The Chat


So cold.

The World...

Has stopped...

This feeling...

Of separation...

It hurts...

My soul...

This feeling...

Of loneliness...

How long...

Have I been gone...

This time..

I will...

Make the world...

Work right...

This pain...

True pain...

When will...

It end...

This feeling...

Of separation...

It cracks...

My soul...

The light...

Is somewhere...


I can't see...


I want...

Is to see...

Them again...


So cold.

The World...

Has stopped...

This feeling...

Of separation...

It hurts...

My soul...

This pain...

True pain...

When will...

It end...

This feeling...

Of separation...

It cracks...

My soul...

The light...

The light...

It's faded...


It calls...

It calls...

It's cold...

Like snow...

The light...

Can be seen...

It's just...

Out of reach...

It is...

The last hope...

The last hope...

For me...

I can touch...

The light...

It beckons...


It wants..

To help...


Me free.

I hold...

Onto the light...

With all...

I've got...

I leave...

This plain...

With nothing...


My soul...

My soul...

It comes...

Back to me...

What is...

This feeling...

Of joy? Of light?...

Or being...



"Hey, wake up. Come on, get up, Nibiru. I wish to speak with you. Come on, get up".

Nibiru, the one who died at the hands of Baphomet, lies in his new body, with a voice from the heavens, calling his name. He slowly opens his eyes, and immediately closed them, for the light was too bright.

"Nibiru, please do not close your eyes. Let them become used to the light". When the voice said these words, he reluctantly opened his eyes, and kept them open in spite of the bright light. The light cleared away, and he could see someone looking down over him, a sad look on their face. The Father of Jesus. God.

"Nibiru, I am sorry, but you have died. A major god named Baphomet went crazy once he heard that you were still alive, so he rushed down to the mortal realm, taking his little army with him."

Nibiru tried to move his body, and it moved surprisingly well, like he had before he died, but by all rights, he was meant to be as stiff as a board.

"I loosened up your body for you, so that you would be able to move properly. I also fixed up your vocal chords, so that you could speak. Go on, try speak."

"W... Where am I?". The first question he asked. "You are in heaven, Nibiru. You died, so your soul came here."

Nibiru then just looks down at the ground, and shakes his head. "So, I really am dead, huh? How is everybody down on Earth?". God starts to smile a little bit. "Oh, you don't need to worry about that. After all, you will be going back down to them."

Nibiru was shocked to hear this. "Wait, I'm going back? But I'm dead!". God just shakes his head. "Once we are done here, you will be going back down to Earth, before you died."

"Wait, I believe you are God. Why is that the case? Why would I be allowed to return?". God just looks at Nibiru. "You wouldn't be returning to the present. You would be going to the time of when you were about to die. You will then save yourself, and take the place of your previous self, basically fusing with your previous self."

Nibiru looks at God, not quite sure he heard what he heard. "Fusing? What would happen if I fused with my previous self?". God just gave the simple reply of "Nothing, for to access the ability to turn back time, you must become stronger, and when youu fuse, the power increase will be so miniscule, you won't even notice. Unless something interesting happens."

"What would that be?", Nibiru asks, curious. "Oh no, it's nothing. It isn't going to happen, so I won't even bother to mention it."

"So, how would I become stronger, God? By doing extreme amounts of work?". God just laughs. "No, no. All you have to do is defeat one person. That person is waiting for you. All you have to do is agree to the duel, and win. Then, you will be strong enough to turn back time."

"Alright, I will duel him. What is his name?". God simply replies with, "Your system will tell you."

Nibiru is then transported to a blank room, void of all colours. A person is standing in the centre, and his name is revealed by the system.

[Welcome Back, Host]

[Cian, the being Over Heaven]

[Race: Holy Corpse]

[HP: Unknown/Unknown]

[Cian, the one being that has reached Over Heaven status. He has been created to make [Nibiru] stronger, by beating defeated.]

[Reward Available to collect: Items]

[Quest Given: Defeat Cian!]

[Reward: Unknown!]