The Transformations

Michael Sheehan was standing still, looking at himself on the outside, realising that his body has become more toned. His muscles pop out more, but that's only to accommodate his strength. He also checked himself on the inside, using some ability that his System gave him. He saw that he has no organs at all, as he has no pulse. He is a completely self sufficient being, able to live by himself, and sustain himself.

Everyone else except Nibiru could only see Michael on the outside, so they knew he was stronger, but not by how much. To help show them Michael's new strength, Nibiru created a see-through dome around himself and Michael. He then told Michael to punch his palm, so he did. The shockwave of the punch could be felt and heard outside of the dome, although greatly muffled.

Everyone just stood there, slack jawed. What type of monster had Nibiru created!? Nibiru then got rid of the dome, and brought Michael over to the others. "Michael, it's time for me to tell you what a Blood Oath truly is. It is a vow between two people, a ruler and their underling, where if the underling disobeys, they die. No time to contemplate it, if they do it knowingly. I need to give you a command, so that we can get this done with, and my command is 'Go do your own thing for a bit. I won't ever use the Blood Oath, unless it is an urgent situation."

Michael just nodded, kinda having an idea of what it was beforehand. Nibiru then turned to the others, and asked them the question "Alright, who wants to go next?". After this was said, everyone piped up, all wanting to become powerful, even willing to overlook the immense pain. Since Sibrius seemed to be the least powerful adult, he was chosen first. He went through the same process as Michael, where he had his blood mixed with Nibiru's, and then, he got to chose what he became.

"Hmm. I would like a species that specialised in sword wielding, but is still speedy". Nibiru already knew the type of species that they would need to be, so he just transformed into Leo, gaining all his abilities, which didn't matter. "Nibiru, why are you transforming into me? Will I need to be able to transform?". Nibiru just sighed, "Yeah, because I will need to turn you into a Crow Tengu, an insanely fast, and skilled, sword wielding species. The downside is that you will no longer look human."

Nibiru pulled up an image of a Crow Tengu, and Leo understood why. "Now, you will have two forms. The first, and weaker form, will be 'Crow Tengu: Humanoid', where you will loom liek a human with black wings. The second and more powerful version, will be 'Crow Tengu: True Form', where you become a true Crow Tengu. Are you ready?". Leo shrugged, while saying "Yeah, I'm as ready as I will ever be". Nibiru then placed the wand on Leo's forehead, pressed select on the Crow Tengu option, and Leo started to distract the other two, Nibiru brought both of them over to him.

Both of them performed the Blood Oath, and then they swore themselves to him. Now, they were ready to select their transformation. Nibiru allowed Layla to go first, and Nidas didn't argue, for it was obvious that Layla had been around longer. "Layla, what would you like your new body to be?". Layla thought about this for a few seconds, before answering. "I want to be able to control magic. And not a small bit of everything. I want to be able to master a certain part. I think necromancy would be cool."

Nibiru went through the options, and found a few, but the most powerful one was a race called 'The Dead Monarch'. It allowed her to keep her appearance, while giving her insane abilities, such as raising the dead, controlling them, and even making them stronger. He ralayed this option to Layla, and she seemed elated. She happily said yes, and Nibiru put the wand to her forehead, allowing her to drop to the floor, convulsing.

Then, Nibiru turned to Nidas, the man with the Devil Trigger. "I left you till last for a reason, you know. I wanted to ask if you wanted an race that related to your Devil Trigger ability. Who knows how powerful it could become?" Nidas just shook his head from side to side. "No, I would like something new, so I can have multiple traits." Nibiru simply nods his head, understanding that desire, wanting to be more than a one trick pony. Everyone wants to be useful, it's just that some people aren't allowed to show it.

"So, Nidas Sibrius, what species would you like to be?" Nidas just nodded his head up and down, thinking of the possibilities. "I would like to be something non-human, and become fast, and strong, but not a Crow Tengu. I would also like to control flame magic". Nibiru looked through the menus for about a minute, before deciding on one option. It was a pretty cool option, in Nibiru's opinion.

"Nidas, I think I found an option you might like. The Pheonix Race. A mejestic species of large flaming birds that have full sentience, and are able to control flames, while being both physically and magically strong, while also being fast". Nidas' eyes started to glow with the prospect of that. "That sound like the class for me. Transform into me, and we can start." Nibiru transforms into Nidas, gaining all his abilities, and he taps the wand against his forehead, allowing him to drop to the floor, convulsing, like the rest.

All Nibiru could hear is the sounds of flesh ripping, bones changing, blood squirting, flames sparking, and screaming. Lots of agonised screaming, like three people having their bodies tortured, and their minds ripped apart, while feeling all the pain, never shutting off, never escaping the pain being delivered. This pained Michael and Nibiru to hear, as he didn't line the sound of people being hurt. It didn't please him. For once, he was glad of the soundproof and sight proof nature of the room. If one were to look through the windows from the outside, all they would see is black.

Layla was the first one to get up, as she didn't have to go through major changes in the outside. The one thing that was noticeably different was that a black aura was gathering around her, but all you needed was an aura sight canceller to fix that. She tested out one of her abilities, 'Necromancy', and a skeleton spawned from the ground, showing that Necromancy was the power to summon the dead.

Leo was the second one to wake up, and by god did he look strange. His neck was elongated, he didn't have a human face. Well, that's understandable since he is now a Crow Tengu not a human. He got Leo to come over to him, and gave him the magic spell 'Transformation Magic: Copy', and transformed into Leo's previous, human body. This allowed Leo to transform into his normal self, now deciding to speak. "Holy, that was strange. It was like I knew how to use that body my whole life."

Nidas was the last one to wake up, and he looked like a huge flaming bird. Nibiru transforms into Nidas, as his human state, and Nidas transforms back too. "Holy Christ, that was amazing. It was like everything was below me, since I was a majestic bird."

Nibiru then clapped his hands, while smiling. "Is everyone happy with their new body?". With this, he got a mass reply of "Yeah!". He then walked around, scanning everybody. Even at the lowest stat our of all of them, a Crow Tengu's attractive stat, it was only half of a normal human. That is impressive.

The highest stat out of the newly changed was also one of the Crow Tengu's stats, but it was speed. He was able to go at 250 meters per second. That is extremely fast, way faster than Usain Bolt. That's a kilometer every 4 seconds

Nibiru then created a table with some chairs, where they all sat down, Nibiru back in his Shawn Hearne disguise. They all had a talk about what their abilities were, like Leo's 'Thousandfold Slice' attack, which would attack the opponent one thousand times. Another cool one was Leo's 'Burning down the House' ability, which would allow him to remotely burn down anything. A favourite one for everyone though was Layla's 'Monarch Rules All' ability, which caused a swarm of high level demons and other beings to be summoned. They wouldn't be powerful enough to injure Nibiru, but it would take about 150 well trained killers to kill one of those enemies.

Nibiru then placed his hands on the table, and everyone listed. He then siad the words "Alright. Who wants to be kitted out with some gear!"