Another Upgrade

Everyone, even Jesus, got exciting at the prospect of becoming stronger. It was simply astounding the sheer power of the Secret Menu. First, they all focused on weapons, which were truly a main part of any fighters arsenal. They all got a choice of two weapons.

Layla stepped up first, and chose her weapons.

[The Staff of the Dead Monarch]

[+3000 to magical strength. Extra +1000 boost to magical strength if the user is of the [Dead Monarch] race]

[Weapon: Staff/Magical Catalyst]

[A staff made from the remains of the Dead Monarch, his power still burning. It is more useful in the hands of another Dead Monarch, but is still useful to anybody]

[Spellbook of Necromancy]

[+1000 to Necromantic Powers]

[Weapon: Spellbook]

[The book of the Dead, a catalyst for necromancy. It allows the user to cast spells powerful enough to summon eldritch gods. For fun.]

None of them had skills, for they were just catalysts for Layla's magical powers, which were now able to summon eldritch gods. They would be able to literally beat over anything, if they wanted, but since Layla would have summoned them, they would be leashed by her.

Michael then walked up, and looked through the menu, looking through Nibiru's eyes, when he saw only one thing that interested him, even though they were only in the Weapons menu.

[The Gauntlets Of Gamma]

[+3000 to all stats]

[Weapon: Gauntlets]

[The Gauntlets worn by Gamma, the Star-Breaker. The force that is generated when the gauntlets are used to punch is enough it shatter a star, so be careful when using them. They do have a power setting, so you can turn up and down the strength.]

This was perfect for Michael, for he used gauntlets well. Nibiru originally planned to use gauntlets, but found out that he worked better with swords.

With Michael done, surprisingly, Jesus walked up, and whispered to Nibiru. "Hey, Nibiru, would you mind letting me get some of the Weapons? I want to join in". A surprising question froom the son of God, but Nibiru granted the wish, and let Jesus look through the menu, before deciding on his weapons.

[The God Gun]

[No Stat Boosts]

[Fires at 90 shots per minute, and each bullet can destroy a planet]

[Weapon: Gun/AK47]

[A gun for protection, with an infinite ammo supply, able to destroy planets with a single bullet. Don't use this frivolously, or you could destroy the very ground you stand on]

[Godly Glocks]

[No stat boosts]

[Fires at 60 shots a second, per gun, and each bullet could destroy a planet]

[Weapon: Gun/Glock]

[A backup weapon to the God Gun, another gun capable of destroying a planet, that comes in a pair, nicknamed "Ebony" and "Ivory", with those words engraved on the sides. Be careful when using these guns.]

Jesus held these weapons, and was stunned. A simple appearance that held such power. Nobody would think that a weapon like this would hold such power.

Atomis walked up to Nibiru, and asked him to summon "The Gulag". The weapon they were looking at before. Just so that she didn't forget the stats, he pulled them up agian before summoning it.

[The Gulag]

[+2000 in atomic power]

[Weapon: Atomic Gun]

[The Gulag. A nickname for the Godly Ultimatum Life-extinguisher Atomic Gun. There's a reason for it's shortened name, and that's why. This weapon will blow up entire galaxies, so use it carefully.]

She held it in her hand. It looked like your average pistol, but to be able to fire atomic blasts. This was just insane. How did she get herself wrapped up in this situation? Because she killed Nibiru's mother, that's how.

Speaking of his mother, Navre walked up to Nibiru, and just hugged him, not as tall as him. "Nobody ever thought that you would be able to do this, Nibiru, and I'm so proud of you. Keep going, and become stronger". Nibiru then knelt down, and hugged her back, showing some affection. A mother-son bond, but a strange one, in that the mother is weaker than the son in most aspects.

After about ten seconds, Nibiru let go of his mother, and went back to the menu, smiling. Nibiru wanted to give Navre a special weapon, so he created one for her, and her alone. This could only be created by him, and would not be in the Weapons menu.

