Adrion knew immediately it was an Iron Knight. Animated suits of armor, the Iron Knights were completely hollow, the openings in their helmets shrouded in darkness, and this one's was no different. The Knight held up a saber threateningly to Adrion.

"Halt!" he shouted, his voice echoing through the armor, "State your name and business!"

Adrion quickly held up a hand in greeting, and to show he meant no hostility. "My name is Adrion Highstar, and this is Rhogar. We've just come from Dragonsfold Academy with a message for your commander, Grind. It's from the Prince and Princess."

That seemed to really get the Iron Knight's attention, and he hesitated before saying. "Very well, you may follow me down to the courtyard. There you will wait until Grind wishes to see you."

"Fine by me" Adrion said. With that, the armored dragon turned away and flew down, Rhogar following right behind. The two landed in the courtyard, which was relatively small and empty, outside the castle doors. It was away from the smoke, however, so Adrion was grateful.

The Iron Knight dismounted and turned to the wizard. "Wait here. I will speak with Lord Grind." Then, he turned and ran into the castle, the doors booming open and shut as he did.

Rhogar turned to the armored dragon, "I had no idea the Iron Knights raised dragons of their own."

"It's a new development" the dragon replied, "The Iron Knights have begun to see just how useful dragons can be, so they asked for advice from the wizards at Moonbeam and have begun hatching and training dragons of their own. I was one of the first. My name is Heatstroke."

"A pleasure to meet you, Heatstroke" Rhogar said, "So tell me, the smoke from the forges in the pit; what's going on down there?"

"Those are the forges, as you said" Heatstroke confirmed, "The Iron Knights are constantly innovating, creating engines of war, crafted from metal and fire. I's easy to see how a fire dragon like us would thrive here."


Just then, the doors boomed open again as the Iron Knight exited, but following him was a massive Knight that carried a giant war axe over his shoulder. A blood red cape flowed out behind him that bore the symbol of a fire-breathing dragon's head with two swords crossing through it.

Heatstroke whistled in amazement. "Impressive, he actually came to see you himself."

"Why? Who is that?" Adrion asked.

"That" Heatstroke replied, "Is Lord Grind himself."

Adrion and Rhogar were both in amazement as Grind approached and saluted them. "Welcome, young Highstar. I knew a messenger from the Princess was coming eventually."

Adrion and Rhogar were at loss for words as Grind waved them inside the fortress. "Now, what is it you have brought me?"

"Did you think you could get away with it?" Lord Darkthorn demanded. His message had finally reached Rowena, who now sat opposite from him with her legs crossed and her face unamused as Darkthorn continued, "First your knights harass the people of MY town, and then you say you'll handle it when in truth, it was all part of your ridiculous new creed that you also kept from me!!!!"

Rowena was silent for a few moments.

"Well?! Darkthorn demanded, "What do you have to say for yourself?!"

Rowena pinched the bridge of her nose before responding. "Everything I have done is for the good of both Dragonsfold and Teleris. My knights are trained to respect military strength and what it is truly capable of. This is all without the ancient creed belief in a king that has never been seen and therefore probably doesn't even exist."

Darkthorn slammed his hand on the desk. "Lies! The White King does exist. I've seen his son with my own eyes."

"Really?" Rowena asked, "Then tell me this, what is he planning? He must have some way of dealing with these monsters, being the all-powerful king that they say he is."

"I don't know." Darkthorn replied, "The Prince didn't tell me."

"Then the King must either be a fraud or a coward." Rowena smugly replied.

Darkthorn was seething at this point, but he couldn't think of any way to counter her argument and simply grit his teeth. Rowena also sensed his anger and felt like her job here was complete.

"Well, I've certainly had a fun time here" she said as she got up and turned away, "but if you'll excuse me, I have a traitor to defeat in a challenge."

Lord Darkthorn watched in anger as Rowena walked out of his office with a flair that screamed "arrogant". He was beginning to realize that maybe Kai'sair and Immael was right; this dog needed to be put down the hard way.

Back in Grind's Keep, Adrion had finished telling Grind the events that had been taking place at Dragonsfold.

"Harmony says that we need your military strength to help defend the Academy." He said in conclusion. Grind stroked his steel chin and nodded. "I see. Well, I am more than willing to help, but the size of the force I shall bring is an important question."

