The Teacher, Sibrius

After the awkward confrontation that just occurred, Nibiru had fallen asleep, into a nightmare. When Nibiru fell asleep, he wasn't just tormented by nightmares. He was tormented by death aswell. He woke up in a cold sweat only to be stabbed by his roommates. Then he heard them screaming for death. Along with the other voices. Everyone's faces were contorted in pain and anguish, like the others, with their voices distorted, like they were not fully on this plain of existance, yet not fully off it. A painful existance, like purgatory.

Then, he woke up, only to find out he was in the void of space, being ripped apart. Then, he woke up to see the world burn, and his friends plead for help. He saw his home world burn, and all the inhabitants screaming in pain, wanting relief from the eternal suffering, but never getting it. Always feeling pain, never receiving help. He couldn't stop their anguish, or their pain. They needed to let go of their past lives, and return to the universe.

Then, he seemingly woke up again and was falling through the sky. He fell to the ground, and was transported to another dream. In this one, he saw his family die, and him along with them. This was so painful for him, knowing that his family was a direct victim of him, yet he didn't receive any punishment for his actions. This was enough punishment.

Then he saw something even worse. His own family killing him as a child, right before his eyes. They turned to where he was standing, black blood dripping from their eyes, and whispered to him, "You don't belong here anymore".

He woke up, and was scared out of his mind, scared that he might injure his friends or family when he saw none of that. All he saw were bright lights, and humans with metal equipment.

Then, everything went black.

He was being operated on. They injected him with a fluid that knocked him out. Nibiru's eyes went black, and he fell into unconsciousness, he had time to think to himself, and look at what was happening. It seemed that the doctors were removing something. Suddenly, his System, even though he was unconscious, spoke to him.

"Warning. Organ [Ability Enhancer] has been removed. Do you wish to regrow it?" Nibiru found this quite interesting, so he pressed yes, just to see their reaction. The doctors looked back at the hole in Nibiru's, or Shawn's stomach, only to see that replacement organ had been formed.

They all looking in amazement, doubting their own eyes. No human could heal that quickly. It simply was impossible, yet it heppened here. This was revolutionary. They could probably grow clones from this human. However, one thing stopped them from doing so. Their higher ups forbade it. They thought it was immoral, and there was a high likelyhood of the clones having true sentience, and rebelling.

The doctors put a black sheet over his head, and suddenly Nibiru was awake, in his own bed.

After that unfortunate episode, Nibiru didn't fall back asleep. He just remained awake, staring at the wall, wondering what was being that dream. He couldn't remember any specifics, it was like it was blurry. All fuzzy, like his own magic was stopping him from unlocking his true memories.

The other two were nowhere to be seen, but that was reasonable, since it was a Saturday. They didn't have classes on a Saturday or Sunday. Most people would be walking around the city, or visiting their family for the weekend.

Nibiru walked around, trying to understand what happened in that dream, or was it reality? He wasn't able to tell. All he knew was that people would be watching him. His every move. He needed to be more careful about what he says, for if he says the wrong things, it could be the end of him.

Nibiru walked around the school grounds, disguised as Shawn Hearne to the rest of the world, without a care. He decided to ignore the nightmares he had, and to get on with his life. He didn't want to live in the past, and decided to focus on the future.

He walked around, and encountered. Michael and Layla standing near the training hall, looking in. Nibiru walked towards them, and let his eyes wander inside the hall, wondering what had attracted their attention.

There was a teacher standing in there, practising their sword skills with a strange weapon. It looked by a sword, but had a jagged edge. It was most likely used for ripping things i it pieces.

Nibiru used his System's 'Inspect' skill, and was shocked at the information on the weapon.

[Advanced+ Tier Weapon. Name: Jagged Lion. Stat increases: 20+ Strength, 10+ Agility. Owner: Leo Sibrius. Job: Teacher]

"Ah, so that is Leo Sibrius, a teacher." Nibiru and Michael say simultaneously, while Layla just looks at the pair in shock. "How the hell do you know who that is? None of us first years are meant to know yet."

Nibiru just looks at her with a smug face, saying, "Since you found out about me, you should already know the answer, Layla". Then, the truth dawned on her. The System. A special construct capable of many things. She started to become jealous, lamenting the fact that she didn't have one. At least not yet.

The teacher, Sibrius, stopped swinging his sword, and looked behind him, seeing three children staring at him. He was sufficiently shocked, for he hadn't even sensed their presence, like it was masked.

"Well, we have an impressive trio here, don't we? Come on. Walk inside. I want to have a sparring match with you guys." Sibrius says, only wanting to play about, not wanting to cause any serious damage to anyone or anything here.

