Was it worth it?

Once the heavenly light had cleared, a bearded man could be seen standing on the table in the room. He was wearing white robes, with a red sash. His beard and hair were a perfect shade of brown, with a yellow glowing halo on his head. He stood with a godly presence, bearing down in everybody, except Nibiru, like they wanted to follow him.

Yes, it was Jesus Christ himself, brought to the future.

Everybody stood there in shock, while Jesus spoke. "Who has brought me from my original belonging, the realm of heaven?". Nibiru then stepped up. "It was I who summoned you here, Jesus Christ. How are you today?". Jesus still stood there, but with a surprised look on his face. Summoned? How? After Jesus had fully understood what had happened, he realised something.

"My connection to God. It's.... gone. My Lord God's connection to me... vanished". Nibiru looks at him, expecting something like this to occur, so he sent a bit of power into Jesus, by simply transferring it to his head, using 'Power Shift' magic. Jesus suddenly looked up, and realised something else. This being was more powerful than God himself. How had he been unnoticed?

"This... energy, that you have provided... it feels... stronger than God's own magic, but how? Surely nothing could overpower God?". Nibiru just smirks, but inside, he was surprised. He knew he was powerful, but more powerful than God? That was a milestone.

"Jesus, I summoned you here as a test of my abilities, and usually, you would be trapped here, but I am a fair man. You can either stay here, or I can send you back up to God. Take some time to decide your choice, for it would be a hard one". Jesus gets down from the table, and sits down, starting to think about his options, when a small black square appeared on his cheek.

"I believe I would like to stay here. I do not think it would be a good idea to go back up to God while I cannot sense his presence, using the connection. I shall stay here". The black square grew, covering a noticeable part of his cheek. Everybody pointed at it, wondering what it was. Nibiru's system gave him an answer.

[Notice. The black square is [corruption]. [corruption] is formed when [Jesus] has no connection to [God]. Once [Jesus] is completely consumed by [corruption], he will no longer retain his heavenly appearance, but will become a darker version of himself, like a flipped colour scheme. He will still have his love for mankind, but he will be simply stronger. Although, if anyone were to see him, they wouldn't think it was Jesus]

Nibiru relayed this information to everybody, and they seemed to be fine with it. This way, they wouldn't be found out for having Jesus alongside them, and he would still be the same person. He would also be stronger, which would be a plus. Jesus just sat there, allowing the corruption to spread along his face, arms, and legs, covering his entire body.

Then, his halo darkened and cracked, letting a piece snap off, and the corruption enveloped Jesus, creating a smooth, black shell. Nibiru tapped on it, and it was quite a solid structure.

While Jesus was left in his form of a cocoon, the others sat back at the table, and let Nibiru go through his summoning menu. He went through the options, before finding one he liked the sound of.

A green, radioactive flash of light appeared on the table, in the space where Jesus had originally appeared, and what seemed to be a robot stepped out of the light, one of their hands as a blade. They took off their helmet to reveal that it was a girl. She carried a miniature rocket on her back. This was the 'God of Atomic Weaponry, Atomis'. She took off her armour, revealing her slim physique, and she sat down on one of the chairs, before looking around the room, smiling.

"So, who was the one that summoned me tot his place?". Nibiru stood up. "I am, Atomis. I am the being that summoned you. My name is Nibiru". Nibiru offered out his hand to her, which she accepted, after standing up. "Hello, Nibiru, for what reason did you summon me here?"

"Well, Atomis, since you are the god of atomic weaponry, you wouldn't be able to use your weapons that much, would you?". Atomis looks at the ground. "Yeah, it's kinda sad that I am a god that isn't able to do much, simply because my weapon is too powerful". Nibiru just lifts her head up. "Well, I am able to create a dimension where you could use your weapons as much as you want, and I would be your contender. Also, how did you enjoy killing my mother, twelve years ago?"

Atomis was confused, before she realised something, and fell over. She was the one that killed his mother, by stabbing her with a sword, and this dragon looking demon was the son, the one that caused her so much pain. She looked around the room, and saw a dead woman standing. His mother. Nibiru continued to speak. "So, was it fun? Did you get pleasure from killing her? What was the end goal? Why?". Nibiru then lifted her up into the air with his fist, and slammed her against a wall of magic, choking her.

"N... No. We... were... Forc... ed", Atomis said, struggling for breath. "Well, how about you feel the same pain you did twelve years ago?". And with that, Nibiru's eyes glowed yellow, activating a piece of magic. "Wind Magic: Torturous Thousand Holes". This created thousands of holes in her body, making her scream in pain, while going limp, but not dying. Nibiru let her drop, so that she couls breathe. "How did you survive? What technique did you use to escape the sphere?"

Atomis was lying on the ground, weakened. "It was... a teleportation ability. Nobody except you... controls magic, so we used an ability. The reason why we were... sent to kill you, was because one of the... major gods commanded us. He was... scared at the idea of magic, being able to control multiple different abilities at the same time. I'm... sorry, Nibiru. At least you have your mother back".

Nibiru then looked over at his mother, signalling her to come over to where he was standing, but politely. She walked over, knelt down, and checked her pulse. "Nibiru, she's almost dead! What did you do that for!?". Nibiru just looks at the goddess. "She killed you, and caused me to traumatise myself for the past twelve years. It's the least she deserves". Navre just looks down, silently agreeing with his assessment of things.

Atomis got up, still dazed, but no longer struggling for breath. "Listen. I am truly sorry for the pain I have caused you. I was only following orders. As compensation, please, take my life". With that, she bend over, baring the back of her neck. Nibiru comes out with an unexpected answer. "Now, why would I kill what I summoned? I gave Jesus Christ the option of staying or going, and he chose to stay. That's what the cocoon is there for. You, I won't give the option. You are trapped here, and you, as a summon, are my subordinate. I believe you know what subordinate means?"

Atomis looked up at him, tears in her eyes, but not sad tears. Happy tears. She was so scared of being killed, but he gave her another option, even though she quite literally killed his mother. This was a generous offer, so she took it eith open arms. Again, literally. She jumped into him, hugging him, while tears streamed down her face.

"Thank you. Thank you. I won't waste this second chance at life". She let go of Nibiru, when a cracking sound could be heard. The cocoon holding Jesus was opening. Out stepped Jesus, but with a reversed colour scheme, while a tremendous aura erupted from him.

[Warning. [Corrupted Jesus Christ] is near you. [Corrupted Jesus Christ] is a powerful subordinate. Beat him in a duel to unlock a new type of menu: Corruptors Menu!]

[Corruptors Menu: A menu that will allow you to corrupt your subordinates, or a part of their body, to make them stronger!]