"How so?" Adrion asked.

"Grind's Keep was established as a base to keep an eye on any activity coming from the Shadow Lands. So far, there's been nothing, but we must stay vigilant; Negramor may strike at any moment."

"Well, how many men so you think you need to make a successful defense should an army appear from the Shadow Lands?"

Grind thought for a moment. "I'd say maybe at least half the force we currently have, maybe more, and even then, it's risky. Why?"

"I'm saying you can just leave who you need here," Adrion advised, "and then bring everyone else."

"It'll be risky."

"It's a risk I'm willing to take. I've faced an entire monster force with only a tribe of Lizard Men beside me. Besides, Harmon has faith in you; don't let it be for nothing."

If Grind could smile, he would have.

"In all my millennia of life" he said with pride, "I have never met anyone with a determination nor faith quite as powerful as yours. Very well."

Grind then tapped the butt of his axe on the ground. Moments later, a smaller Iron Knight came running up, stopping and saluting in front of the commander.

"Send word to the 51st Leigon" he instructed, "Tell them to mount up and prepare for battle. We march to Dragonsfold."

Nodding, the messenger ran off, and a few moments later, the sound of clanging metal intensified in the distance, accompanied by the roars of multiple dragons and battle machines as the legion geared up.

"Will you be coming with us?" Adrion asked.

"Of course" Grind replied, "For the Prince and Princess, I'm not missing this." He then called out, "Fetch my mount and sword!" before turning back to the wizard, "You and your dragon, meet me outside of the castle, "We'll move out from there."

About ten minutes later, Rhogar and Adrion stood outside the fortress as instructed. The Iron Knights were amassing out as they waited, and a very large crowd could already be seen. Mixed in with the soldiers were giant, metal siege engines; giant crossbow turrets on wheels, siege towers, and even a few catapults. Many Iron Knights were even seen on the backs of armored dragons.

"I've never seen an army this big before" Adrion marveled.

"Well, to be fair" Rhogar said, "You haven't really seen an actual army before. Still, that is a pretty big force."

Just then, a larger, armored Fire Dragon descended from the air, landing right next Rhogar. Grind was on its back, a massive broadsword slung over his back.

"Impressive, isn't it?" he asked, noticing Adrion's awed gaze at the legion.

"It's huge." Adrion replied, "Are you sure this is only half?"

"Trust me. The full force is FAR larger. Now, how do you suppose we make it back to Dragonsfold from here fast enough?"

Adrion didn't answer, but instead held his staff close to his face, closed his eyes, and concentrated. Magical communication was a new concept he had recently learned at Moonbeam, but he was fairly confident he had mastered it enough to use here. Reaching out with his senses, he pictured Princess Harmony in his mind.

"Princess?" he asked, "Can you hear me?"

There were a few moments of silence. Adrion asked again, then a third time. It seemed like he wasn't going to be able to reach her. Suddenly…

"Adrion" Harmony's voice echoed in his head, "I hear you, but it's faint."

"I'm here outside of Grind's Keep with the army. We're ready to move, but how are we going to get back in time?"

"Just stay put" Harmony replied, "I'll take care of that. It won't be close to the Academy; the enemy would sense us, but it won't be too far."

She then cut the connection, and Adrion opened his eyes again.

"Well?" Grind asked.

"I reached out to Harmony" Adrion replied, "She told us to stay here, and she would handle it."

"Did she explain how she was going to-"

They were cut off as a sudden flash of light appeared as a dome of light formed around them. Once it fully formed, there were a few moments of stillness before a second flash nearly blinded everyone, but when it dies down, the army found themselves in a valley, just outside of a forest.

"We must be outside the Svartalf Mountains" one of the Iron Knights said.

Adrion looked and recognized the mountains. "We are. It's not too far now, we just need to march through these mountains. We can take the elven path." Here he pointed to a path nearby wide enough for four to walk it side by side. A small sign decorated in elven runes hung on a tree next to it.

Grind nodded in agreement, then raised his fist. "Knights! Forward!"

A thundering and clanking could be heard as the mas of metal warriors surged forward to the path, the dragon riders flying overhead. As he watched from above, Adrion looked down on the force, wondering if his friends at Dragonsfold were doing as well in their mission as he was.