The Duel With Cian

Nibiru saw this beings status, and realised that he shouldn't take him lightly. He got into a battle stance, when his system, Urizen, alerted him of something.

[Reward Pending: Items!]

[Do you wish to accept?]


Suddenly, Nibiru is coated in his armour, Urizen, with his large sword, the Omni-Breaker, at his back, with his other blade, The Spellblade of Judgement, at his waist, in its sheath.

'It's good to have you back, Urizen. Although you weren't gone for long, it's good to hear you again.:

[It is also great to hear from you again, host. Now, shall we defeat this being known as Cian?]

"Nothing would make me happier!", Nibiru says out loud, while rushing towards the being Over Heaven.

A ghostly being appeared behind Cian, and fired his fist at Nibiru, punching him in the jaw, unexpectedly. Nibiru was sent flying back, only processing the ghostly beings presence as he was punched.

The ghostly being floated behind Cian, like a bodyguard, prepared to fight Nibiru.

[The Universe]

[User: Cian, the being Over Heaven]

[Race: Spectral Protector]

[A protector of Cian, with the ability to rewrite reality to it's will. It is quite powerful physically, but it lacks in skill, meaning that it will never actually remove a person from reality. It will only punch them, and make attacks.]

'So, a puncher with a broken ability that doesn't use it to its full, eh? This will be fun.'

[Yes it will, Host]

Nibiru rushed up towards the ghostly figure again, this time opting to use his Omni-Breaker. He slashed forward, and The Universe punched through the sword, hitting Nibiru. Nibiru then activated the effect of The Omni-Breaker, The Universe bows down to Me. He created a skill where if the holder is punched, the puncher receives 150% of the damage, while the holder takes none.

The Universe stumbled backwards, before it used its ability to heal its hand, reverting it back to its original state. It then used its ability, the ability to rewrite reality, to summon red lightning from the sky. Nibiru carefully moved around them, not leaving himself too open, but not being hit.

Nibiru then rushed up again, and created another skill, titled Ghost Killer. Its effect was that if The Omni-Breaker hit a spectral being, it would kill that being before it could heal. The Universe moved out of the way, dodging by a hair's width. It then attempted to punch Nibiru in the stomach, before it was blocked by the Omni-Breaker. Nibiru was only slightly moved, when he felt a large impact on his back.

Nibiru realised that he had forgotten about Cian themselves. He was sent flying across the blank room, slamming into a wall. Nibiru got up, shakily, and started to put more effort into his attacks. Both himself and Cian, with The Universe, rushed towards eachother, Nibiru preparing to slash with his blade, The Omni-Breaker. The attack actually hit Cian on the shoulder, as he yelped in pain. The Universe then punched Nibiru, sending him flying towards the ceiling of the room, but he accomplished what he had needed. His sword, The Spellblade of Judgement, had turned into its human form, Nitro, and slammed his fist into Cian, creating a hole where his heart was meant to be.

But Cian didn't fall. He was a Holy Corpse, he didn't need a heart. He still stood, completely unhindered. Nitro jumped back beside Nibiru, and Urizen relayed some information about Cian once again.

[Cian, the being Over Heaven]

[Race: Holy Corpse]

[HP: 90/200]

Nibiru was shocked to see that it still had a decent amount of health left, but he didn't want to wait much longer. He wanted to go back in time, so that he could save his family, his friends, or everyone he was waiting for.

This was not just a fight. It was a fight to save what past he had. He wanted to go back, and relive it, like nothing had changed. He needed to end this fight.

He rushed up towards Cian, with Nitro following him, both of them filled with renewed vigor. Nibiru slashed with the Omni-Breaker, distracting The Universe, but only for a short period of time, but that was that would be needed. This slight distraction gave Nitro enough time to deliver a kick to the forehead of Cian, decapitating him, leaving him on the floor.

Cian's health was continuously being shown to Nibiru by Urizen, before a curious message popped up.

[HP: 3/200]

[HP: 2/200]

[HP: 1/100]

[To prevent death, Cian wishes to join you on your adventures, as a subordinate. If you accept, the quest will still be completed.]

[Do you accept?]

Nibiru contemplated the options for a second. It seemed that gaining him as a subordinate would be quite a good choice, so he pressed the [Yes] option.

[Quest Completed! Defeat Cian!]

[Rewards: Subordinate [Cian], Unknown!]

[Secret Quest Completed! Gain Cian as a Subordinate!]

[Reward: Over Heaven Menu Upgrade!]

