Excuse Me, What?

When Leo and Nidas had heard their species, the first thing they did was unsheathe their swords, and place them at the sides of Joseph's neck. This happened so fast not even Joseph expected it. He flinched backward, not only at the speed of the blade, but at the fact he couldn't predict it. The thought scared him, not being able to predict something. Michael then popped up with the words "The Eyes of Cathalos tell me that he isn't scared, but shocked at his ability not working. His ability is Telepathy, so either he couldn't read their minds, or they were too fast. After all, his reaction speed is only human."

When Joseph heard these words he realised something. The most likely scenario he could think of was that none of these people were human. He would be correct, although he didn't have any proof. Nibiru simply asked him the question, "So, you called us here? What is the reason, Joseph Ronan? Or should I say, Principal?"

Joseph then, after about ten seconds of contemplating the scenarios, he answered with "Well, I was checking the cameras for all the teachers when I saw that Leo and Nidas' were turned off. I found this strange, so I manually turned it on, and I saw and heard what they were talking about. Leo was a 'Crow Tengu', and Nidas was a 'Phoenix'. Would you please explain to me what caused this to happen?"

Leo and Nidas just swore to themselves for a few seconds, before Nibiru answered Joseph. "I will explain it to you, under the condition that all microphones and cameras are turned off in here, and that nobody else will know of this conversation". Joseph just chuckles for a second. "Oh, there are none of either. Would I really let someone else look into the room where I work? No, I have this entire room covered in sound and visual cancellers, so that, even if someone somehow planted a microphone or a camera, they would get anything from them. I'm not a careless person.

Nibiru just nods his head up and down, approving this man's sense of security. "Good. Now, everyone except Layla and Michael, transform into your normal forms". When this was said, himself, Leo, and Nidas all turned off their transformation spells, and Joseph could see them for what they truly were. Infront if him stood a 'Crow Tengu', a 'Phoenix', and an unidentified being. It seemed powerful, however.

"Shawn Hearne, no, whoever you are, what are you? Are you evil? Have you come to kill is all or something?" Nibiru simply shook his head from side to side, laughing. "Oh no, no, no. I don't want to do that. I simply want to live a peaceful life. I haven't been able to have that before I came to earth, so this experience is relatively peaceful. Also, please, call me Nibiru. That is the name I go by here, at least in company of people who know me as that. However, if me and you are talking and someone who doesn't know walks in, just refer to me as Shawn Hearne, and simply talk about normal school things, like classes."

"Seems reasonable." Joseph then turns towards the two teachers. "So, are you two going to continue teaching here?". Leo and Nidas look at eachother, before Leo says, "Yeah, we are going to continue teaching here, obviously. We enjoy teaching. And plus, we can still transform into our previous human selves to teach others".

"Now, Layla and Michael may look human, but that isn't the case. Michael is a Wight, a being that can regerate its body almost instantly, and is an all-rounded individual. Layla is a Dead Monarch, a Necromancer who is able to summon high power demons, and will later on be able to summon Gods", Nibiru states, nonchalantly.

Joseph just had one question. "How did you do this, 'Nibiru'. What ability do you have that let's you use this?". Nibiru just pulls out the wand, and shows it to Joseph. "This is what I created. This is the thing that caused this, at their own wishes". Joseph looked at the two teachers, still in their Crow Tengu and Phoenix forms. So, they wanted this, huh. It must be a powerful tool, but it doesn't seem to be an ability, so what could have caused it?

"Here, let me show you how it was created, sir. I won't create another, but I'll create something for you". When he said this, he pulled up his Crafting Menu, the others unable to see it. He then created a sword, another one of Leo's Swords, Deadly Whisper. Joseph just looked in shock, unable to comprehend what just happened. The sword just appeared in the air for everyone else, after Nibiru pressed the 'Craft' button. It wasn't really like Crafting, but it was more like Summoning whatever he wanted.

