The Grim Reaper, Joseph Ronan.

When Joseph got up, all that could be heard were bones rattling. The rattle was hollow, for the noise be created from both the inside and outside of his body. He stood up, and felt extremely light, and looked at his hands, and understood why. He was a skeleton.

"Hey, Nibiru, why am I a weak skeleton? Humans are only powerful because of both their muscles and their skeletons. This body seems to be extremely weak, no matter how hard you look at it". Nibiru just shakes his head, chuckling. "Check what weapon is on your back".

Joseph grabbed the weapon behind him, and pulled it towards the front of him. It was a scythe, and a cool looking one at that. It had intricate markings laid along it, so that the blade itself could channel Abilities. What he didn't know was that there was a certain thing called magic, and that it conducted magic much better than an ability would be conducted.

Nibiru then walked up to him, while grabbing the sword he summoned, and lightly slashed through the skeleton, with an amazingly weak force of 2 megatons, only one hundredth of the force needed to shatter the earth. The blade bounced off of the bones that it hit, proving its strength. This somehow didn't surprise Joseph, because, although he knew skeletons themselves were weak, he was prapred for something strange to happen.

"So, do you still think the bones are weak, Joseph?". The principal just moved back a bit, before saying "Yeah, I can truly see the difference. But what about being hard to detect?". Nibiru just tells him to say "Hide". Joseph simply says "Hide", and he disappears from sight, like he was never there.

"See, this is your hard to detect ability, Hide, but you will unlock more abilities in the future, including a better version of that. Now, your defence has been sorted, you are already super strong, and you can become invisible. I think that is pretty good". Suddenly, Joseph comes back into view, amazed at what he just heard. He would be able to gain more abilities? Even stronger ones, at that!

"Now, you see that scythe on your back? We can get you a stronger one. Here's an example". Nibiru scrolls down through the weapons, before finding a suitable scythe. He summoned it, and boy did it look cool. The handle was a mixture of black and a dark red colour, and it's scythe was dark blue. It was given the name 'The Bloodied Darkness' Blues', because of its colour scheme. It had a skill titled 'Dupli-Scythe', which allowed it to create a secondary scythe when needed. It have no stat boosts, but that's because it would be too broken then, if you gave it stat boosters with a Grim Reapers abilities.

Joseph gazed at the scythe, looking at it in awe. "Go in, pick it up. It is for you, after all", Nibiru says, encouraging Joseph to pick it up, so that they could feel what the weapon was like. It felt natural, like it was meant to be in his hand all along.

"Woah. Why does this feel so natural?", he says, while spinning the scythe in circles, while it spins fast enough to generate high speed wind. Nibiru and the others just stand through it, not being affected, at least not visibly.

After about ten seconds, Joseph stopped spinning the scythe, and he placed it on his back, electing to use two of them, like one would use two swords. "Nibiru, would you please explain to me what you have turned me into? Surely I am more than a simple skeleton, after being given this weapon."

"Joseph, you are now classified as a skeletal being known as a 'Grim Reaper'. You are basically a God over Death. You have the power to help or hinder people, by using your abilities. I myself have given you a special ability. 'Wish Granter'. You are able to grant the wish of anyone, as long as you approve of it. If you don't approve, simply nothing happens. You also have a special brand of magic, basically a much more powerful set of abilities, that I also made myself. 'Corruption and Transform'. You are able to gain followers by corrupting their bodies and minds with dark magic. They would follow you to the ends of the earth. Its quite a useful piece of magic, but it won't work on me. The other part of that magic is that you can transform your corrupted followers into Reapers, a weak sub-class, or previous form, of a Grim Reaper. They aren't able to transform anyone, but you can make your own weapons for them, but scythes are the best option."

"Ah, so magic is more powerful than abilities, huh? That's quite interesting, if I'm being honest. I can now see why nobody has beaten you, but why are you in the lowest class? Surely you should be in the highest!". Nibiru starts laughing, recalling the incident. "About that, I may or may not have accidentally hit the bags too hard, even though I was holding back a great deal, and destroyed both testing machines". Joseph isn't even shocked anymore. Really, at this point he expected it. "Ah, so you were the one that broke the machines. I now see why. Anyways, do you want to be moved to the highest class, Nibiru? You truly deserve to be there". Nibiru starts to shake his head from side to side. "No, I'm fine with being in Class E, because there, I can hold back, and learn how to do it properly," Nibiru then realises something. "I should probably make myself a power slider, so that I can control it. That way, I can participate in each exam without destroying everything. Alright, Joseph. Would you please move me, Michael, and Layla into the top class?"

"Alright, Nibiru, that will be arranged. Also, would you mind letting me transform into my previous form? It would be quite a problem if others found out." Nibiru nods his head, and uses the spell, "Skill Share: Transform Magic: Copy". He then says to Joseph, "Now, say the words 'Transform Magic: Copy', with the intent of transforming into the body you see infront of you". He then points at his body, which is currently Joseph's body. Joseph says the words, and suddenly his body transforms into his previous version, like it was before.

"This is quite the useful ability, Nibiru, or should I say, Shawn Hearne? Now, this will conclude our little meeting, the meeting that had great results. Now, you will be in Class S, and your first class of the day, on Monday, will be...", he checks his timetable, "your optional subject. And I think you chose beast weapons? And luckily for you, the two teachers beside you teach that. What kind of luck do you have, Nibiru?"

"I must have quite the insane amount of luck, Joseph. Truly. Now, I must bid you adieu, for we have some preparations to make for the first day of school. See you later, Principal". It took Joseph a second to realise what Nibiru said, and simply questioned him. "What preparations would you need to make, Nibiru? Surely you will be fine!". Nibiru looks at Joseph, with an evil glint in his eye. "To get stronger, of course". And with that, he, and the others, walked out of the office, while they all activated their transformation skills, masking their true appearances.

When the group left, Joseph sat back in his chair, absolutely amazed at what he heard. 'Stronger? How? Surely that wouldn't possible... Actually, yeah, it is possible. He probably has some form of power up'. Joseph then just held his head in his hands, and muttered the words, "What is he going to do?"

The answer to that question.
