Upgrading the Armour

Since everybody had their weapons, they needed something to protect themselves, if it was ever necessary, so it would be a good idea to have armour. Nibiru went looking through the armour section, just scrollling through the possibilities.

He found a piece of armour that he thought would work for his mother, because it was useful.

[Knight Suit of Black Armour]

[+15,000 to defence]

[Armour: Full Plate]

[The Armour of the Legendary Alpha Forces, built to be lightweight yet durable, and even able to naturally camouflage in the dark. This is quite the perfect set of armour for someone not wanting to be noticed in the dark.]

Nibiru summoned the armour, and a floating set of black armour appeared infront of Navre, encouraging her to take it out of the air. She found it surprisingly light, and was able to hold the entire set on her index finger, with no extreme weight. She put it on, and she got Leo to try and stab at her. The sword slid off the armour, being deflected to the side. This proved how strong the armour was.

Leo then went up to Nibiru, and asked him to look through the menu, for a good set of armour, one that would work for him, in any form. He found a set, and decided to give it to both Leo, Joseph, and Nidas, for they would appreciate it.

[Morphing Armour]

[+10,000 boost in strength]

[Armour: Plate]

[This armour will equip itself to any form of user, so if somebody transformed while they had this equipped, it would grow or shrink in size, depending on the transformation, and it would mold to their body shape.]

The three of them picked up the armour, and saw it change shape to their bodies. This was quite astonishing, as it meant that the armour could be used in any form they took.

Jesus decided to go up to Nibiru, and also ask for a piece of armour. Nibiru went looking for a suitable piece, and found what might be the strongest armour there.

[The Armaments Of Jesus]

[+20,000 to defence]

[Owner: Jesus Christ]

[Armour: God Platings]

[The armour of Jesus, built from his blooos when he died on the cross. The armour can only be worn by [Jesus Christ], and will kill anyone except him, if they attempt to put it on]

Jesus put in the newly formed armour, and he actually felt safer, like he was an indomitable being, one that can connect to God almighty. He wanted this all along, as it was his main goal, but it would be amazing if he could talk to God, while staying down here, in the realm of Man, so he could help.

Michael thought about his armour choice, so he asked Nibiru to look for a piece of armour that wouldn't impede his fighting capabilities. Nibiru went looking, and found something that would fulfill his specifics.

[Adamantite Chestplate]

[17,500+ defence]

[Armour: Chestplate]

[A Chestplate made out of a special type of Adamantite, forged with the blood of the gods. Since it is only a Chestplate, it mainly covers the chest, but it has a special ability which summons an invisible protective aura around the body, protecting the wearer.]

Rhis was perfect for Michael, as the Aura wouldn't impede his fighting, but would still protect him, so he wouldn't have to worry about protecting his body, since it would be completely covered.

Atomis, the god who killed Navre twelve years ago, just kept silent, when a piece of armour appeared infront of her.

[The Killer's Armour]

[+12,500 defence]

[Owner: Atomis]

[Armour: Full Plate]

[Armour only to be worn by a killer, as a sign that they have murdered innocent people, who have done no wrong, like Navre.]

Atomis looked at Nibiru, and Nibiru was staring back at her, his eyes yellow, threatening her with the hole attack once again. He was still angry at her. She just looked down, while pulling the armour close to her, while just whispering, "I'm sorry."

Layla just looked at Atomis with pity, before asking Nibiru for a piece of armour that would help with her magic abilities. Almost instantly, he found just the right piece for her.

[Dead Monarch's Armour]

[+10,000 defence, +7,500 magical prowess]

[Armour: Full Body Armour]

[A set of armour that looks like bloody tentacles strung together, forming a tight bond. If these tentacles are destroyed, they will regrow in exactly thirty seconds.]

The armour had been summoned, and Layla had put it on. She now looked like an Eldritch Horror, with all the bloody tentacles that covered her, as armour. It looked simply horrifying, but that's what it was meant to be like.

Nibiru then went looking for his own piece of armour, when he found soenthing that interested him. It was built specifically for him, so he was curious.


[+30,000 to all stats]

[Creator: Menu]

[Owner: Nibiru]

[Armour: Armour]

[A special gift from me to you, Nibiru. You decided to help people, and make them stronger, which gave me a conscious, like you do. I feel... Happy. I want you to have this, as a little reminder that I have a personality. I want to become a bigger part of your life, so I will be like a voice in your ear, helping you. Please, do not ignore me, but utilise me.]

[Special Skill: Urizen]

[Become a special being, titled [Omnipresent Being, Urizen]. This will allow you to gain another ability. An ability titled [Argonaut], a skill that completes anything. While in the [Urizen] form, you gain immense multipliers in all stats. Use it wisely, Nibiru, or should I say, Host?]

Everybody didn't expect this, including Nibiru. He didn't know that the system could have a personality, but it was a welcome change.

"Hey system, can you hear me?", Nibiru asks, openly. The system actually responded. [Host, you do not need to actually speak, you can use your thoughts, and yes I can hear you. Hello!]. Nibiru then thought about the possibilities of this being useful in a fight. [Yes, I could use this thought speaking to develop strategies in fights. Its quite a cool concept, so you should use it.]

He summoned the armour, and it looked like a black set of armour with a large blue line going along it, while it extruded a great and powerful aura.

Nibiru then looked around, and he asked everybody the question they were waiting for.

"Alright lads, who wants accessories to help boost them?"