Gearing Up

Once Nibiru had said this, they were all for it. It was he who transformed them, but they could still be stronger. This was evident due to what they saw from the Crafting Menu. They all saw the 'God Set: True' and realised how simply strong this stuff was. You could easily power up an army with enough things to allow them to take over the world.

They all asked for some form of weapon, armour, and accessories, so Nibiru just re-activated his magic spell "Multishare Magic: Temporary Share of Sight". Everybody could see what Nibiru saw now, and this was the first time Layla had seen the menu. It looked remarkably game-like.

They all gave Nibiru directions on which section it go to, and asked him to scroll through the options of weapons, armour, and accessories every once in a while, taking their time on choosing things. They each chose one weapon, one set of armour, and at least one accessory. All of the accessories had some for of boost to their relative class, so let's go through them.

Layla chose the wand, 'Bringer of Undead', which gave a +50 to her magical powers, when her original was 30. It also had the unique skill of being able to summon more zombies or demons, so now she could summon two hordes.

She also chose the armour, greatly nicknamed 'Shadow Armaments'. These pieces of armour looked as if they were constantly shifting their shape, as if they were waiting for someone to control them properly. When she put it on, the shadows formed into a recognisable shape of a full body armour set, complete with helmet. She tried to move the shadows about, and, surprisingly, she could move them about with ease, and she could even turn them into sharp spikes, so her armour was also a weapon. The armour itself granted the wearer invisibility whenever they wished, and a +50 boost to her defence.

She then decided to take some accessories. She took a ring titled 'The Ring of The Undead King', which gave her a +100 to her magic, making it 180, allowing her to summon approximately 40,000 high power demons. It also gave the effect where if she was about to die, the ring would emit a shock wave that bypassed all defences, giving her a chance to recover.

She also took a little necklace called 'The Monarchs Locket', a locket which allowed you to call out shadowy versions of friends, people you know, or even family. She could summon a shadowy Nibiru, but it wouldnt be as powerful.

She took one more thing. A little ball titled 'Sphere of Pure Rage'. When thrown, it would create a 5 meter sphere directly around the opponent. When this happened, it caused the afflicted to fall into a rage state, making them easy to defeat, since they couldn't think properly. Once thrown, after the Ball of Rage has worked, it would teleport itself back to its user's hand, so it was like an ∞ supply.

Next, Leo chose some of the things he wanted, and all of them related to speed or power in one way or another. He chose a katana with the name 'Deadly Whisper'. It was a sleek Katana, which gave a +50 to agility, and a +30 to strength. It had a unique sword skill, titled 'Silent Death'. Its effect was that if it was used, it would create a slash that would emit a sound canceller on where it hit, causing the death to become silent, for no screams would be heard.

He also chose the armour, which suited him, titled 'Crow Tengu's Robes'. They looked like some form of ragged robes, but these were for his true form, so they had special boosts. They gave a +250 boost to agility, a +200 boost to defence and a +150 boost to strength. It also had the special ability 'Ghostly Blades'. When activated, it would allow the wearer to summon ten ghostly blades, all of them damaging. They would be able to be controlled by a form of telekinesis, but not one that put strain on the mind.

For his humanoid body, however, he put on the 'Special Armament: Demonic Armour'. This was a set of armour coloured red, that gave some abilities, but not a lot of boosts. It gave a +30 to agility, defence and strength, but the real point where it shone was its two abilities. One ability was titled 'Red Eyes'. This would cause two giant, ghostly red eyes to appear above the wearer, and if the opponent looked at them, they would be paralysed. The second skill was more impressive, however. 'The Demonic Army', was the name of the skill, and its effect was that he could summon an army of 10,000 high power demons, which would obey him, and his commands, to the letter.

Then, he chose one accessory. It was a small ring titled 'Ring of the fastest Tengu'. It gave an amazing +300 to speed, and allowed him to actually run at mach speeds. This was insane, none in the room could match or even outspeed him, except for Nibiru, but that is to be expected.