"So, you used this... technique... to make this wand real? This is revolutionary!". Nibiru simply chuckled. "You know 'Advanced+' level weapons are amazing? This is much better, giving a plus 30 to strength, and a plus 50 to speed. That is about 4 times the stat boosts of an 'Advanced+' weapon". Joseph thought he had heard it all at this point, and was starstruck yet again. He didn't think it was possible. It was above Advanced+. It was in a tier of its own, and it probably wasn't the most powerful weapon of them all. He had a feeling that someone had a super-weapon, capable of rivalling nuclear bombs. The thought truly scared him.

"Nibiru, what would happen if you, just you, were to try take on the entire world? Do you think you would succeed?". Nibiru just starts laughing. "Succeed? Easily. If I can do all of this," he nods towards the people and the weapons, "what else do you think I could do?". Joseph just simply nods, as everyone else stays quiet, knowing Nibiru's implications.

After a few minutes of thought, Joseph had something to say. "Well, Nibiru, I simply have a question. Could you transform me? I'm truly impressed at this power, and want to part of it. Ii want to be able to protect myself against anything. If there are otherworldly threats, I want to be on the front lines helping. My ability only lets me be a commander of an army. I want to be truly of help to the world, not just command."

Nibiru didn't expect this statement, especially not from a world power, but hey, it might be a good idea. If he had a powerful subordinate, or acquaintance, in a powerful position, it could help him out in the future. He decided that it would be a good idea, as a future plan.

"Alright then, Principal, I will transform you, but first we must make a Blood Oath. This will allow me to change you". Joseph was confused. What was this 'Blood Oath' he was speaking of? He was confused, so he asked for clarification. "Nibiru, what is this 'Blood Oath' thing?" Nibiru simply answered with "It is a little process where we mix a small amount of our blood together, and we say some words. This will form something like a verbal contract, and then I can change you to your specifications."

"Are there any side effects to taking a Blood Oath, Nibiru?". Nibiru starts chuckling. "Sharp one, aren't you. The only side effect is that you become a subordinate of mine, that when ordered, their body automatically completes their task. I have never bothered to use that, so it's pretty safe to say I won't need to."

"Alright then, Nibiru. I will trust you on this matter. I swear if you turn me into a monster I won't forgive you!". Everybody started laughing, knowing full well it was a joke. "Alright then, Joseph. Let's get this ball rolling. Please, let some of your blood drop to the table". As this was said, a tiny cut opened up on Joseph's index finger, dripping just a tiny bit of blood. He let the blood drop, and Nibiru's blood fell beside it, after he cut himself.

"Now, Joseph, you must say the words, 'I swear loyalty to Nibiru', for it to work. This will cause the verbal contract to occur". It took Joseph a second for him to understand what was said, but once it clicked, be agreed. "I swear loyalty to Nibiru". Suddenly, the blood swirled into the air, shining brightly. After the light had disappeared, the blood was gone. This indicated that the verbal contract had been created.

"Now, Joseph Ronan, what would you like your new body to be?". Joseph, like the others, had to think about it for a bit. He didn't mind becoming something that didn't look human, so he had all the options open to him. He thought about speed, which the Crow Tengu specialised in. Then magic, which both the Phoenix and the Dead Monarch specialised in. Then he looked at the Wight, and how it didn't specialise in anything, yet was still strong.

He made up his mind on what to be, after he realised one thing that wasn't specialised in. Power. Sheer brute force. "Nibiru, could you make me a body that is extremely strong, yet is hard to detect, or even hit?". Nibiru looked through his menu for a bit, before he chose the most suitable option.

Nibiru transformed into Joseph, so that they could transform later. Joseph kinda expected this, but he was still shocked to see a doppelganger standing infront of him. Nibiru then pressed the button 'Transform', while holding the wand to Joseph's head. Suddenly, Joseph started to convulse, showing seizure-like symptoms, but everyone knew he wouldn't die.

The sounds of flesh ripping could be heard, along with the sounds of bones growing. It sounded like a cracking and strenching noise. Joseph could be heard screaming, but only the people inside the room could hear. There was only one strange thing though. There was no sound of flesh regrowing. They could hear the sound of bones rattling, as Joseph got up, they all saw what he was.

[A Grim Reaper has been Created]