
The Group returned to their classroom, as they had spent the entirety of their free time talking about the fight, and Nibiru's new upgrade system. They returned to the class, when the bell rang, signalling it was time for a class change. Joseph stepped up to the platform where people read speeches, or where the teacher usually stands.

"Alright, after that amazing class, we go onto our next class, which is summoning a familiar. That's right, we are summoning things!". The class went wild, realising what this meant. They were able to summon creatures that would obey their orders. This was revolutionary, as all you needed to do to summon a monster is get a sheet of paper, draw a circle, right down a symbol within the circle, and then pour a piece of blood on it, and burn it. This would create a rainbow coloured smoke, which brought your summon with it.

While everyone else was laughing and yelling with joy, Nibiru had a much more serious face. He planned to bring back his mother, but she would be forced to obey his commands. He simply came up with the solution of 'If I don't order her to do anything, she can just live normally.'

They all pulled out a piece of paper, a knife, a pen, and a lighter. Everybody just drew normal, average symbols, except for Nibiru. He drew a really complicated symbol, one that he felt would work. It was an intricate celtic knot type pattern, but with so much more detail, knots, and lines, that it was a like a celtic super-knot.

They all placed their blood onto the "Seal", and set it on fire, and watched as most of them glowed rainbow, as some interesting monsters were summoned. Some people got rabbits with horns. Other people got snakes or lions. The Estranged Ones all got slugs, which suited them. Layla summoned a possessed doll, which was able to speak English. It was nicknamed "Sidrio". Michael summoned a ghost that flew around him, which he nicknamed "Spectre". Nibiru's was the only smoke that would glow a different colour, a dark, ominous red. Joseph told everyone to leave the classroom immediately, incase something bad happened. Everybody except the people who knew about Nibiru left.

Out of the red smoke came a figure, looking like a human, but slightly seethrough. Nibiru's eyes started to tear up, as he walked over to her, and gave her a hug. That's right. He summoned his mother, back from the dead. He was truly happy, knowing that his mother was safe. His mother received the hug, while saying the words, "Its good to be back, Nibiru."

Nibiru started to cry, remembering how she died, reliving that experience. His mother simply put a hand on his human face, and rubbed her palm back and forth, soothing him. "Even though you have a different body, I know that it is you, Nibiru. I don't ever want to leave your side again, like I was forced to last time."

Nibiru looked up at her, his face stained with tears, and he saw her eyes. They shone bright, like a diamond. He continued to hug her for about two minutes, before he finally let go of her, his tears dried up. Before they could let the rest back into the class, they had to know her name, so that it could be treated as a summon. "Please, call me Navre".

Joseph let the others back into the class, and they all saw the woman standing there, and they just stood there, slackjawed. 'He can defeat teachers, and now this? What else could he do?'. Joseph told them all that her name was Navre, and to treat her with respect. He then asked Navre to reveal her race. "My race. I am a demon, who has been summoned by Shawn". She only knew that he was pretending to be Shawn by looking at his desk, so she called him Shawn.

Everyone just looked at her, confused. Demon? What was that? The only demons they knew of were from mythology, and they looked hideous. Nothing like the woman standing infront of them. Everybody calemd down after a little bit, but The Estranged Ones started to laugh and chuckle at Shawn. "Look at what he summoned. It's useless. Nothing good about it, like it's summoner".

Suddenly, the group of three were up against the wall, being choked by Navre. "Do not insult me, or my summoner again". She then dropped the group to the floor, and appeared beside Nibiru. Everybody flinched, because of her sheer speed and strength. It was amazing. Nibiru just prepared a seat for her to sit on. A small worm thing appeared behind Nibiru, and entered his back, going through his spine. The worm ravaged its way through his inside, ripping them up piece by piece, before making a bloody exit through his skull. Bone shards were sent everywhere, not making much of an impact, but the sight was gory. Navre hugged his ripped up body, yelling, staring to cry, as she would have lost her son as quickly as she returned to him. . The Estranged Ones smirked. They wanted payback after being humiliated like that.

Everyone heard a voice, coming from Nibiru's body. "Oh you poor fools. Did you really think that was all it would take to kill me? If you plan to kill someone, at least do it properly". When these words were heard, Shawn's body could be seen rebuilding itself, creating all new bones and an entirely new set of organs. The body started to piece its ripped pieces back together, allowing it to rebuild. Everyone looked away, as it looked somonee was peeling a banana, in reverse, but with a human. Not a pretty sight.

The Estranged Ones were shocked. "How?" HOW ARE YOU ALIVE?! THE WORM SHOULD HAVE KILLED YOU!". Nibiru just responded with" As I said, do it properly next time". He then cracked his fingers, and the Estranged Ones legs snapped in half, bone sticking outwards. "Or at least cause some pain". They started screaming, and were carried to the nurses office.

Nibiru then just returned to a peaceful position, still on his chair, while his mother, or to everyone else, summon, sat beside him, tears dried up. Everyone thought that Shawn had done enough, but clearly he hadn't. Snapping someone's legs by cracking his fingers? How does that even work?

Everybody calmed down, and were talking about their own summons, when the bell rang, signalling the end of class, but Joseph had an announcement. "Since it is your first day, properly, at the school, we decided to only give you these two classes. Enjoy your free time, before more classes start tomorrow!"

Everyone yelled, enthusiastically, while packing up anything they had on their desks, like their pens. Joseph gathered himself, Leo, Nidas, Layla, Michael, and Nibiru together, and they walked to Nibiru's dorm, along with Navre. They had a lot to discuss, and they wanted to know why Navre was so important to Nibiru.

They all entered the dorm, and sat down. Nibiru disabled his transformation. "Nibiru, what are you doing? These are huma... n?". She stopped because everyone except the already humanoids had turned off their transformation skills, revealing their true forms. Navre just stood there in shock, realising that Nibiru must have done this to them. "Nibiru, what did you do to them?". Nibiru just looked at the group. "With their permission, I made them stronger."

Navre just put her head in her hands, coping with that fact. 'My son can change people completely. This is... amazing'. Nibiru then pipes up with a suggestion. "Hey, does anyone want me to test out the new menu I got?"

Everyone approves, except Navre, not knowing what this "Menu" was. "What is this 'Menu' you are speaking of, Nibiru?". Nibiru just swipes his finger in the air. "It would be better to show you than tell you."

He swipes through his options, and goes into God Summoning. He then S rolls down through the list, looking at the amount of gods. He chooses one that particularly interests him. A heavenly light can be seen appearing infront of Nibiru, and a male figure walks out.

That's right, he summoned Jesus Christ himself.