[Motherly Love]

[+6000 to all stats]

[Owner: Navre Sci]

[Weapon: Spellblade]

[A blade made out of the bond between [Nibiru] and [Navre Sci]. It is indestructible, just like their bond.]

Nibiru spawned the sword, and a black sword appeared, with a thin red stripe running along it. Navre picked up the blade, and picked up the sheath that the blade came with. It was a black shethe, with a similar red line along it. It was a one of a kind blade.

Navre spun it around, and it cut through the air like butter. Nibiru pulled up a skill menu, and showed her the skill on it.

[The Mother Of Nibiru]

[You can use a small piece of Nibiru's Magical Prowess, about 1%, when using this sword as a catalyst. Another Demon that can use magic.]

Everybody looked at the skill, and just stared. They all knew how powerful Nibiru was when he was at almost zero percent of his power. That's what he had been using the whole time. One percent was almost unimaginable.

While everyone else stared, Leo walked up to Nibiru, and tried to see if he could interact with the menu. His hand phased through it, showing that only Nibiru could interact with the menu.

"Hey, Nibiru, this might sound greedy, but could I also get some better weapons? I want to be even more powerful". Nibiru just looked at him. "If that was greedy, then I would be the greediest person here. We all get weapons, armour, and accessories. I might actually change you yourself into something stronger, so it is not greedy".

Nibiru then went looking through the menu, and after about thirty seconds, he finds something that would suit Leo.

[Dual Blades of Amaterasu]

[+3000 to speed, for each blade, meaning a +6000 boost altogether]

[Weapon: Dual Blades]

[Forged with the blood of Amaterasu, the weapons were lost in the sands of time, until they were summoned. The strength of these blades are a thing to be reckoned with, as it makes the user faster.]

Nibiruu created the blades, and gave them to Leo, who instantly started to speed about, but Nibiru negated the shock wave, so that nobody got hurt. Leo then stopped moving, and bowed down to Nibiru, thanking him for the sword.

Nidas then looked at his blade, compared to te others, and decided that he wanted something stronger. Something to match everyone here. He relayed this to Nibiru, who almost instantly found something.

[The Blade of the Elder Phoenix]

[+5000 to all stats, with an extra +1000 boost to anyone of the Phoenix race]

[Weapon: Blade]

[A blade formed from the ashes of the Reborn Elder Phoenix, this sword has a shining glow, and conducts fire magic, while conducting all types, but fire is conducted best.]

The sword was given to Leo, who just sheathed it, and thanked Nibiru, also bowing down. Everybody there bowed to him, except for Joseph, who hadn't gotten a weapon yet. Nibiru had something special for him.

[The Bone Scythe]

[+6000 boost in attack, defence, and speed to any form of Reaper]

[Created by: Nibiru]

[Weapon: Scythe]

[This weapon made out of the bones of a special being, the Reaper, gives other Reapers a special boost to their strength. It is mad eof bones, which give it a hard structure to base off of. It has been enhanced with magic, to prevent it from being broken.]

The scythe was summoned, and it floated in the air, like a feather. When Joseph picked it up, it was actually as light as a feather, generating no torque in his hand, even though it should.

Joseph bowed infront of Nibiru, creating a circle. Nibriu then decided to summon himself one more weapon. The Omni-Breaker, and it's skill, All of Reality Bows to Me.


[+3000 to all stats]

[Weapon: Blade]

[The most stunning of blades, with an edge sharp enough to slice a world like butter, if held by a toddler. With an advanced swordsman, who knows what is possible?]

[All of Reality Bows to Me]

[You can create any skill you want, and there is no limit to the amount you can create.]

The blade was summoned, and it was quite the large sword, quite like Cloud Strife's 'Buster Sword', from Final Fantasy VII.

They all stopped bowing, and looked up in awe at Nibiru. The presence and aura that extruded from him was insane, like he was God himself, but on steroids.

"This is only the beginning. Now, we need to get ourselves some armour. Who's up for it?"

Everybody gave their arrival, and Nibiru opened up the Secret Armour Menu, and what they saw was astonishing...