Dear God, Already?!

"Now, we are going to test everybody's strength. First, physically." Rossy slaps a leather training dummy. "Although these things look weak, they are much stronger than you would think. The damage or knock back you deal to this dummy will show us how strong you are."

He reveals a little pad on his clipboard, which shows him a number of 0. "At the moment, this number is 0, but it increases with the amount of force placed on it." He slaps the training dummy again, this time showing everyone the number. It went from 0 to 0.1.

"Now, who should we test first? How about... Michael Sheehan. We shall test your pure, physical strength. Use any singular attack on the dummy, but no abilities are to be used."

Michael walks up to the dummy, jumps up, and gives it a nice clean kick at the ribs. He walks to Rossy to see the Number, and it has gone from 0 to 3. Rossy looked at the number, and was decently surprised. That was a strong kick.

"Alright, good for you, Michael, but now it's time for someone else. Hmmmm... Oh? How about we test out Shawn Hearne! We need to see why Michael didn't want us to test him."

Shawn, or well, the fake Shawn, walked up to the dummy, and Michael closed his eyes, waiting for the sonic boom. And boy, did a sonic boom occur. Nibiru punched the dummy so hard, an instant sonic boom was created, and everybody in the room was sent flying away, and only Nibiru was left standing, seemingly unphased.

The first thing to happen would be that people with a curing or healing type ability would come along and heal any damage that was dealt to the students and teachers, after healing themselves.

Secondly, after Rossy was able to stand, and walk, he stumbled over to Nibiru, and asked the simple question, "What are you, Shawn Hearne?". Nibiru only responded with this answer.

"I am the person named Shawn Hearne, sir."

Everyone was standing in disbelief. No human could perform such a feat of strength. It was simply impossible. Unless they cheated, somehow.

The nurses and doctors pulled Nibiru over, and gave him a check over, to make sure he wasn't carrying any illegal devices, or some performance enhancing drug. They were shocked to see there was none. That was all of his own strength.

What they didn't realise however, is that Nibiru had greatly pulled his punches. When he means pulling punches, he pulled them, yet he caused this amount of damage.

The doctors had approved of Nibiru's continued participation in the exams, but not before they did a one final check of his ability. Nibiru ran the electricity along his fingers, to prove that he had his Electricity ability.

'Oh the poor, ignorant fools. They don't realise that I have multiple', Nibiru thinks to himself, having a huge smirk on his face. He isn't even done yet. Both the doctors and the nurses genuinely fainted at the thoughts of this person being evil, and, as they blacked out, sincerely hoped he wouldn't kill anybody.

He walks over to Rossy, and asks to see his score. The number on the screen shows... zero. It simply shows zero. He couldn't believe this, but it was logical. He blew the dummy to pieces with his punch, so it could no longer record his punch.

"Sir, why is my number zero? Surely I got higher than that.", Nibiru says, stating the obvious. Rossy says something unexpected however. "I'm sorry, Shawn. If the number says zero, I can't give you a score."

Nibiru, or Shawn, stared in disbelief, but quickly came to terms with it. "Well sir, if it says zero, it says zero. Nothing to worry about. Let's see how I get on in the next test."

"Alright, everybody wait here, while we get a replacement dummy!" Rossy yells, running off to get the replacement dummy he never thought he would need.

Everyone suddenly crowds around Nibiru, wondering how he did that. Some questions asked were, "How did you do that? What technique did you use? How strong are you?".

He answered each question with pure lies, but lies relative to what everyone saw. "Oh, I used a complex punching technique which allowed me to blow the dummy to pieces. I'm only strong because of that technique."

Once Rossy returned, he went through the other students, who got a range of scores between 0.1 and 5. Now, it was time for the test everybody was waiting for. The ability test.

Nibiru smirked, wondering what score he would get this time. Everyone else looked at him in horror, wondering what kind of strength he would use in this test.

The group of children walked over to what seemed to be a big metallic box. This is the thing that excited Nibiru, for he never had a chance to truly test his magical skill before, but he knew he was only allowed to use electricity, and he had the perfect spell in mind. One that wouldn't destroy humanity completely.

Rossy stood up beside the box, and tapped its hard outer shell. "This box right here is an ability tester. This will show us how strong your ability itself is. Anyone can step up first, except for Shawn Hearne, and I think we all know the reason why."

Everybody looked at Nibiru, or Shawn, and he just smirked. He also understood the reason why. They also probably didn't have a spare, but that wasn't his problem to deal with. All he had to worry about was doing well in the test.

Everybody got their own turn. People were scoring between the 3 and 6 marks, which were supposedly quite impressive. Of course, this was a human level of impressive. The highest scoring person was a girl named Layla Walker, an impressive human, with the ability of telekinesis. She got a 6 mark by lifting up the metal box and slamming it on the floor.

Michael went up just before Nibiru, and used his Ice ability to freeze the entire box over, then cause cracks along it, giving him a score of 5.7, much better than he was earlier in his life.

