The Secret Menu Upgrade

Once Nibiru saw this message, he knew he didn't have time to set up a fight. It told him to fight now, so he fought right there and then. He knew he wouldn't be fast enough, for in this state, Jesus had no controller, so he was going to go crazy, and attack everything, like a savage beast, but much stronger.

Nibiru activated his time magic, "Time Magic: Stasis", and the earth would slow down, following a strange noise. Nibiru walked over to Jesus, and gave him a quick chop on the side of the neck, causing him to, when time would resume, fall unconscious.

He let time resume, and Jesus fell to the ground, while something unusual happened. The corruption started to disappear from his body, erasing itself. Suddenly, Jesus was back to his former self, without the corruption, not gaining any more.

[[Corrupted Jesus Christ] has been Defeated!Reward: [Corruptor Menu]]

[[Jesus Christ] has been [un-corrupted]. Secret Quest Completed! Reward: Secret Menu Upgrade: Crafting, Summoning, Transformations, Corruption!]

Nibiru couldn't process what he just heard. He got the Corruptor Menu, as he intended, but this other 'Secret Quest'? What were they? Also, what was a Secret Menu Upgrade? Did they give more options to his abilities?

"Hey guys, by knocking Jesus out, I may have unlocked something cool to show you. It will let me corrupt you, but you will be in full control, while making you stronger, but that's not all. Since I un-corrupted him, I got a 'Secret Menu Upgrade'. You guys want to check it out?"

Everynody except Jesus, who was unconscious, Navre and Atomis, who didn't understand what in the world they were talking about, started to stare, slack jawed. They knew what this meant.

Even stronger items and weaponry. They couldn't believe it. This meant that they would also be able to evolve further, to become stronger. How did this happen? By defeating Jesus Christ himself, it seems. Leo, surpringly, stepped up to Nibiru, not in an intimidating way, but signalling that he wanted to speak.

"Nibiru, could you please use the magic spell that lets us see what you see, so we can check what is in the menu? I want to see what new things have been added". Michael also walked towards him. He stopp on the tops of his toes, reaching Nibiru's shoulders. "How in the hell do you do this, Nibiru?"

"I have no idea. I just keep doing things and it keeps working". Nibiru states, honestly not knowing. "Also, Leo, I will show you guys what u see. Nibiru then casts his magic spell, 'Multishare Magic: Temporary Share of Sight', and suddenly, the others, including Navre and Atomis, could see his menu. Nibiru tapped on the Crafting Menu, and pressed 'Secret Menu'. Suddenly, a huge menu popped up, showcasing items with no stats, or description, unless you tapped on them. They tapped on a sword, and were simply astounded.


[+3000 to all stats]

[Weapon: Blade]

[The most stunning of blades, with an edge sharp enough to slice a world like butter, if held by a toddler. With an advanced swordsman, who knows what is possible?]

"What... The... Actual hell. The best we had before was Layla's 500 boost to her magic, and that was good. A 3000 boost to all stats? I can't even imagine the damage that would do", Leo commented, while Navre and Atomis just had the look of 'What the hell is going on', and 'Jesus Christ that is powerful'.

They went to look at the swords skills, and were surprised at the one skil it had. Surprised was the lightest term they could think of.

[All of Reality Bows to Me]

[You can create any skill you want, and there is no limit to the amount you can create.]

"Alright, who designed that blade? I want to speak with that person, and praise them as a god", Nidas muttered, looking at the blade's skill.

Atomis spoke up. "Uh, if it isn't too much to ask, would you mind seeing if they sell atomic weaponry? If not, any type of explosive?". Nibiru scrolled through, and found an atomic weapon rather easily.

[The Gulag]

[+2000 in atomic power]

[Weapon: Atomic Gun]

[The Gulag. A nickname for the Godly Ultimatum Life-Extinguisher Atomic Gun. There's a reason for it's shortened name, and that's why. This weapon will blow up entire galaxies, so use it carefully.]

Atomis just looked in shock. "Galaxies.. Jesus Christ, that goes beyond atomic. It goes to Galaxy Ending. How?". Just then, Jesus gets up. "Somebody called me... What in the name of the Father?!". He saw this weapon, and was just... shocked. "Nibiru, what happened while I was asleep?".

Nibiru retold the incidents to him, and he understood. "Ah, so that's why I wasn't feeling in-control of my own body. It felt as if someone who wished harm upon all was controlling me, like a puppet, while I watched as a bystander".

Nibiru nodded, contemplating what he said, while he continued to look through the menu, before finding a weapon that would suit him.

[Spellblade of Judgement]

[+3000 in all stats. Extra +5000 in all stats if the holder is [Nibiru], for a total of a +8000 boost in all stats]

[Weapon: Sword/Spellblade]

[The Spellblade of Judgement, a weapon lost in time, a relic of the past, you could say. It has the ability to conduct Magic, of any type, and making it stronger. This works especially well with [Nibiru], as he can coduct magic the best]

Everybody looked in shock, surprised that the menu had something that worked with Nibiru specifically. And the stat bonuses, oh dear god. Even Jesus was looking in shock. Surely, with this, Nibiru could cleave galaxies with ease. The idea tempted Nibiru, so he bought it, but not to cleave the universe. To use in his weapons class. It would be a nice weapon to use.

He pressed the button [Create], and a sword started to materialise in the air. It was a slim blade, but it had a tremendously powerful aura around it. They all knew that it wouldn't break, as the others didn't, even when slammed into eachother. It came with a luxurious looking sheath. It was made out of a gold like material that felt like a sturdy, but luxurious leather. He slid the blade into the sheath, and it slid in without a hassle, while the sheath masked its aura.

He checked the skills on the sword, and stared at them, eyes open wide, while everyone else did the same.

[Tarot 21: The World!]

[The Tarot card with two abilities. It can stop time indefinitely, until the user wishes it to return, and the ability to disable other abilities. A truly frightening combination, just like The World.]

[Secret Skill]

[Nibiru's Spellblade Subordinate]

[Your Spellblade can turn itself into a human being whenever you wish, as then you wouldn't have to carry it around. It also can be a helpful travel companion.]

"Ok, Nibiru, did you create that blade?", Navre calmly asks. Nibiru puts his hands up infront of his face. "No. I did not create that ability, or the blade. Those were the set abilities, one of them only being able to activated by me. Shall we try it?"

Nibiru them whispers the words "Spellblade Subordinate", and the blade jumps out of the sheath, while hovering above the ground, before turning into a fully clothed human being. A male. "Hello, Nibiru. I am your spellblade, Nitro. It is a pleasure to meet you, and your friends. If you ever need my assistance, call upon me by just saying the word 'Nitro'. I shall now turn back into a blade, so that you can use me later". And with that, he transformed into a splblade once again, returning to the sheath.

Nibiru then looks up at everyone, grinning. "Alright, who wants to be upgraded?"