An interruption that will be remembered.

While Nibiru was going through the accessories menu, Joseph realised something strange was going on. By using his telepathic ability, he could hear the voices of someone powerful. A voice that only a god would have in their thoughts. He could hear their thoughts, but before anything important could be heard, the sound of brittle bricks shattering could be heard, as the building started to shake, like it was in an earthquake. There were large pieces of brown dust flying around the room, while everybody in the room started to shake with the building, falling over, unable to stay upright.

The walls started to collapse from the force of the chock, and the ground started to fall, as the five story building came crashing down, rubble flying everywhere. All that could be seen were shadows in the dust, as everybody fell. The people responsible for knocking the building down just smirked and walked off, before stopping, and looking behind them. All the students were standing outside the fallen rubble, looking as if they were in it as they were falling, but someone had saved them.

They could still see the shadows of people in the building, as if people were still there. They tried to clear the dust, but it was like it was being created created by someone. Nibiru walked out of the dust cloud, coated in his full set of armour, Urizen. He was stop in his dragon form, so nobody knew that he was Shawn Hearne, for that's all they would have seen in the past. He transformed into Shawn Hearne, and everyone stood there, silently, but with their mouths wide open. Shawn Hearne was actually that being? No wonder he was so strong. Next, Joseph walked out, and everybody cheered, knowing that a powerful ability user had come to help. Joseph then turned into his Grim Reaper form, and everybody was simply frightened. No wonder they were so strong. Stronger than before.

Layla, Michael, Leo, Nidas, and Navre all walked out, in their true forms, those being Crow Tengu and Phoenix for Leo and Nidas, while everybody still kept their appearance. Then, new faces to everyone walked out. Jesus Christ and Atomis, holding their weapons, Jesus holding his Godly Glocks, while Atomis held The Gulag. When Atomis walked out, the people who had crashed the building stood with their mouths wide open, and their identities were revealed.

The God that Atomis had served twelve years ago, when Navre was killed, Baphomet, and his army of lesser gods. Baphomet just yelled at Atomis. "What are you doing, siding with them, Atomis? You work for ME!". Atomis just points The Gulag at him, while uttering the threat, "Not anymore, Baphomet. I am much more powerful than you now, and you won't ever get in my way again," while staring him down, showing that this wasn't an empty threat. Baphomet flinched back, while pulling out a blade forged by God himself.

"You dare defy me, Atomis? You know the amount of pain you will go through once I defeat this...", he points at Nibiru, "abomination?!". Atomis then says words he never would have expected. "Well, it will have been worth it, for it's better than working for you. Plus, I owe him, as I killed his mother twelve years ago, under YOUR orders. You disgust me, forcing a child at the age of ten to go through that". She then speaks to Nibiru. "That is Baphomet, the god that ordered me to kill your mother. Please, kill him, so he can be gone from my memories forever".

Nibiru then announces some words to everyone. "Everybody, you guys fight the lesser gods, while I deal with Baphomet!". Nobody says anything, except running up towards the lesser Gods. The reason why is because they were so angry on the inside, having both Nibiru and a person they knew insulted by someone weaker than them. They wanted to yell, scream, and threaten murder, but they couldn't, for it would distract them. Even Jesus, the son of God, was angry. A person with this much power, more than his Father, the almighty God, was being insulted. This was unacceptable.

They rushed up towards the Lesser Gods, while Nibiru walked up to Baphomet. "You want to kill me, so let's go to my personal domain, where no stat boost will be given to me, where we can duel with all of our strength". Baphomet just smiled. "I wouldn't want it any other way, abomination". Nibiru opens up a portal to his dimension, and both of them jump into it, feeling the effect of dimensional transport. They reach the Sky Fortress, and their feet crash against the cold, hard rock. They were no longer in the roof, they were inside the building, in a room titled "The Murdering Grounds". This is where the two would fight, but what was happening to the lesser gods?

Michael ran up to one, and punched it in the stomach, causing their organs to fly through the other side. Usually, a punch like this, from either a god or a human, wouldn't kill them, but this was a person transformed by a demon. The punch, since it was delivered by someone transformed by Nibiru, caused them to actually die from this. Once the other lesser gods saw this, they all started to take this seriously, as it was a battle of life or death. One god tried to kick Michael in the legs, but their leg was shattered by the invisible protective aura. They weren't able to pass through the barrier, so they took all the damage. Jesus started to fire his guns, two shots a second, one from each glock, killing over fifty lesser gods in a minute, as some of the shots missed.

Some of the gods tried to attack the traitor, Atomis, but she was able to fire The Gulag straight into their mouths, and since they closed their mouth, the atomic explosion was contained in them, killing them from the inside, as it became a concentrated blast.

Some of the gods attempted to attack Layla, but their attempts were futile, as she summoned the Demon Lord, Diablos. This was a Demon Lord from another dimension, one that died there over five hundred years ago, and was extremely skilled with magic. He fired a small piece of magic, titled 'White Death'. A small white ball, about the size of a fingertip, dropped to the ground, and expanded, killing about three hundred of the lesser gods. Layla didn't take any damage, even though she was in the sphere, because she had summoned Diablos.

Navre, with a heavy heart, for she knew what it was like to die, went around slashing up the lesser gods, worrying for Nibiru, as she had seen him enter the portal with Baphomet. Her sword, Motherly Love, was slicing through the lesser gods like a hot knife through butter. When she realised that if she killed the lesser gods, Nibiru wouldn't have to worry, she started to kill with more enthusiasm, knowing that she would be useful to Nibiru.

Nidas and Leo teamed up, becoming a deadly duo. They kept eachother at their backs, while slashing and slicing at the poor lesser gods, who thought that this would be easy. The blades cleaved directly through the gods, like a knife through butter, while in the event they got attacked, their armour protected them, stopping them from getting hurt. It was like they were invincible, as they weren't hurt a single bit, as they cleaved through gods.

Joseph, being a Grim Reaper, decided to have a bit more fun with his attacks. He would kill a few of the lesser gods with ease, then, by using their souls, he would summon them as Reapers, who would kill, bring the souls back to him, and this would repeat. It was like there was a wave of disease taking them over, as they became Reapers, under the control of Joseph.

The students standing at the sidelines were just standing in awe. There were people like this at their school, and they didn't even know? They thought that only Nibiru was that strong, but obviously not.

Nibiru and Baphomet were in The Murdering Grounds, and they each pulled up their sword of choice. Baphomet pulled out his sword, titled 'Thetis', the one forged by God, while Nibiru pulled out the Spellblade of Judgement. The two of them stood still for about five seconds, before rushing towards eachother, with the intent to kill.