Once these notifications were sent, Nibiru began to change. His body, which was 8' 6" beforehand, began to grow, as his bone size, and strength, increased. His skin colour, which used to be black, with red outlines, became a white colour, with yellow outlines, while his power could be felt multiplying.

God saw this change, and yelled. "Wait! It's happening! The impossible is happening! He's becoming a being Over Heaven!"

Nibiru, at the end of it all, was now 12' 10", and was a white and gold being. He went a checked his status in the menu.

[Nibiru (Over Heaven Rank)]

[Age: 22]

[Power Level: Unable to Identify]

[Race: Demon, Being Over Heaven]

[System: Urizen]

Nibiru looked at himself, wondering what had happened to him, and he saw his name. He yelled up to God. "Hey, God, what does this 'Over Heaven Rank' mean?"

God floated down to him, seemingly from nowhere. "Nibiru, you have achieved the impossible. You have achieved the Over Heaven rank. You can now time-travel. Go on, have fun!".

Nibiru then smiled, and walked away, Cian and Nitro following, as Cian was seemingly healed. Nibiru thought about going to the last, with the intent of actually visiting it, and a portal opened up infront of him. He walked through, and it closed.

God just stood there, and he started to worry. "Oh no. What have I created? He is going to kill us all eventually". God then realised something. This was Nibiru he was talking about. "Actually, he won't. He is decently sensible now, so he won't accidentally kill everything."

Nibiru returned to his past, just as Baphomet was about to kill Nibiru. Nibiru, faster than he imagined was possible, rushed up to him, and grabbed him by the throat, and shived him against the wall, cracking his skull from the high speed impact. Everybody who was watching were simply shocked, as they didn't expect this. A white and gold being helping out Nibiru? Just who was this?

Nibiru helped his previous self up, and he whispered some words with eachother, before the original one disappeared into energy, and was absorbed inside Nibiru. He walked over to the group, and instantly, Navre knew who he was, for she saw the Spellblade of Judgement on his waist.

"Ni... Nibiru! What just happened, and why are you white and gold?". This then tipped th e others off as to who he was, and they all started to crowd around him. "Hey, Nibiru, what did you do? Where is the other Nibiru?". Nibiru just stood back, and answered with this.

"It's a long story, but basically, I died, I talked to God, I defeated someone, became this, came back here, killed Baphomet, fused with my previous self, so they could be with me, and I am now here, back and stronger than ever."

Jesus was surprised at this knowledge." You talked to the Father? It must have been quite special". Nibiru just laughed. "He siad I achieved the impossible! Also, we have a new member to our little group. Meet Cian, the being Over Heaven!"

Cian, for the first time, actually spoke. "Hello, everybody. My name is Cian. I hope we can be acquaintances."

Everybody shook Cian's hand, and he was welcomed into the group. They all decided to walk out of the fortress' portal, and enter the normal dimension. Everybody there recognised the people who had went in, and figured out that the tall white thing was the same person as the tall red thing that went in earlier. They wondered who Cian was, but they just dismissed him.

Everybody crowded around Nibiru, wondering who he was. They were asking so many questions. Nibiru just told everyone to stand back for a second, and they immediately did so, not wanting to anger him. He then transformed into Shawn Hearne, then back again, and everybody just looked at him, eyes wide open.

Joseph, back in his human form, told everybody to go back to the rubble of the building. They wondered why, but realised something. The building was rebuilding itself, and it was bigger and better than ever. It was seven stories tall, with the latest in technology. How did Nibiru know about all of this? He simply told the building to make all the lastest technology.

Everybody looked at Nibiru, before simply yelling in joy. Joseph walked infront of the crowd of children, before announcing something.

"Everybody, calm down. Now, we know you are excited by Nibiru, so we are going into the new assembly hall, so he can chat to us about himself. Is that all right with you, Nibiru?"

Nibiru just shrugged. "It's completely fine with me, Joseph."

Everybody then just rushed into the hall, including the Estranged Ones, as they wanted to increase their knowledge on this being. Everybody wanted knowledge on Nibiru, and Nibiru himself had some questions about himself, for even God had seemed worried.

"So, Nibiru, shall we make our way to the hall?", Navre asks, standing at about half his height, at 6' 5", which was still quite a tall height. "OK, Navre. Let's go to the hall, so we can answer everyone's questions, for I am sure you guys have some too."

The group then walk to the hall, where the start a new school life of not needing to hide in everyone's presence. It would be interesting, but fun nonetheless.