Now, it was finally Nibiru's turn. Rossy, just to be safe, got a few people with barrier abilities to protect himself and the students, as they all prepared for something interesting.

Once Nibiru walked up, he could be heard saying the words, "Electric Magic: Super Ball". One he said that, he lifted up his finger, and a small ball of yellow electricity flew from his index finger, not looking too impressive.

The damage it did was, however. Once the ball touched the box, it expanded to engulf the entirety of the ability tester, and it made sparks of electricity shoot everywhere, except for at Nibiru. Once the ball dissipated, the box was gone, almost like it was burnt to ashes, and then the ashes were burnt.

He walked back over to Rossy, with Rossy having another look of sheer disbelief on his face, as he thought that the box would still stay there, but no, it was completely gone.

"Now, air, what is my final score?" Nibiru asked, already guessing the answer. Rossy then stated the words, "Sorry Shawn, but you are going down into the lowest class, class E. Michael will also accompany you, because we like to keep people who know each other together."

Nibiry then looked at Michael, and said to him, "Well sir, I believe I better go down to class E, if my score is zero."

Rossy then turned to the rest of the students, and announced the words, "This concludes our examination. Everybody can go back to their rooms, and they can explore the grounds if the school if they wish."

Everybody walked out of the training hall, including Nibiru and Michael. They went back to their room, where they had a short talk about the ability test, to bore anybody looking for information on Nibiru, when they started talking about Nibiru himself.

Michael just asked one question.

"Why did you do that?"

While they were talking, they heard a knock on the door, so they went to open it, and lo and behold, it was Layla Walker, the person with the highest score on the Magical exam.

She walked over, and placed her suitcase on the bed, before saying, "It seems I am your new roommate. It is a pleasure to meet you." Nibiru just looked in shock, as he never expected this person to be their roommate, and he certainly never expected her to be this nice at least for the moment. Michael looked on in shock. His reason being that there were boys and girls sections, so why was she here? Was she lost?

Michael decided to be upfront about his question, and asked Layla, "Hey Layla, I don't mean to be rude, but are you sure this is the right room? This is the boys section. Room 105."

Layla just replied, "Well, the receptionist told me that room 105 in the boys section had a spare bed, because one person died in a fight before he could enter the school."

Nibiru just got up, and asked Michael to have a talk with him outside. Once they were outside the room, Nibiru asked Michael what would they do if Layla found out who he was. He couldn't kill her, because that would be bad for him. Michael suggested just lying, or try to hide it for as long as possible.

"Wait, I have an little convenient idea. What if i give you a System?" Nibiru said, thinking of an idea. "System? What is that?" Michael asks, confused. "A little thing that will allow you check your status. Things like your health. Your stamina. It will also let you message me whenever you need to."

"That is quite convenient." Michael admits. "Alright, give me a status." Nibiru places his human hand on Michael's forehead and days the words, "Gift Magic: System". Suddenly, a replica of Nibiru's own System was sent over to Michael, and he could now check his stats by saying the word "Status".

"Wow. This is.... amazing." Michael admits, impressed.

"Now, shall we go back into the room, and greet our new roommate?" Nibiru suggests, while walking back into the room. Michael follows him, and both of them see Layla holding a knife, spinning it in her hands.

"You both should learn about the building you are in. Only listeners in cannot hear. Listeners out can. Now tell me, 'Nibiru', what are you?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about, Layla. Who is "Nibiru"? My name is Shawn Hearne, and my ability is electricity."

Suddenly, since Nibiru wasn't paying attention, he felt a knife fly past his ear, the wind slightly moving it.

"Don't lie to me, I heard you, Nibiru. Show what you truly are, or you die right here. Don't think I won't complete that threat. I can be quite... intimidating, if I so wish." She backed up these words with confidence, thinking she was on top of the world, being in Class S, for the highest ranking students, while Nibiru was in Class E.

"Fine then, you want to see what I look like? Have it your way." Nibiru then said the words, "Transformation off", and reverted back to his normal 8' 6" of draconic height. Layla backed into the corner, scared out of her mind, wondering what the hell she was seeing, and when she looked at Michael, he was somehow not scared, like he had seen this before, which he had.

"What the hell are you?! What do you want with us?" Layla screamed. She then subsequently screamed for help, but remembered that people outside couldnt hear or see things inside.

"Well, I am not human, as you can tell. Transformation Magic, re-activate". Suddenly, Nibiru transformed back into Shawn Hearne, the human. "I am a demon, Layla. But not your average demon. I am a special type of demon. I have dragon scales. And horns. Most demons don't have such features, but I do. I have lived along for most of my life, and just wished to explore the universe. Most people here know me as Shawn Hearne, a friend of Michael Sheehan, the person standing beside me. Most demons are usually hell-bent on destroying everything, but not me. I just want to live a quiet life, because after all... "

"I am... The Magical Demon."