Urizen Arises

When Nibiru yelled "URIZEN!", his armour started to grow, and change shape. It grew into blue and purple tentacles, which continued to leak a red liquid, seemingly blood. The tentacles continued to move around, growing into millions upon millions of large tentacles, each one revolving around another, creating a strong armour. The tentacles then increase in size, leaking even more supposed blood.

Nibiru, or Urizen, now stood at a height of 60 meters tall, with around 50 million tentacles as his armour. This was the ability of his armour, Urizen. Urizen then sent out a string of tentacles, grabbing Baphomet. The tentacles started to constrict, crushing the bones in Baphomet's body, like a Boa Constrictor crushing its prey.

Without warning, Baphomet's body exploded, leaving a bloody mess everywhere, and the tentacles dropped, retracting into Urizen. The sounds of bones and flesh reforming could be heard. After about thirty seconds, Baphomet was standing once again. There was still blood, bones, and innards everywhere, but Baphomet still stood.

"You fool, abomination. I cannot be killed, can't you see? This is my trump card, an immortal body!". Urizen simply laughed. "I am no longer an abomination. I am Urizen, and Nibiru's system". This word confused Baphomet. 'System'? What did that mean? It didn't matter, as Urizen grabbed Baphomet by the limbs, and pulled, ripping his arms from its sockets, causing him to scream, while blood erupted from the places where his limbs were gone. The limbs were thrown away like discarded toys, and Urizen grabbed Baphomet's limbless body, and ripped its head from it's body, like an angry child ripping the head off of a doll.

The head of Baphomet's body is thrown into the corner of the room, while his body is thrown into the wall, and Urizen laughs. "If you have an immortal body, I can have as much fun as I want!". Baphomet then regrew, and he shuddered at the thought of being this abomination's plaything for the rest of eternity. He didn't have to worry, however, as his "immortal" body was just a lie. He had ten extra lives, and he had already used up three of them.

Baphomet went and punched at the tentacles that made up Urizen, but when he punched him, his hand was shattered under the sheer defence Urizen had. Urizen then used this opportunity to grab Baphomet, and pop his head like a cherry, as the blood ran down his tentacle-built hands.

He now has six lives remaining, although Urizen didn't know this.

Baphomet rebuilt his body, and, by using his Godly powers, he summoned another sword, and stabbed it at Nibiru. The sword almost pierced it, but it wasn't enough, and it bounced back towards Baphomet, who didn't have enough time, before Urizen clapped his hands, with Baphomet between them, crushing them like one might a fly.

Urizen looked at his hands, and realised how much blood and innards were on them, so he flicked his hands out to the side, leaving a gap in his defence. Baphomet, after rebuilding themselves, charged their sword with heavenly light, and fired a beam at Urizen. The beam shot straight through Urizen, hitting him in the chest, although it didn't hit any major organs. Urizen screamed in pain, as he held his hands up to his chest, trying to heal it. Because of his size, it took about five seconds to heal, but in that time, Urizen grabbed Baphomet with his tentacles, and slammed him headfirst into the ground, killing him, as his skull, and the other boens and organs follow, smashed into the ground, sending shards, or flappy pieces, everywhere.

Four lives remaining. How will these lives end?

Baphomet, after his body regrew, shot another three beams of light at Urizen, and one of them hit Urizen in the forehead, piercing his brain. Urizen started to bleed out, but not before quite literally falling on top of Baphomet, crushing him. Baphomet's body regrew, and he crawled a bit more, before his body was crushed under the pressure once again. The tentacles started to shrink, making Urizen smaller, giving Baphomet less distance to travel. He got crushed one last time, before Urizen became small, and light, enough to crawl away from.

One life left for Baphomet.

Nibiru, after all the tentacles had dissolved, and Nibiru in his normal form was just left lying there, his skull no longer bleeding, but he was unconscious. Baphomet walked over to the unconscious Nibiru, and stood with his blade above Nibiru's heart. "You did well, abomination, but you will never defeat a god. You want to know why? Even through you can't hear me, I am still going to tell you. It's because you aren't a god, like me. You are meant to be dead, so now, stay dead.", and with that, he pulled the sword down upon Nibiru, but something threw him off.

He looked down towards his chest, and saw Nibiru's blade, the Spellblade of Judgment, was sticking out through his chest, one centimeter below his heart. A fatal wound. Baphomet stumbled backwards, as blood stopped being pumped to his heart, and he died, wondering how this happened.

Nibiru wasn't safe either. The blade had pierced his heart directly, not killing him instantly, but it wouldn't leave him much time to live. His mother rushed up to him, tears in her eyes, as she was unable to help him. Nibiru placed his cold, almost-lifeless hand across her cheek.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I can't be here for longer. Please, don't forget me". Navre puts her hand towards his neck, and starts to openly cry onto his back, while the others crowd around, tearing up, like the life of the world has been drained away.

Nibiru's hand then dropped, as his body lost it's pulse. Nibiru, the one being thought to be unkillable, has died.

Navre continued to cry onto Nibiru's body, losing her own son to the ones called gods.

Leo picked up Nibiru's body, and carried it to the portal, after prising it from Navre's hands, slick with tears. They walked out into the world, and everybody saw Nibiru's lifeless body. Joseph turned back into his human form, and dig a grave befitting a being like Nibiru. It was grand, with all of the blades he had ever summoned laid beside it. He had a large tombstone, and on it read:

[Nibiru, The Eyes of Red.]

[A true being, capable of almost anything, known to the world as Shawn Hearne. Nibiru died after saving everybody in the school, dying a very sad death. He will be remebered as the one true being, even by Jesus Christ himself.]

This would be the end of Nibiru, for not even he could return from death.