The Power of Crafting

After Michael put in the ring, he could feel his ice powers increase tenfold, like he could take on the world by himself. Like he could freeze anything. Even Nibiru. It was an impossible feat, but at this moment, he believed he could do it with ease. This is the sensation that is felt whe you have your power increased.

After about a minute, Michael returns to normal, finally finished with his power hungry thoughts. He looked at Nibiru in awe, wondering how he was able to obtain a thing of such great power. "Where did you get this ring, Nibiru?" Nibiru just shrugged. "From the menu, I guess. There seems to be no limit to the things I can get from this."

With this, everyone looked at Nibiru in shock. A menu with no limit? Surely that's impossible! Or so they all thought. Nibiru re-opened his menu, and summoned 4 things, one for everyone awake. A weapon titled 'Death Bringer'. It was a katana, which did come with a sheath, which had a plus 50 in Strength, a plus 30 in agility, and the special effect, where if it attacked someone of a lower strength than its user, it would instantly paralyse the attacked.

He also summoned a piece of armour called 'God Set: True'. This was a full armour body set, which weighed one singular gram in its entirety. As light as a feather. It gave a plus 150 in Defence, a plus 3,000 in health, which is a lot, and a plus 100 in agility. It also had the effect where, unless you were attacked by a being with immense power, like Nibiru, you wouldn't be harmed.

He also summoned two accessories. One of them was a ring that was named 'Ring of Devastation'. It gave a plus 10 to strength, and had the ability where it could summon a ball in the air, and anything that touched the ball was erased completely, leaving no trace. It only erased things that it touched however, so if only someone hand touched it, only the hand would be erased.

The other one was quite a special little accessory, that he had designed in the small amount of time while choosing the others. It was a small wand. It didn't give any stat boost, but it did have one special ability, and one little catch. It allowed someone to transform someone's genes, or evolve them into a certain type of being.

With this wand, you could turn someone into a demon, a dragon, a vampire, or something else. The possibilities were literally endless, because of new alterations. You could turn an ordinary human into a being of immense power, just by altering them. But there was one flaw to this master plan. To do this, the person had to take a blood oath, or a swear on death. The swear would mean they would pledge loyalty to Nibiru, the person who created the wand.

The group of people looked at all this stuff, shocked silly. They didn't think it was possible. They looked back and front at eachother, before pushing all the items towards Nibiru, including the wand. Michael is the only one that speaks up. "You should have them, Nibiru. You summoned them, you should be the one to use them, even though we will all die if we fight you."

Nibiru looks at everyone, excluding Layla, in awe. Most humans would accept this type of power deal. He did have one thing to say though.

He pulled up a screen of the effects of the wand, so everyone could see, and they all looked at him, wide-eyed with shock. They read through the effects, and looked at each other. Michael, again, was the first one to speak up.

"Hey, Nibiru. Would you please use the effect of that wand on me? I still don't feel strong enough. I want to be stronger, Nibiru. Please." Nobody expected this, least out of Michael's mouth, and soon they all started piping up, wondering if they could get stronger. This was the moment when Layla woke up, just to see Nibiru in his demon form, and she almost fainted again, but she just held on. She saw the board, and also piped up. "I'm sorry to put more strain on you, Nibiru, but I also wish to get stronger."

Nibiru just stood there, in shock, not expecting this, least from a teacher. Leo Sibrius, [Unknown] teacher for humans! Wouldn't that be a cheery title?

"Are you sure, Leo? It might not be a good idea, changing your molecular structure. But if you want to, we can do it, after we get everyone else done first."

Nibiru gathered everyone in a circle, and stood Michael infront of him. He then used his skill to copy what Michael looks like. "Why did you do that?" Nibiru simply says "So that you can transform back into yourself if you don't wish to look human". Everyone starts nodding, saying things like "Clever".

Nibiru slcreated a knife, and faster than anyone could react, cut Michael's finger, but only deep enough so that blood would appear. Once a few drops had appeared, the cut magically closed up. "First, Michael, we must initiate the blood oath. Please, let some of your blood flow onto the table, and when it mixes with mine, say the words, "I vow loyalty to Nibiru".

The blood started to mix, and Michael said the words "I vow loyalty to Nibiru". Suddenly, there was a blinding flash of light, and then it was gone, like it never was there.

"So, Michael, what do you want to be?". He let Michael think for a bit, before deciding on his answer. "I want to be powerful, but also cool looking, like you, Nibiru. But I won't become you, because I have a different idea. I want a body that is able to teleport, but is agile and strong. I also wish to be able to wield a weapon with fluidity, allowing myself more combat options." Nibiru thought about the possibilities for something like that, and found a few solutions while looking with his wand. He could become a Wraith, a Wight, or for a final choice, a Beginner Demon.

" Alright Michael, you have four choices. To fulfill your requirements, you have three choices. You can either become a Wraith, a Wight, or a Beginner Demon. These are the only options that fulfill your requirements. You will have a physical body, so you can still use your ice magic and your ring. Please, choose one."

After about 5 minutes of thinking, he finally came up with an answer. "Nibiru, please turn me into a Wight". And with those words, Michael fell to the ground, convulsing. Everyone tried to help them, but Nibiru held them back, by lifting up his hand. "If we try help him, it will only make it worse. Now, I advise you turn away, because there will be a lot of blood in the next few minutes. With these words, the three others turned away, not wanting to see a child bleed, to what seemed like death. They could hear the sounds of bone splitting, blood gushing, and flesh ripping. They also heard the agonised screams from Michael, as though he wanted nothing more than death.

After about ten minutes, everything stopped. The noises. They all just stopped. They turned around, only to see Michael finally standing up, looking better than ever, but slightly different. His muscles were toned, and they could see he was more confident. It also seemed however, that a strong energy has been building around him. He has become a Wight.

And he's more powerful than before.