The Nightmares Return

After turning Joseph Ronan into a God over Death, Nibiru and the others went back to their rooms, realising that they had spent about 5 hours talking with the principal, not realising the fun they were having, explaining everything. It felt good, like a weight had been lifted off their chest.

They all went to sleep, and had some pretty nice dreams about their powers, except for Nibiru. He simply unlocked more memories of his past, and was tormented even more by them. He heard the all-too familiar tormented screams, and even saw the faces of Layla, Michael, Leo, Nidas, even Joseph in there. There was one face that shocked him though. His own was in there. His own face was screaming for death, and more memories came to the surface.

He saw his past, how he was raised. He played with other kids, and healed them if they got hurt. They all praised him and laughed with him, as he created little constructs out of magic, but one day, that changed. Everybody started to ignore him, as if they were told to. He became an outcast, a person who didn't belong. He didn't, because he was special.

That was the day when the White Knights came. They were killing the demons, but there was one thing bothering Nibiru, making him take his eye off of the fighting. There was one knight that was not in white armour, but in black. He seemed to be secretly killing off the others, while making it seem like the demons were killing them. The other knights didn't seem to realise this, treating the black Knight as one of their own. Like to them it was a white Knight.

Nibiru then realised that it was no ordinary human, even as a child he could tell. It was a fellow demon, just one that is really good at disguise. He continued watching them, until he heard someone screaming. He turned to his left only to see his mother dying, her bottom half being blocked by a pile of bricks. There was a white Knight standing above her, about to plunge their sword through her skull, but Nibiru blew them away with volatile wind magic, but it was too late.

The sword was already shoved through her, but it missed its target, and hit another. Straight through the heart. His mother was disintegrating infront of his eyes, from the bottom up. Nibiru started to cry, realising his mistake. His mother laid a hand on his draconic face, and whispered the words, "We will meet again, my child, and it may even be in this realm. Or the next. All I wish is for us to be re-united once more. I shall see you soon, Nibiru. I love you...", and with that, she disintegrated, leaving only ashes behind, while Nibiru cried his eyes out.

The Knight that was knocked away had gotten up, and walked up towards Nibiru, lying in a sobbing mess. She held a dagger in her palm, as her helmet had been knocked away, revealing that it was a female, and attempted to stab Nibiru with a blade of the same material as the one that killed his mother. This is when Nibiru snapped, losing all sense of emotion, except for two. Sadness, and Anger.

His eyes glowed yellow, and suddenly, the body of the woman was full of holes, but not enough to kill her. Only enough for her to be in constant pain. She law in the ground, screaming in pain, but Nibiru knew this wasn't enough. She killed his mother, and she was going to wish she was dead, more than any other here will. Nibiru's eyes started to glow red, and suddenly, the woman's mind started to slowly rip apart, but stopped after a certain point, leaving her in a convulsing manner on the ground, but staying conscious, able to recieve all of the pain.

Nibiru then left her there, allowing her to feel the pain he was going through. He walked over to the White Knights, and lifted up his hand. A circle with strange words appeared infront of his hand, and when he muttered the words "Shadow Magic: Shadow Spear", a flurry of 3,000 spikes went flying towards all the knights that were in the air, except for the black one.

All you could see were white plates of armour falling, for the people inside fell along with it, but it was useless. More knights kept in appearing, like it was an endless supply. Nibiru's eyes then glowed blue, and he did something that appeared in his nightmares. He sent out a yellow sphere that disintegrated everything it touched. The White Knights were destroyed, yet none appeared again. The Black Knight disappeared, but it didn't appear that he was erased.

His Mother's ashes were left scattered around, as they weren't disintegrated, for his mother already was disintegrated. His dad, who was left dying in the corner of his vision, was given the sweet release of death. The World they were standing on was disintegrated, leaving it as ash flying through space.

This is when he built the castle of magic, and made himself forget his memories. It was too painful a subject to dwell on. He wanted to forget it all, and restart from the beginning, but this left him with nightmares. This also caused the tormented faces to appear, as a reminder of what he has done.

Suddenly, his vision changed, meaning hecould see all of the tormented faces, screaming in pain. Except for two of them. His mother and his father were looking at him, lovingly. They still lived him after all these years of torment in his head, while they were tormented even more. That was a true sign of parental love...

Nibiru woke up in a cold sweat, while Layla and Michael looked at him, worry lining their faces. He simply got up, walked to the bathroom that was built into the bedroom, or the on-suite, and splashed water onto his face, calming him down. He walked out, and Layla had fallen back asleep, while Michael just lay there, eyes wide open.

Nibiru walked over to him, and simply looked at him, wondering why he wasn't sleeping. Michael just looked back at him. "It seems that, since I became a Wight, I don't need to sleep. It probably is meant for it to be like that so I can work more". Nibiru just nodded, and walked back to his bed, barely acknowledging that fact, and just lay on his bed, his mind focused on one thing, and one thing only.

'I need to bring my parents back.'