Now, it was time for Nidas Sibrius, and his choices. He had to think about this, because he wanted things that would either benefit him as a phoenix or a human, or even both. He finally found some things he was looking for.

He chose a sleek katana, like his brother, but this time it was titled 'Flames of the Phoenix'. It was a sword that could ignite itself with white hot flames whenever the wielder wished it, but only if the wielder was a Phoenix, which Nidas was. This would benefit him as both a human and a Phoenix, as the blade can be wielded normally as a human, and as a blade in his mouth as a phoenix. Not that he would need it much, since he was now able to use flame Magic. It also gave him a +50 to attack, so that was a plus.

He also chose a piece of Armour titled 'Special Armament: Phoenix Flames'. This was a piece of armour quite literally made out of flames that wouldn't damage him, but only damage other people he thinks are hostile. It also gave him a +100 to defence, so that was a plus.

Now, the accessories he chose were a pretty good choice. He chose a headband that gave no stats by itself, but it had the ability called 'Flame Transfer', which allowed him to let someone borrow his fire magic for a certain amount of time. He also chose the mask called 'Mask of Flames', which gave him an attacking ability called 'Flame Vortex', which summoned a large tornado of flames. When the two of these were combined, however, they became a new armament. 'Flames of the Colossus'. They gave the wearer a +500 increase in power, that includes physical and magical. Both of the abilities were added to the new armament, so that it was basically a much stronger version of the two original accessories combined. It looked like a bracelet, even though neither of the previous ones were a bracelet.

Now, it was time for Michael to see what he wanted. He was by far the weakest of them without any buffs, even with his skills, so Nibiru gave him a helping hand. Suddenly, the 'Eyes of Cathalos' had appeared. Everyone looked in shock, not expecting this. To give someone an all-seeing pair of eyes was insane. They did respect that choice though, since it would give Michael some real use to the team.

Michael then chose a simple looking pair of gauntlets, titled 'Mastered Gauntlets'. The Gauntlets had no skills, but had a special boost. A +150 boost in all stats. This was quite insane for a single weapon, but there was still more to go. He then chose a set of armour titled 'Snake Chains'. They were seemingly made of snake skin, and gave a +120 to all stats, and had an ability called 'Poisoning Thorns'. Its effect was that if anyone touched the armour, except for Michael, Nibiru, or a friend, they would be poisoned and they would die in 30 seconds. There was no antidote, except for magic.

He also chose one other accessory, one to accompany his 'Ring of Rukia'. 'The Necklace of Brionac'. A necklace made of ice, that wouldnt harm Michael, but would harm enemies. It would shoot icicles at his opponents, freezing them in place. It also gave a +100 in all stats, which was amazing.

Michael then lay on the ground, and let Nibiru insert the Eyes of Cathalos. To reduce the pain, Nibiru used "Stasis". This caused the world to stop, giving him a world of stopped time. He then cut out Michael's eyes, and healed their stumps. He then inserted the Eyes of Cathalos, which bonded themselves to his eye stumps, and they connected to the brain, allowing him to see, once time resumes.

Time began to move again, and somehow, Michael wasn't screaming. That is because the Eyes of Cathalos do not injure the owner. They only replace the Eyes. Nibiru simply burned the original eyes, leaving them as dust, because nobody wants to see a pair of eyes rolling about.

Everybody was now geared up, and here is their stat totals.

Strength is in Megatons, speed is in Km/h, health is how many stabs they can take, magic is how strong their magical potential is, Defence is extra health.


All Stats: 400


Health: 50

Magic: 210

Defence: 50

Speed: 50


Health: 200

Magic: 700

Attack: 250

Speed: 50

Defence: 50

Leo (Crow Tengu: True Form):

Health: 200

Attack: 310

Defence: 360

Speed: 750

Magic: 100