The Battle of the Gods

Nibiru and Baphomet's blades clashed, sending yellow sparks flying. The tow of them rebounded off of eachother, and they each tried to go for a lethal move, but were always being blocked by some form of counter, be it with magic, abilities, or with the blades. Nibiru pulled out the Omni-Breaker, and attacked with his two swords, going for a lethal kill, attacking form both sides, almost killing Baphomet, missing only by an inch, when he used both ends of the sword to block the attack, and punched Nibiru in the stomach, sending him flying away, the swords returning to Nibiru, placing themselves in his hands, so that he could attack again if he needed to.

Nibiru was winded, but still got up, having some form of control over his body, and he took a deep breath, letting him calm down, but this gave Baphomet a good opportunity. He rushed forward, and slashed at Nibiru's chest, when the armour blocked it. The armour should have blocked the punch earlier, but Nibiru didn't expect the god to be that strong, so he didn't have it on, as he had taken it off while going through the portal, so that it didn't hinder his progress, so that Baphomet wouldn't be allowed any extra time to attack, as he hoped to get a quick slash in first.

Nibiru let the armour protect him, the blade being deflected to the side, while he focused on attacking Baphomet. He increased his speed, and the blades became a blur, almost to quick for Baphomet to block, but he managed, but just barely. Baphomet then decided to use his ability, and time stopped around him, as he walked up to Nibiru, frozen in time. He lifted up his blade, and mocked Nibiru. "Time to say goodbye, you abomination.", but this would be his mistake, as Nibiru grabbed him by the throat, and flung him across the room. "I-Impossible! Nobody can move in my world of stopped time, except for me!". Then, he slammed into the wall, falling to the ground, blood dripping from his mouth.

Nibiru walked walked up to Baphomet, and stabbed him through the chest, just missing his heart. This caused Baphomet to scream in pain, as he felt the cold metal of the blade near his warm beating heart, and the pain that accompanied it. The pain was intense, and he had to try deal with the cold blade while trying to minimise the amount of pain he was receiving. Nibiru started to slash at Baphomet, leaving him no time to react, or else he would be dead.

"Tarot Card: Number 21, The World!". Time resumed for both of them, as Nibiru erased the effects of Baphomet's time stop. During this time, Nibiru had forgotten about Omni-Breaker's skill. Nibiru kept on attacking Baphomet, ss he blocked using his blade, which was somehow still in his hand. Everybody who was told to kill the lesser gods had finished them all off, the they jumped into the portal, and saw Nibiru slashing at a fallen Baphomet, so they thought he would win.

After about three minutes of non-stop slashing, Nibiru got a lucky slash at Baphomet's neck, using the Spellblade of Judgement, and decapitated him, blood flying like a volcano. Nibiru flicked his sword, removing the blood. He sheathed the sword, and started to walk away. He could hear the sounds of bones snapping, and skin streching. He looked back, and saw Baphomet standing, while his body transformed, from a headless body, into a winged humanoid, with pearly white curved horns sprouting from its head.

"Abomination, did you really think it would be this easy to get rid of me? I have much more power than you, and this is evident in our strengths! Surrender now, and you will have a painless death!". He said this like it was the greatest deal in someone's lifetime, a one-time offer. Nibiru just shook his head, and flew up to Baphomet, pulling out his sword once again. The tow of them clashed, and Nibiru was sent flying into the wall, it shattering under the strength, but only slightly. Baphomet then suddenly appeared infront of Nibiru, and slammed his sword, Thetis, directly into where his heart was located, which should have killed him, but knowing Nibiru, he had something up his sleeve.

"Healing Magic: Instant Mega Heal". When he said this, the wound was instantly healed, and the blade was the only blockade, so he pulled it out, and used it himself. The blade started to turn black, corrupting itself, so that it couldn't be used. The blade disintegrated infront of Baphomet, and he was forced to use his hands. He punched Nibiru in the face over and over again, as the healing magic had healed up his body, so his face would be the next best place. He punched it over one hundred times in two seconds, while Nibiru didn't do anything, seemingly unconscious.

Baphomet stopped punching, and let Nibiru drop to the floor, while Navre tried to run to him. Michael put his hand on her shoulder, while shaking his head from side to side. "Let Nibiru show him how strong he really is". Navre didn't want to, but she walked backwards, so that she didn't run to him. Nibiru was still unconscious, with his eyes closed, looking to all like a dead man.

Navre just stood their, her heart stopping for a few seconds, watching as her son was being brutally beaten by a winged being, and she started to cry. She wanted to help, but it was against her son's wishes, so she had to stay still, and not interrupt.

Baphomet dropped to the ground, standing beside Nibiru, laughing. "I told you, abomination. I am much stronger than you, but you didn't listen. You will now die for your actions!". He then stabs his hands through Nibiru's chest, and pulled out his heart. This caused Nibiru to open his eyes, and activate the skill on his armour.