The Challenge

The following morning at Dragonsfold, Kai'sair was up earlier than usual and was in the armory tent, preparing his gear. His presence was not unseen; Luna had noticed his waking up and followed him, pushing aside the tent flaps as he finished sharpening his sword.

"You're up early" she said, getting her brother's attention.

Kai'sair simply grunted. "Gotta be ready."

Luna walked up next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "You don't need to do this. There are other ways-"

"Yeah well, it's too late for that. Besides, I do need to do this; I have to face her."

"Why? I mean, I know Rowena hurt you, but you're making this an obsession. I'm worried."

"I appreciate your concern" Kai'sair replied, putting his helmet on, "But I don't need your pity. I'm ending this here and now."

"With that, he pushed past his sister and walked out of the tent. Luna could only watch in silence as he walked off.

"I'm worried too" said a voice. Luna looked up to see Paletar perched on the metal framing of the tent above her.

"Look" Luna told him, "If it's about me and Draco, I can explain."

The dragon shook his head as he climbed down next to her. "He's not angry with you; I could tell he changed when Rowena showed up. He's angry with her. Well, he always has been; it's just never come to the surface until now."

"Well, who can blame him, but do you think he's going too far?"

Paletar simply sighed. "I don't know. Rowena deserves to go down, but Kai'sair disregarding his own well-being in the process. I have a feeling Rowena intends to cheat in the coming fight; she won't approve."

Luna could only sigh in worry; she knew Paletar was right, and she only felt worry in her heart for what her brother had gotten himself into…

Later that day, the courtyard of Dragonsfold Academy was in an uproar as the knights that trained there crowded around the courtyard grounds, their dragons watching from the top of the walls. Lord Darkthorn sat in a seat of honor on the overlooking terrace. All of them were currently waiting for both Rowena and Kai'sair, both of whom were preparing in separate rooms on opposite sides of the courtyard.

Hope, Elm, Draco, and Luna came into Kai'sair`s room as Immael helped him prepare.

Luna hugged him from behind. "Be careful."

Kai'sair looked back to his sister, his expression soft. "Don't worry, I will. Rowena thinks she's superior, but she doesn't know swordfighting like I do."

"And don't worry" Hope said, twirling one of her arrows, "If anyone does try to cheat, I can handle it."

Immael nodded in approval. "Looks like you've got all the help you need, Kai'sair."

Kai'sair agreed, then looked to Draco and gave him a pointed stare. "When this is over, you and I are gonna have a talk about you and my sister."

Draco got a nervous expression and seemed to lean away from the knight a bit as he nervously laughed. "Yeah…okay."

Paletar then stuck his head in the window. "They're almost ready."

Kai'sair nodded to the dragon. "Thank you."

Before he could walk out, however, Hope wrapped her arms around him and kissed him full on the lips, much to everyone's surprise. As she pulled away, she looked at Kai'sair with worry. "Please, come back."

Kai'sair's brief stunned look (it was the first time he and Hope ever actually kissed) changed into a warm smile as he caressed the elf's cheek with his armored hand. "I promise."

With that, he donned his helmet and walked out into the courtyard. As he came out, the crowd erupted in cheers; many of the knights from the camp had come to watch too, and Hope, River, Luna, Harmony, and Immael, had made their way to the edge of the ring. Kai'sair felt a twinge of pride as he turned from the crowd to face his opponent.

Rowena emerged in her own armor, bearing the symbol of Dragonsfold on her breastplate. She drew her sword as she came out and raised it in the air, sparking a cheer from her followers. However, it also earned her a chorus of booing from the others, and Kai'sair could even hear their dragons growling in anger at her. Rowena gave them a disgusted scowl from under her helmet before turning to Kai'sair.

"Not as popular as you thought you were, huh?" he asked, drawing his own sword and raising his shield.

Rowena raised her sword. "I don't need popularity. When I'm done with you, I'll have the power to keep them all in line."

The two then stared at each other for a few tense moments.

Kai'sair muttered under his breath. "Guide my blade, O' Prince."

