The Sparring

Michael and Layla were both waiting in the room, just doing nothing.

"Why are you all just waiting here?" Nibiru asked out of curiosity. "Well, we are bored. There isn't much to do while classes aren't on. It's like being left alone by yourself for a few hours." Both of them said this at exactly the same time as each other, which everyone found funny. They all seemed to have easily gotten over the fact that Nibiru was a demon, so he finally decided to just fit on his bed in his dragon form. There was no reaction, even though both people looked at him.

"So, you want something to do, huh? Let me see..."Creation Magic: Ball."" When he said this, a small black ball appeared in Nibiru's hand, and he threw it towards Michael, who caught it, and threw it to Layla, who caught it and threw it to Nibiru. This went on for about two hours. Each time it got boring, Nibiru added a new idea to it, like making the ball floaty, so they had to throw it down, or make the ball extremly slippery. Because they all were having so much fun, they didn't realise how much time was going by. Then, it was time for curfew, although they would be staying up long past that.

Layla was the first one to speak out of herself and Michael, and her question was, "Nibiru, why are you here, on earth? Surely you have your own planet. How did you become so powerful?"

Nibiru just chuckled, said "It's a long story, but I'll recount it.", and told the story about how he was born different to the rest, and had his entire planet destroyed, simply because he existed. He accidentally killed his own family and friends, and destroyed his planet. All at the age of 10.

After hearing his story, Layla lay back on her bed, and went through all the information for about five minutes, before getting up, and saying to Nibiru, "Hey, would you mind letting me spar with you? I want to test out new abilities, but people always lose before they have a chance to activate. You, on the other hand, would be like a perfect, indestructible training dummy, which would be able to give me feedback. Also, you get to see my ability in action. I think it's a fair deal."

Nibiru contemplates this for a minute, before agreeing. He then opens a portal between the trios feet, even though Michael never agreed to come, and they all were teleported to Nibiru's arena of choice.

'The Sky Fortress'

When the trio were teleported to the Sky Fortress, all the could see was a floor of black, and a sky of blue. There didn't seem to be any light, until Nibiru pointed to the ceiling, and a yellow sun appeared in the air, illuminating the area.

The area itself was still black, but it was smooth, like glass. It also seemed to be durable. Michael tested this by freezing ice onto the ground, and shattering it. Usually. This would cause some form of damage, but nothing happened to this. It was the material of Nibiru's own creation. Shaddite.

Nibiru walked to the center of a carved out piece of Shaddite, an arena 30 meters in radius. This is where he stood, waiting for the two to follow along. Both of them just decided not to think about it too much, and they just walked along. Soon, Layla reached the edge of the arena, when a thin barrier appeared around the arena, and a timer appeared overhead. It was counting down from ten minutes.

Nibiru stood there, and said the words "Hit me with all your might!", as he transformed into his demon version. This was when Nibiru learned another thing about abilities. Since they weren't magic, and were taught, they didn't need wording, while magic used words. Sometimes it didn't require words, but those cases were rare.

Layla stomped on the ground, and tiny shards of Shaddite went flying at Nibiru, but they reflected off. Good thing his scales were made of Shaddite aswell. He was able to stand there and tank the hits like it was nothing, for it was nothing. Layla then tried to pick up Nibiru, but the weight was too heavy. This was due to the sheer strength of Shaddite, and the weight that it carries with it.

Nibiru decided to mess with her, and he flicked at the air, and Layla went flying back, hitting her head off the Shaddite floor, and blacking out. When both Nibiru and Michael went to go see if she was alright, they could see drops of blood dripping from her skull.

Michael passed out, not knowing what to do, while Nibiru just stood there, while saying the words, "Healing Magic: Greater Heal", and he was able to see the blood stop flowing out of her skull, and he watched the skin grow back.

He picked both Michael and Layla up, and transformed into his human disguise, Shawn Hearne, and walked through the portal. And he was glad he didn't walk into the room in his drgaon form, a teacher was standing there. Unfortunately, that teacher was Sibrius, and he he just as shocked to see Nibiru as Nibiru was to see him.

"Uh, Shawn? What are you doing in that strange looking hole that leads to nowhere?" Sibrius was simply confused, not knowing what type of construct a portal is. "Please, explain what we're you doing in there..." Sibrius finally noticed the other two children. "And why are two students unconscious? Explain that to me, Shawn!"

Nibiru simply exited the portal, and walked over to Layla's bed, and placed her there, so she could rest. He did the same with Michael, before responding. "First, that hole is called a portal. Second, Layla" Nibiru nods his head sideways at Layla, lying on her bed, unconscious, "wanted to test some new abilities on me, finally, it's because Layla got hurt after I flicked the air, and Michael fainted. That's why the two of them are unconscious.

Sibrius now understood a little bit of what was going on, but the main thing he couldn't wrap his head around was how? How could one person do this? All of this? Nibiru solved that question for him, by saying a few words. "String Magic: Binding Threads". This caused sticky threads to shoot out from Nibiru's hand, binding Sibrius' legs to eachother, and his arms to his torso. He then shot one little piece of string towards his mouth, preventing the teacher from speaking.

Michael and Layla both started to wake up, and when they saw this, they rushed over to Nibiru, wondering why the teacher from the training hall was here. Sibrius tried to speak, but like how Michael tried before, he wasn't able to be heard, except for muffled screams.

Layla looks at Nibiru in shock, and asks him the simple question, "Why did you do that, Nibiru. Surely you could just make him lose his memories?". Nibiru looks over at her, and just says "I can, but if I did that, there would be no variety to this world. Everything would be bland. It's much more fun to see how things go. Wouldn't you agree, Layla?"

Sibrius tried to break out of the strings, but the were unmovable, like the ones that had tied up Michael. Michael just looks at Sibrius, while saying "It seems like there are a few similarities between what he is doing and what I was doing. It seems we aren't so different, at least in our escape methods". This was the most observant Michael has been, so it surprised both Nibiru and Layla.

"Nice observations, Michael", both of them say at the same time. Nibiru then turns to face Sibrius once again, and he releases a small part of his aura. Suddenly, everyone in the room could feel a crushing pressure on them, but while Sibrius thought this was his true power, Layla and Michael just stood in shock and terror, realising that this was only a small part of his strength.

Finally, they genuinely realised the power of the monster in front of them.