Nidas Sibrius and The Crafting Menu

Nidas, after seeing his brother crying, steeled himself, thinking that this child injured his brother, and prepared to activate his ability, when he heard what his brother was saying. "Thank you... Thank you...". When Nidas heard this, he stopped, and wondered what the hell was going on.

That's when he saw Nibiru standing there. Suddenly, the memories of Nibiru protecting him 22 years ago were pulled back up to the surface, and he stared in awe. They looked exactly as they did 22 years ago, but how? How were they like this? Were they a fake?

Nibiru noticed Nidas looking at him, so he, while holding Sibrius, walked over to him, and offered his hand. "Nibiru, The Eyes of Red. Its a pleasure to truly meet you, Nidas Sibrius. How are you doing after your father passed away?"

Nidas suddenly realised that this was no fake. It was the person who saved them from their abusive father all those years ago. His legs collapsed out from under him, as they went numb from sheer shock.

Nibiru lifted him up, and carried him over to his bed, where he sat them both down, while he sat on what seemed to be the floor. Sibrius had finally finished his crying, and was sitting beside his brother on the bed, looking at Nibiru.

"You are wondering what I am doing here. After all, only 16 year old are meant to be here. My answer is time travel. This man here, Michael Sheehan, can vouch for it". Michael stepped up. "Michael Sheehan, and I can vouch for that statement. I was with him, although I was just watching."

Nidas and Sibrius finally realised something. Standing infront of them was not a normal human. He was either special, or not a human at all, and both of them were more leaning towards the idea of not human at this point.

"Now, since we are acquainted, I shall show you what I truly look like", and with this statement, Nibiru turned off his transformation skill, and returned to his demon form. Understandably, the duo were scared, for a giant dragon looking demon was sitting in front of them.

"Now now, don't be afraid. I do not mean any harm. I just plan to live here for a bit, since my home planet was destroyed." Nibiru said this honestly, for there was no point in hiding the truth. "What... are you?" Sibrius asks, genuinely scared, as he didn't think that this would be the person that saved him all those years ago.

"I am a form of demon, Leo Sibrius. I am the only of my kind, since the rest... died. Because of me." Nibiru then looks towards the ground, remembering those faces, screaming in torment.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I didn't know." Leo then looks towards Michael. "So, you knew about him before?" Michael then answers with "Yeah, I encountered him when he was in this form. Let's just say... I almost died."

"And the girl on the bed? Does she know?", Sibrius says, while nodding at the girl, as she was still unconscious from fainting. "Yeah, she knows. She was listening to us when she originally entered the room. Then, she threatened me, and then I revealed myself. I don't want any hardship. I just want to live a quiet life. Yet, the universe doesn't want that". Nibiru then looks up at the ceiling, contemplating why the universe didn't want him to have a peaceful life.

The system then notified him of his reward that he had yet to accept.

[Crafting Menu: Available to Accept]

[Do you wish to accept Crafting Menu?]


Suddenly Nibiru's System said the words "Crafting Menu unlocked. New Crafting recipes available"

Nibiru then looked at everyone, except for Layla, since she was still unconscious. "Hey guys, I found out something interesting. Since I saved this guy in the past, I got something new added to my system. A 'Crafting Menu'. Would anyone like to help me explore it?"

This was the turning point for the group, because now, they had something interesting to look at, so they all agreed. Including the two Sibrius', so Nibiru used a special piece of magic. "Multishare Magic: Temporary Share of Sight"

Suddenly, everyone could see what Nibiru saw, like a second sight, which they moved to priority viewing, because they wanted to see this.

What they saw was like a game-like screen, with a whole bunch of accessories on it, all of them saying the word 'Craft'. It seemed that Nibiru was allowed to craft any of these for free. They all had a look at the menu, guiding Nibiru to things they found interesting. There was a 'King Blade', and 'Poisonous Tooth' weapon, which none of them had ever heard of before.

In the Armour Section, there were armaments such as 'Vampire Chestplate', 'Snake Armour' and 'Parascism Pieces'. All of these had stat boosts and special effects or skills, something much over the abilities of humans. If a human was to equip a singular piece of some of this armour, they could destroy the entire world.

The Accessory section however, intrigued everybody watching. There were accessories such as 'All Seeing-Eyes of Cathalos', which replaced ones Eyes with red, demonic eyes which allowed one to see everything. Another thing that was there was 'Wings of Angels', which gave the wearer a fully functioning pair of wings. One piece that interested everyone however, was the accessory called 'Ring of God', an accessory that boosted the wearers stats hundredfold. They all shuddered at the thought of a Nibiru 100 times more powerful than he is now. So they skipped that one.

There was one piece that suited Michael however, and that was the accessory 'Ring of Rukia', an ability that multiplied the stats of the user by 10 if they were able to control ice in some shape or form. Everybody agreed that Michael should get the first thing, since he was the first one to know about Nibiru, so he asked Nibiru to press yes. The button was pressed, and a small ring appeared in the air, floating towards Michael.

Michael turned his vision to his normal vision, grabbed the ring, and attached it to his index finger, and you could suddenly feel a slight chill being given off of Michael. This was because his powers had been amplified by ten. They had a feeling that even he could beat Leo Sibrius in a one on one. This was scary to think about, so everyone fully reverted back to their original vision, and the multishare spell was disabled.

You could see an aura of blue around Michael, as his ice powers reached heights never seen before in a student. This was the power of Nibiru's Crafting Menu, and it was impressive.