Immael heard this, but his expression remained unchanging as he watched, though he was carefully planning something out.

Finally, Rowena charged first, immediately taking the offensive as she swung her sword in a downward arc.

Kai'sair reacted quickly, blocking it with his shield and thrusting his sword under it, jabbing Rowena in the legs. Rowena retreated with a surprised yelp, and Kai'sair couldn't help but smile under his helmet. However, Rowena regained her composure and charged again, and the two combatants began trading a series of blows, jabs, and parries.

From outside the fence, Luna and Hope watched with worry. Immael, however, was looking around at the other knights, looking for something. He then leaned over to Hope and whispered in her ear, "Keep your eyes peeled, I fear Rowena may try to cheat."

Hope immediately began looking around too. Just in time too; her sharp, elven eyes caught a glimpse of a knight in the far back, raising a crossbow. Hope whipped out her bow and loaded an arrow of her own, waiting.

In the ring, Kai'sair and Rowena got into a shield lock, pressing against each other. However, thanks to his time here, he knew what to do in this situation. Placing one foot forward to steady himself, he suddenly wrenched his shield to the side, taking Rowena's with it. Rowena lurched forward from the momentum just as Kai'sair drew a fist back and drove it into her face, sending her sprawling back. The knights of the camp roared in cheers, unaware of the knight in the back pulling the trigger on his crossbow…but Hope saw it coming. Her bow shot up and her arrow flew. The arrow connected with the body of the bolt, knocking it off course and causing it to stick into the nearby fence.

Darkthron noticed and leaned forward in his seat.

"That cheater!" he growled.

Kai'sair felt a gust of air from the projectile and looked to the side, noticing it stuck in the fence. He chuckled, recognizing the arrow stuck in the bolt's side before turning to Rowena. Her helmet was knocked off and her nose was bloodied and probably broken, but she was still getting back up, and she looked angrier than ever. He wasn't scared though. In fact, Kai'sair felt a sense of glee seeing her like this.

"You know you can't beat me" he tells her, gesturing to the bolt and making sure his voice could be heard by everyone, "So you resort to cheating."

A chorus of shouts echoed from the stands as the knights of the camp began angrily yelling at her. What angered her even more was that some of her own followers were beginning to look a little uneasy. She turned back to Kai'sair, staring daggers at him as she raised her sword and threw her shield to the side.

"You haven't beaten me yet" she growled, "I'll cut you limb from limb!"

Kai'sair threw his own shield aside, placing both hands on his sword. "Last I checked, that wasn't part of the rules."

Rowena suddenly thrust her sword forward, and though Kai'sair dodged, he felt the blade cut into his side, sending a burst of pain through his body.

"Forget those rules!" she roared, "THERE IS ONLY MY RULES!"

With that she charged and brought her sword down. Kai'sair blocked and swung his around as the two resumed fighting. As parried another blow, Kai'sair realized he needed to end the fight quick; he was getting tired and the wound in his side wasn't helping. However, he noticed a change in Rowena as well; she was becoming angrier, so her strikes were becoming more powerful. However, they were erratic and with no strategy; in time, she would wear herself out. Perfect.

Kai'sair engaged in a deadly dance, avoiding Rowena's blade while striking quickly with his own, attacking when Rowena drew her blade back to strike again. The crowd was beginning to see that Kai'sar was slowly gaining an advantage. Immael smiled in pride.

"Looks like someone had been paying close attention in swordfighting class." he said.

Luna nodded in agreement. "It was one of his favorites."

Harmony simply shrugged. "I'm not too jealous, brother. Remember, I am the patron of magic."

Suddenly, the crowd erupted in cheers. Rowena's strikes were becoming slower as she wore out. Taking the advantage, Kai'sair lifted his sword to intercept hers, then suddenly twisted his arm, wrenching the blade from Rowena's hands and sending it skittering to the ground. Sheathing his own, the knight proceeded to deliver punch after punch to Rowena, striking her face, arms, body, whatever was vulnerable. Finally, after a final punch, Kai'sair backed up a bit, looking like he was ready to run.

