Monday, The School Day Starts

After that night, Nibiru didn't sleep, like Michael, but Nibiru was just dwelling in the memories of his mother, and promised to himself that he would bring both her and his father back, no matter what cost to him. If it cost him his life, so be it. They died unfairly, so he would bring them back, so they could live again.

At 7:30 in the morning, both himself and Michael got up, and got some food, so they wouldn't be hungry. Layla just lay in her bed, asleep. After both Michael and Nibiru had finished eating, Layla got up, looking to all like she slept in a bush. After she realised what she looked like, she walked into the bathroom, and spent 15 minutes fixing herself up, and walked out, looking like she did yesterday.

At 8, the group left their room, prepared for the day. Each of them carried their own weapon. Layla with her magical staff, Michael with his gauntlets, and Nibiru with two katanas, one of them was 'Death Bringer', and the other one was a new one titled 'Sephiroth's Blade', a two meter long blade, that is wielded in one hand, with Nibiru's strength. Both blades were two meters long, but Sephiroth's Blade was faster, as it was slimmer. It also had the ability to slash through anything it's user wanted, with the ability titled 'World Breaker'. It gave a stat boost of +50 to both speed and strength, but those were hardly needed.

They reached their class, their new one, Class S. They walked in the door, and there was only one other person there. A girl named Ava Sikorski, a lightly tanned girl of modest figure, who had an extremely extroverted personality. She walked up to them, and held out her hand, a smile on her face.

"Hello, my name is Ava Sikorski, and you are?". Nibiru held out his hand in turn, and shook her hand with a firm grip. "My name is Shawn Hearne, and the people behind me are my friends Layla Walker and Michael Sheehan". Both of them walked up to Ava, and took turns shaking her hand. She thought nothing of it, only that she though Shawn's hand was a bit... rough.

The group sat down, and were about to speak about their abilities, when Ava walked up, and lifted up one of Nibiru's swords, looking at its immense length. She was lucky that this wasn't the Death Bringer sword, or else she would have been paralysed. It was Sephiroth's Blade, and its ability could only be activated by the holder. She was amazed at the length of the sword, wondering how someone could properly control this.

Nibiru realised that Ava was holding onto his sword, and asked her, "Hey, would you please put my sword back? It's quite a rare object". Ava looks at him, surprised that he noticed her, for she didn't make a sound while walking over or while pulling out the sword. She reasoned that it was because he could feel the weight difference after the blade was taken out. She lifted the blade up and down, finding out it was surprisingly light. She then placed it back in the sheath, and sat down beside the group.

"So, you are the group that was moved up here by the principal himself, huh. How did you do it? Did you bribe him, get your parents to pay him? Did you threaten him? Did you kill someone? Tell me!". Nibiru was getting annoyed by her incessant questioning, but he kept a pleasant face on himself, not letting his annoyance show through. "Well, I scored 0 on the tests, but that was because I destroyed both of them, literally. I was called up to the Pricipals office, where I got to show him my true skills, and he was impressed. Layla and Michael also showed him their abilities, which also impressed him, so he moved us up here."

Most of this wasn't a lie, as he did show Joseph Ronan his skill, but the others, including the teachers, did not, except for the beginning, when the teaching brothers almost decapitated him. It was still a believable lie, so Ava was fooled. "Wow, so you actually showed him your skills. What did you use? Your ability, or those large swords?". Nibiru just shrugs, saying, "a little bit of both" before looking at the watch he made on his wrist. It only said 8:30. This was going to be a long morning.

More students trickled into the class, giving Nibiru a better view on how many types of people were in the class. Most of them seemed to be decent people, but there were a few odd ones out. There were a group of three people in the corner, sniggering and chuckling, while pointing at the rest of the students, seemingly mocking them. Nibiru decided to nickname that group 'The Mocking Ones'. He saw someone sitting over to their right, their head in their arms. A girl. She seemed to be antisocial, so she wouldn't make many friends. Not even Ava, quite possibly the most extroverted person in the class, could get her to interact with anyone. 'They wouldn't be out of place in this group', Nibiru thought to himself.

It was now 9, and the bell rang, signalling the start of school. Everyone stood up, and a teacher entered the room. It, surprisingly, was Joseph Ronan. The principal of the school would teach the higher ups. Seems reasonable. He quickly introduced himself, and the students were in awe. They 'knew' that Rossy was the principal, so they came to the conclusion that Joseph Ronan, an important name, a person capable of wielding the intense power of Telepathy, was a teacher. They all started to wonder how powerful Rossy truly was, but Nibiru and the others who knew just smirked, looking at the reaction of the others.

Joseph Ronan stood in the middle of the classroom, and made an announcement. "Hello, Class S, I am your teacher, Joseph Ronan, and I will be teaching you everything that isn't taught by another teacher. Hope we can get along."

Everyone in the class, except Nibiru and the others, just yell "Yeah!" and start to chat loudly amongst themselves. Ava was still sitting beside Nibiru, so she tapped him on the shoulder, asking him what seemed, to her, to be an important question. "Hey, did you know about this?". Nibiru just shrugs, telling a blatant lie. "No, we only showed our skills to Rossy. We didn't know."

"Now, shall we all introduce ourselves, or well, at least to me, for you guys have probably talked amongst yourselves for a bit". One by one, the people introduce themselves. The three 'Estranged Ones' were called Daniel Connors, Mick Welsh, and Paddy Cash. After they introduced themselves, they went back to sniggering and chuckling. The antisocial girl introduced herself as Saphre Murphy, before lying her head back down on the desk. When it came to Nibiru's turn, he went to stand up, but Joseph waved him down, before introducing Nibiru himself.

"Boys and Girls, this is a powerful person named Shawn Hearne. Whatever you do, don't get on his bad side. If you aren't on his bad side however he's a good person". He said this in a serious tone, so everyone followed it. They all, even the Estranged Ones, made a mental note. 'Do not piss off Shawn Hearne.'

After everyone had introduced themselves, Joseph clapped his hands together, and with agein on his face, looking directly at Nibiru, he said some words with quite a deep meaning. "Now, it's time for the weapons class!". The message he was conveying to Nibiru was:

"Don't kill them, alright?"