The Weapons Class

The class do children walked along the corridor, until they reached a room titled "The Beast Weapons Arena". They could hear the sounds of swords clashing, but they put that down to the two teachers having a friendly spar. Nibiru just smirked, knowing it was the two of them trying to find out which one was stronger.

Joseph knocked on the door, and the sounds of fighting ceased. After about five seconds, Leo comes and opens the door, welcoming everyone in. They all line up along the side, with weapons along their waist, or back. Except for one. Ava. It seems that in her excitement she forgot to bring a weapon. Leo was about to bring her up to chose a weapon, when Nibiru held out his hand, indicating that he would give her a weapon. Leo understood, and stood back.

Nibiru walked her over to an unoccupied room, with no cameras. "It seems you have forgotten your weapon. Which type of weapon do you use? I more than likely have one on me". Ava was shocked to hear this news, but still told him the type of weapon. "I use a greatsword, one that has a really sharp point at the end". Nibiru pretended to look through his bag, while he looked at his system. He found a weapon titled 'Cloud Striker'. It gave a +100 to attack, and had a skill that won't be needed until later. He created it, and to Ava, it looked like he pulled a huge sword out of his bag.

"Woah, that's the greatsword you have? Amazing!". She puts the sheathed blade onto her waist, and tries to pull it out. It is surprisingly light, yet feels super durable. The reason why she wasn't able to destroy the entire school was because Nibiru had gone into the swords advanced settings, and made a condition need to be required for it to work. 'The Holder must not be human. If they are, this sword only functions as a greatsword.'

The two walked out of the room, while Layla held her sword proudly. "Hey, remember to give it back after the class", Nibiru says to Ava. She had temporarily forgotten that the sword wasn't hers, but she snapped out of it. "Of course! I wouldn't steal it from you". The pair walk back up to the class, and then they wait for everyone to quiet down.

The teachers introduce themselves. "Hello, my name is Leo Sibrius, and this," while nodding at Nidas, "is my brother, Nidas Sibrius. We have been given the nickname 'The Teaching Brothers'. I hope you will enjoy this class, but me and my brother are going to test you to your limits in this class, so if you aren't up for it, just say so".

Nobody raised their hand, as everybody wanted to test themselves. Leo just laughed. "Oh, so everybody wants to test themselves? Well, we shouldn't let the spectacle wait". He winks at both Nibiru and Joseph, while saying "Joseph, please, extend your hand and create a portal". Both of them realised his intention, so they followed along, Nibiru seemingly doing nothing. Michael lifts his hand hand out, and a portal appears on the ground.

"Now, let's find a good opponent. Shawn, would you please join me in the portal?". Nibiru jsut shrugs, and jumps in. Leo jumps in after him. Once they are there, nobody can see them, so Leo asks Nibiru to make some magic that will let the see the fight at any angle they want. He performs the magic spell, 'Visual Magic: Multi-Dimensional Sight'. Suddenly, everybody could see what was going on. Nibiru coated himself in a lighting aura, while Leo prepared his sword. Nibiru then performed a little piece of magic he made. 'Lightning Magic: Thunder Clap: Sword Slice'. This caused a lightning bolt to appear between the two, and suddenly, Nibiru was on the other side of Leo, when he sheathed his sword. After that happened, Leo started to collapse, as his entire body body shut off, but only for five seconds.

Everybody looked on in awe, realising why Joseph Ronan had warned them, and wy Rossy had placed him up in the top class. Even the Estranged Ones stopped sniggering, and looked on in awe, realising that not even they could do that. Leo got back up, and complimented his skills. "Nice attack, but can we keep to something they can see?". Nibiru just laughed. "OK then, we shall". Nibiru, for himself, decided to go to an above-average human speed, and held up his blade of choice, Sephiroth's blade. They rushed towards each other, Nibiru making his speed equal to Leo's. Their swords clashed, creating a flurry of sparks, yet no damage was seen on the blades. The two continued to rush at each other, one delivering a seemingly fatal blow, while the other blocked it.

To the others, it seemed like the pair were almost blurry, only being able to make out major details about their attacks. After the clashing had gone on for thirty full seconds, Nibiru landed a clean cut on Leo's chest, creating a shallow hole, while Leo fell backwards. This gave Nibiru the opportunity to place his sword at Leo's throat, in a position that would kill him. Leo dropped the sword, and lifted up his hands, giving the signal of surrender. Nibiru walked back, and sheathed his extremely long katana.

The two walked out of the portal, and were greeted to a bunch of surprised faces, except for the small group of people who already knew of the situation. They just smirked, knowing what happened. Everyone else crowded around Nibiru, or Shawn Hearne, and started jumping up and down, patting him on the back, congratulating him. Shawn put on a cheerful face, and thanked them all for their words of kindness. They all were then told to walk back to the end of the classroom, where they would be paired to duel with someone. Nobody wanted to spar with Nibiru, for they had seen his monstrous speed. Nibiru then came up with a suggestion. "I think I would like to do something interesting. Me, and me alone, versus Layla Walker, Michael Sheehan, Leo and Nidas Sibrius, and last but not least, Joseph Ronan. It would be an interesting spectacle for the rest". Everyone looked at him in shock, including the group of people who knew about him. They didn't think that he would be this forward in his abilities.

"Well, I'm fine with it. It would be a good test of strength", Layla says, while walking towards him. Michael follows suit. "I want to test my abilities". The two teachers, and Joseph, walk up to him. "Let's give it a try, shall we, Shawn? You might surprise us all. Don't hold back". Nibiru was delighted to hear these words, and to top the icing on the cake, his system alerted him of something.

[Powerful set of opponents detected. Defeat them all to unlock System Upgrade: Crafting Menu: Monster Summoning!]