Saturday to Sunday

After the events of earlier, everyone had gone to their personal rooms, in their human forms, except for Michael and Layla, for they were basically still human looking, except much more powerful, and not human at all on the inside. The two adults walked to their room, having a transformation skill active, so they looked, and felt, like their original selves, but this just didn't feel right. It was like putting on a costume you didn't like. They actually felt much more comfortable in their normal forms, but they couldn't walk around the school like that, could they? It would instantly get them targeted, since they couldn't be identified as teachers in that state. The only exception being Leo's 'Humanoid Form', where he looks like a human, but with huge, black wings.

Once Nidas and Leo reached their room, which they shared, because they were brothers that had gone through too much together. They locked the door, turned off the cameras with a remote beside the door, and turned off the transformation skill, turning back into their original, or well, new, bodies, they jumped into their beds, relaxing. They never knew that something like Nibiru could exist, but they found it fun. They got to become truly powerful thanks to him. Much more powerful than a human. Since Nidas was a Phoenix, however, the bed should have burned, but luckily for them, there were flame-nullifying threads woven into the bed, causing it to not extinguish the flames, but only stop them from harming the bed. It was quite a revolutionary material, and has stopped many a fire from burning too large.

"Hey, Leo. Why did you want to become a Crow Tengu?", asked Nidas, curious as to what made him choose such a body. It wasn't bad, it just intrigued him. "Well, Nidas, it was because I wanted speed. If you are fast enough, you can outrun anything. This body also has power, so I can get both of the pluses to being fast and powerful, without the downsides of being too slow or too weak." Leo stated, happy to give a reason to his brother.

Nidas nodded his head, thinking it was a reasonable choice, considering how is brother was always a fast person. Leo then asked the question "Why did you want to become a Phoenix, Nidas? Was it because you thought fire looked cool?". Both of them had a great laugh over this, because they all knew fire was an unusually weak ability. Fire Magic, however, was a completely different story. Once the two had calmed down, Nidas finally answered. "Oh no, they may look cool, but that wasn't one of the reasons. I wanted to be able to protect people. My Devil Trigger ability is already strong, but I couldn't protect people. I wanted to become stronger, so I could protect normal humans, like we were. Now, with this new body, and my Devil Trigger ability still working, I can protect everyone. I can protect you, Layla and Michael. "

"Yeah, that's reasonable, but there's one thing that is bothering me. You know how, when we were copied by Nibiru, he gained our abilities? Imagine a Devil Trigger Nibiru!" Leo said, starting to laugh. Nidas on the other hand thought about something. A Nibiru with Devil Trigger. That's just plain scary. "Leo, you do realise what would happen if Nibiru actually used Devil Trigger? He would become literally unstoppable. But that's besides the point. This is just amazing. Who knew that this would happen to us? Me being a Phoenix, and you being a Crow Tengu. We are quite possibly a part of the most powerful group of people in the world."

"Yeah, I never could have seen this coming. This is just truly amazing. Hey Nidas, look at this." Leo then moved his neck about, like it's a snake. "Dear God, that's creepy, yet very cool." Midas says while turning his head away. He actually had a head, and was 6' 2" long, top to bottom. He also had legs, which he could use to walk.

After talking for a little bit more, they went to sleep, blissfully unaware that the cameras had turned back on, and that a certain someone had been watching them. This person was the principal of the military school, and was the founder of the military society, the ones responsible for building the schools. Joseph Ronan. An extremely indimidating name, provided you know who he was.

Joseph Ronan was your average student in his school, when abilities were first starting to appear. When he first got his ability, he didn't know what to do with it. It didn't have a name. After about five minutes, he started hearing voices in his head, and he started to think he was going insane. After about 5 more minutes, he found out he can turn off the voices. His ability was Telepathy, and it was his ability, and his alone. Lots of people had the same abilities, but he was special. He was the only one to be able to read minds.

He used this power to plan tactics. First for little games, and later on for war. He was simply an unrivalled force, for people weren't able to outmanuever him, because he could always know what they were doing. This scene that he was watching however, baffled even him. Luckily it was only him in the room, as the room was his own personal room. He had access to every single camera in the building. He occasionally just checked in on the teachers, to make sure they were okay. That's when he saw this peculiar scene. A bird like being, holding a sword in it's , and a flaming bird, sleeping under the sheets, like it was aware of the flame nullification threads in the bed.

He knew that it knew, for he heard it speaking. He heard them both. It sounded like the teaching brothers, Leo and Nidas Sibrius, given the team nickname 'Leonidas'. He was shocked at what he was hearing as they were talking, before they went to sleep. Someone did this to them, and they were happy? Someone with immense power? Someone else who could use Devil Trigger? It sounded like madness, but there was proof right in front of him, albeit through a screen.

He decided that he needed to meet this person who caused this, as, since it happened only this year, it must be a student, or someone else. He went through recordings, but nothing happened in the teachers rooms. They weren't allowed to put cameras in the students dorms, because they did for one year, and the outcry from the parents was insane. They were absolutely livid that their children were being spied on, so he had them removed.

It was now 00:21 am, Sunday, 22/08/2050. Joseph was sufficiently tired, so he shut down his computer, and he went to sleep, with only one thing on his mind. 'Who made them like that?'.

Sunday Morning, 8:26 am.

Nibiru got up, only to find that both Michael and Layla were awake, and sitting at the table they made yesterday, talking. They were talking about their new skills, so Nibiru got up, walked over to the table, and sat down, creating a bowl of cereal for himself, while using his transformation skills to turn into Shawn Hearne. The others greeted him, and Nibiru joined in their conversation about skills, and helped them understand what some of the skills did.

While they were talking, Leo and Nidas walked into the room, well-rested. They also sat down at the table, and joined in with the talk, all of them having a good time, enjoying the time they had together before they had to actually start going to school tomorrow, on Monday.

They talked about the classes they had, and, by some godly chance, Nibiru, Layla, and Michael all chose Beast Weapons, and it was their first class. It also turned out that the Brothers taught the Beast Weapons class, so they wouldn't be allowed to use their new weapons, but the students could use whatever weapon they want, as long as they had it. If a student didn't have any weapon, they were given a free weapon of their choice. Nibiru found this as a nice gesture, as it allowed even the poorest if people to become skilled at a weapon, so they could earn money to help themselves and their family. He and the others wouldn't need them however, because if the Crafting Menu. That tool was way too useful, but he felt that there might be some more features to it that he could unlock. It would be interesting to see what that menu could do. It might even be able to create sentient beings, for all he knew. It truly would be fun.

The group of people were having a laugh, joking about, wondering what sort of things they could dk with their new powers, when an announcement was heard over the speakers.

"Would the following people please visit the principal's office? Shawn Hearne, Layla Walker, Michael Sheehan, Leo Sibrius, and Nidas Sibrius."

Everyone except Nibiru stood up in shock, realising that name. Nibiru just sat in confusion. "Why is everyone in such a hurry? Who is the Principal?". Everyone looked at him. "You rember Rossy? He was the vice president. The real president is a powerful man named Joseph Ronan. We need to visit him immediately". Nibiru then realised the seriousnsss of this situation, and stood up, leading the group out the door, towards the Principals office.

They arrived at the door, and were about to knock on it, when it opened for them, and they heard a voice, simply telling them to come in. They walked inside, only to see one person. Joseph Ronan. He simply greeted them, by saying the words:

"Welcome, Students. Hello, Phoenix, and hello Crow Tengu."