Nibiru against the others.

Nibiru, or seemingly Joseph, created the portal to the alternate dimension, where the Sky Fortress flew proudly. They all jumped into the portal, where they landed safely in an arena built into the roof.

They went to the ends of the arena, five against one, thirty meters apart. They yelled out a countdown that started at three. "Three. Two. One!". This is where the madness would start. Nibiru would rush up to Michael, and slash at his left arm, who had the gauntlets on. The slash was deflected, and it left Nibiru open. Michael deliver a punch to his gut, and Nibiru was sent flying backwards.

Layla summoned a 'High Demon', called Amon. Amon rushed up towards Nibiru, and delivered thirty punches towards Nibiru's skull, all in the space of a single second. The final punch sent Nibiru flying straight into the floor. While this was happening, Leo pulled out his sword, and rushed towards Nibiru, who, just in time, pulled out his own sword, and the two clashed, creating a series of sparks.

Amon was suddenly behind him when the swords clashed, so he was able to punch Nibiru, interrupting him, while Leo slashed at him, sending Nibiru into a nearby rock, quite surprisingly injured. Nibiru had never truly felt physical pain before, so it was a shock, to say the least. He got up, quite dazed, when Nidas came rushing in, his sword coated in flames. He landed a clean hit on Nibiru's waist, sending him flying towards Joseph, who pulled out his scythe, and sliced at the oncoming Nibiru, slamming him into the ground.

Everyone watching was in shock. 'How are they this good? How is Shawn not dead yet? He was cut by multiple blades!'. Nibiru simply stood up, and smirked. It was time to get serious. He activated a little spell of his. "Absolute Zero". Suddenly, he, as a whole, sped up, allowing him to move one hundred times faster than the others, as he walked out of the way of the oncoming attack, an attack from Amon. He turned off his spell, and Amon punched air, with nothing in it.

Nibiru pulled out his blade, Sephiroth's Blade, and rushed towards his chosen opponent, Layla. If he got rid of her, by knocking her out, Amon would disappear, and she would be able to summon anything else to help her. He rushed up towards her, and, by hitting his hand off the side of her neck, she fell over, knocked out. Amon suddenly started to disappear, and soon, nothing was there, only air. Leo went rushing towards Nibiru, duel wielding his blades. Nibiru smirked, and pulled out the other sword, Death Bringer, and pulled off quite the impressive spectacular move. He jumped up above Leo, as he was rushing, deflecting not one, but both of his blades in the process, using Sephiroth's Blade, and tapping him from behind, with Death Bringer. Death Bringers effect activated, causing Leo to be put into a paralysis state.

Michael went rushing up behind him, using Leo as a distraction, and punched Nibiru square in the back, sending him flying towards the same rock face as earlier. Nidas then came in again, his sword covered in white-hot flames, while slashing at Nibiru, causing burn marks to appear on his human flesh, but no cut was sustained.

Joseph then up behind him, and slashed at his legs, using his scythe. Nibiru used this opportunity to place his feet on the scythe's balde, and jump off, allowing him to move over Joseph, and tap him with Death Bringer. The same paralysis state overcame him, as he became locked into that one position, slashing.

Only Michael and Nidas were left, so he targeted Michael first, by rushing up towards Nidas, and then feinting an attack, to make Michael lower his guard, and tapped him with Death Bringer. Michael tried his best, and used his Wight abilities to it's full potential, and stopped the paralysis, but at the cost of falling asleep.

Nibiru then stood infront of Nidas. "You know, I kinda had the feeling that it would be me against you in the end, Nidas". Nidas just nodded his head. "It was either going to be me versus you, or you versus Joseph. Seemingly, I am stronger". Nibiru then lifts his other blade, Sephiroth's Blade, infront of his face, pointing towards Nidas. "Shall we settle this, Nidas?". Nidas then pulls up his sword, setting it on fire, while activating his Devil Trigger ability, making him five times stronger. "Yes, we shall".

Before the two clashed, the system alerted him of something.

[Powerful Enemy Detected! Defeat them to gain extra reward: System Upgrade: Crafting Menu Upgrade: Monster Summoner Upgrade: God Summoner!]

This was news to Nibiru. Being able to summon Gods, huh? Might be an interesting concept.

Nibiru rushed towards the Devil Triggered Nidas, swords held in his hands, while Nidas held up his flaming sword, the flames turning purple. The blades clashed, and flames were sent towards Nibiru, forcing him to divide his power between blocking the attack and blocking the flames, which caused the flames to be stopped, but there wasn't enough power going into blocking the sword, so it hit Nibiru, sending him into the ground, shattering it.

Nibiru got up almost instantly, and threw the rock shards at Nidas, running around him, throwing them from all directions. The rocks slammed into Nidas, embedding themselves into his body, severely damaging him. Nidas fell to one knee, trying to remove the rock shards from his flesh, but it was too late. Nibiru walked over to him, and touched his shoulder with the Death Bringer, paralysing him.

This caused these prompts to be shown:

[Group Defeated! Reward: Monster Summoner!]

[Powerful opponent defeated! Reward: Monster Summoner Upgrade: God Summoner!]

Once these prompts had been shown, Nibiru disabled the paralysis, allowing everybody to move back to their normal positions. He then erased the rocks from Nidas' body, allowing him to move around without any hindrance.

The group shook hands, bearing eachother no hard feelings, and Nibiru had a smile on his face. He got to test his power, even though it was limited for the fight, it was fun. There was also the addition of his summoning menu, which would be fun to experiment with.

Once the group exited the portal, and returned to the original dimension, the group were met with a wave of screams. Screams of joy and excitement. They were so surprised at the fact that a student had beaten two students, and three teachers, one of them a famous ability user. It was unprecedented. They all jumped on Nibiru, or Shawn, laughing, screaming, and congratulating him.

The others were looking in on the pile, proud of him. They knew he was limiting his power, but they didn't think that he would win like that. It was amazing. Another to add to the collection. Shawn got up, and brushed himself off, laughing. He was laughing because he genuinely enjoyed the gestures. He didn't think regular humans could be this fun to be around.

Everybody went to return to their seats after about ten minutes, all having calmed down, when Leo, Nidas, and Joseph all came together to discuss something. They talked for about five minutes, before announcing to the class. "To congratulate Shawn Hearne's victory against us, Layla Walker, and Michael Sheehan, we shall grant you the rest of this class to talk amongst yourselves, while the people who participated in the fight shall follow me. We will be back in about thirty minutes". The class yelled in excitement, while Nibiru, Layla, Michael, Leo, Nidas, and Joseph walked to the principal's office. In there, they all personally congratulated Nibiru on the spectacular win.

After the congratulations were over, Nibiru had a few words to say. "Hey guys, you know how I dueled you. Well, I got a reward for that. You remember how I got the Crafting Menu for helping Leo and Nidas? Well, I got a reward for both dueling you as a group, and dueling Nidas alone. I now have a 'Monster Summoning' menu, and an upgrade. The 'God Summoning' upgrade."

Everyone looked at him in shock, wondering what in the world would let him do that. Surely, summoning a god is too much...