Nibiru was on a different line of thought however. He was thinking 'If I can defeat the teacher, I can prove my own strength to myself'. Nibiru was the first to walk inside, having his usual smug grin plastered to his face, excited at the prospect of dueling a teacher.

The teacher however, noticed something strange with Shawn. He didn't seem... Human. Not anymore.

'There's something off about that person, but I can't tell what', Sibrius thought, as Nibiru, or Shawn, walked up to him. Nibiru held his hands in front of his face, ready to duel, when Sibrius started laughing. He found this amusing, and here's why.

"Wait, you mean to tell me that you are going to duel me with your bare hands? Well then, let's even the playing field, shall we?". And with these words, Sibrius sheathed his sword into a black, sleek sheath on his waist, built for easy access to the blades handle, while not hampering his movement.

"Now now, sir. I don't want be at an advantage, with you not being able to use your sword. Don't worry, I won't be hurt." Nibiru said mockingly. Sibrius just shrugged and unsheathed his sword again. He did give a warning, however. "Remember, if you do lose a limb, it isn't my fault, alright?" Nibiru simply responded with the words "That's fine by me, and the same to you".

With these words, Nibiru, or Shawn, stood still, looking to the entire world like he hadn't moved, and Sibrius fell. This is how. Nibiru had run up to Sibrius at a speed ten times faster than the eye can register, and simply tapped his chest, and ran back. He stood in his previous position, and watch his roomates shock faces, looking at him, and the teacher, with pure amazement plastered to them like it had been painted on.

Sibrius stands up, and points at Nibiru, saying the words, "What are you? No human can achieve that speed, yet you did, and without using your ability, or drugs. I can tell, because my ability let's me see when drugs or abilities are in use. Nothing showed up. Just what exactly are you, Shawn Hearne?"

Nibiru just smirks, and says a blatant lie. Again "I'm just a human, sir. Surely you could reach that speed too?". He then walks off, Michael and Layla following him, absolutely terrified of the monster standing infront of them, and they imagined what he could do to them if they got on his bad side...

Suddenly, it was morning, like the weekend was a dream, and it was time for the first part of the day, homeroom. He and Michael walked down to the Class E homeroom, where all the other really low scorers were. They all clogged up the doorway originally when Nibiru, or Shawn, first arrived, but when he told them he wanted to go to his seat, they all parted like a sea of fish, and let him sit down.

The homeroom teacher of Class E was an average bodily built man, going by the name of Del. He got up to the front, and introduced himself. "Hello, everyone. My name is Mr. Delwick, but you can just call me Del. Now, as for our curriculum, we have Eng..."

Del just droned on and on, going onto way too much detail about the subjects, but one class interested him. Beast Weapons. Nibiru was curious as to what those were, so he listened to the description of that.

"Beast Weapons are a type of weapon made from a crystal found inside the body of a wild beast. These weapons vary in strength, depending in the strength of the monster you fought. There are people who are dedicated to making beast weapons, so you can ask them to make one for you, if you give them the crystals and the money. The Beast Wepaons Class is a class that will teach you how to use beast weapons, and to find out which type of beast weapon would work best for you."

"The Beast Weapons Forging Class is a class where you will learn how to make beast weapons, starting with basic, all the way up to advanced. You will be taught by experienced forgers, and at the end of the year, some will take you on as an apprentice!"

In Nibiru's eyes, the forging class didn't really matter to him, for he had an idea, but, he thought about the best type of Beast Weapon for him. He realised it. His beast weapon would be gauntlets.

After about three hours of letting people think, it was the time of the day where people selected their optional class. They had the option between Beast Weapons, Beast Weapon Forgery, Ability Training or Physical Training. Nibiru already had his choice in mind when his turn came up.

"I wish to take the beast weapons class,"said Nibiru, "I think I could actually get stronger with a weapon by my side." Everyone looked at Nibiru in disbelief. He wanted to get even stronger? How power hungry was this guy?

Once the group of three had returned to the room, Michael and Layla just stood in awe, looking at Nibiru. They didn't doubt his strength for a second, but to topple a teacher over without using abilities, while simply standing with his feet in the same place, having his signature smirk plastered on his face, like it was nothing. Which it wasn't, at least to Nibiru. This stuff was easy. He didn't even have to put any force behind his actions. All he had to do was pat the teacher on the chest, and down they went.

They were also surprised at his choice of subject. He was already strong enough, but to be stronger was just greedy.

He could do things like this in his sleep.

'Wait, not in my sleep. Scratch that idea.'