Luna began bouncing in excitement. "He's gonna do it!"

"Do what?" Hope asked.

"Just watch!"

As Hope looked on, Kai'sar charged forward before jumping into the air, bringing his foot right into Rowena's face. Pushing off, the knight did a rather remarkable backflip before landing in what should have been a heroic pose, but it ended up more like an awkward crumple to his knees, wincing at the pain in his side; apparently the sword cut was deeper than he thought. As for Rowena, she simply fell backwards, groaning, and hit the ground: defeated.

Overjoyed, Luna leaped over the fence and ran over to her brother, grabbing him in a massive hug.

"You did it!" she shouted, happy tears forming in her eyes, "We're free!"

As she helped Kai'sair back up, Kai'sair could hear the cheers from the other knight and their dragons; all of them were equally joyful. Rowena's followers simply stood in stunned silence. Rowena was a headmaster; she should have been far superior in combat. However, there she lay on the ground, out-skilled and defeated as two of her followers came to pick her up and carry her away.

Kai'sair and Luna watched them carry her off as their dragons, along with their other friends, joined them.

Paletar snorted. "Good riddance."

As she regained consciousness, Rowena managed to look up and see Kai'sair standing victorious with his friends. Realizing she was being carried away, an intense anger swelled up in her chest again.

"Bastard…" she growled.

"It's no use" one of the knight carrying her said, "You lost. Fair and square. I'm sure we can figure something else out though."

Rowena didn't seem to care, and before anyone could react, she grabbed a dagger from one of the knights and hurled it at an unsuspecting Kai'sair. Those watching shouted in fear as the blade flashed towards the knight. Kai'sair only had time to register the blade before a flash of silver appeared before him and the dagger stuck itself…in the back of Luna, who had jumped in the way.

Kai'sair's eyes widened in horror. "LUNA!!"

Luna gasped as she crumpled, Kai'sair grabbing her before she hit the ground. Immael and Harmony immediately ran up, with Immael kneeling down and pulling the dagger out of Luna's back before looking at the wound.

"It's deep" he told Kai'sair, "but I don't think it hit anything important."

Kai'sair looked at the prince with tears forming in his eyes. "Can you help her?"

"I can" Harmony said kneeling down next to Luna. Stretching out her arm, she placed a hand on Luna's back and concentrated, channeling her magic to heal the wound. As she did, Kai'sair looked at his sister.

"Why did you do that?" he asked, sniffling.

Luna managed a weak smile. "Because you've done more than enough for me; it was time I did something for you. I love you, Kai'sair."

Kai'sair gently leaned down and touched her forehead with his own.

Suddenly, Rowena's voice rang out. "This is far from over! Do you hear me!"

The group turned to see Rowena, who looked very enraged. Even the two knights carrying her were in shock of what she had just done.

Rowena continued. "I will not be defeated by a mere boy in armor who thinks he knows better than me!"

Paletar and Glacia growled in anger as they slowly staked towards her. However, Immael stepped in front of the two dragons.

"I'll handle this" he told them. The dragons backed off, but when Immael tuned to looks at Rowena, the headmaster almost wished it was the dragons confronting her. The Prince had a deadly fire in his eyes as he walked up to her. The knight carrying her immediately dropped her and scattered in panic, however, before he could reach her, a screech echoed through the courtyard as a white, armored griffin descended, landing in front of the Prince. IT seemed scared and out of breath.

Immael, recognizing his mount, noticed his fear and became concerned. "What is it?"

The griffin gasped for a few more breaths before finally saying. "They're here. By the thousands!"

"Wait, who's here?" Elm asked, briefly diverting her attention away from Luna. Immael's face became grim; they had arrived faster than he hoped.

Immediately, he shouted back to the others. "Defensive positions! Prepare for battle!"

As the knights loyal to Immael scrambled into position at his command, some distance outside the town, a legion of hideous orcs, bone wraiths, and other monsters were seen marching straight towards the fortress. Behind them stood a dark cloud, hiding a giant creature within.

The army of Negramor had arrived, and the fate of Dragonsfold would be decided today.