The Questions.

Down in hell, things were going down, but not the public eye. Baphomet, the god that had died while fighting Nibiru, was lying there, with a strange face looming over him. He got a shock, and jumped up, prepared to fight this being when they lifted up their hands.

"At peace, Baphomet. I am not an enemy. I am simply checking to see if you are okay. Please, be calm."

Baphomet, after hearing his words, started to calm down. Then, the strange being said some words that interested him.

"So, do you want revenge on the being known as Nibiru?". These words interested Baphomet. "Yes, I do. He humiliated me, and killed me. Has has escaped my grasp twice, and I'm sick of it!"

The being then smirked. "Well, I can help you with that. My name is Krystian Sikorski, and you will become strong, for I am a Hell Overlord, one with the power to change it all. You are no longer, Baphomet, but are now of the name 'Sithrio'. Transform into your most powerful state!"

And with that, Baphomet became a being of colossal power, able to topple reality, for his status as a god was no longer needed. He became something stronger. A devil. The process of becoming a devil took twelve hours, as his body melted from its bones, and rebuilt itself, muscle and all.

Back on Earth, however, Nibiru was walking to the hall, preparing to answer some questions. He entered the hall, and everybody started to ask him questions, but he was able to cancel out the noise for a bit. He could see Joseph getting everybody to calm down, so that Nibiru could walk up to a stage he had built.

Everybody was sitting down, waiting in anticipation.

The platform part of the stage was five feet in the air, so when he was standing on it, he was almost 16 feet off the ground. He decided to sit down, his legs crossed. Joseph then told everybody to put their hands up if they wanted to ask a question. All that could be seen were a wave of hands in the air, so Joseph told Nibiru to pick and choose from the crowd.

Nibiru saw one person who stood out to him. He pointed his finger at them, and Saphre Murphy stood up.

"Um, sorry if this is rude, but what are you, and what is your name?". Nibiru just laughs. "You can ask me any question. It doesn't matter if it is rude. As for the actual question, I have an answer. I am a special type of Demon. Also, my name is Nibiru. It is a pleasure to meet you all."

Saphre then sits back down, happy with her answer. Nibiru then points at another person in the crowd, an unknown figure named Jack Allen.

"Why are you here, Nibiru? To take over the world?". He and his little group of buddies snicker, before they hear Nibiru's answer.

"Yes". Everyone gasps, and then Nibiru laughs. "I'm only joking with you. I came to earth as my previous planet was destroyed by someone. That someone was the person who had destroyed the building, but they aren't something to be worried about now."

Jack Allen then sits down, not saying a word. Joseph then chooses someone himself. Ava Sikorski stands up, and asks quite a popular question.

"What are you able to do, and what happened to the teachers?". Nibiru then takes on a serious face. "One of those I can answer, the other I cannot. The teachers look like this because I am able to transform people. They wished to become stronger, so I helped them, after they agreed. What I can do is the question I can't answer. I don't even know myself. All I know, is that I can do really cool things, to use human terms."

Then, everybody, all at once, yelled.

"Can you show us!?"

Nibiru just started to laugh. He had an idea. "Let me show you something."

He summoned one of the swords from the basic menu, and held it up. "This sword that you see. This plain looking sword. It is four times stronger than an advanced+ weapon. That is the weakest thing I have."

Everybody just looked on in shock. The weakest? What else could he summon?

The Estranged Ones then stood up. "Well, show us the strongest thing you can summon!"

Nibiru just looked at the group. "Do you really want to be the reason the world explodes?". He was met with silence. "No? I didn't think so."

The Estranged Ones just sat back down, quietly. Nibiru then laughed. "Even with that out of the way, I want to show you guys something. I will give you guys the option to win a wish from me. Like a little competition."

Everybody wanted to hear about the competition, for a wish from a being like him was worth more than gold, for you could wish for infinite gold, but nobody wanted anything like that. They could ask for something more interesting. Nibiru then explained the event.

"You will all show me some things about yourself, or what you excel in. There will be a few categories, and the winner of each category will win a wish."

This excited the students, for it gave the more 'Brains over Brawn' people a chance to win a wish. Some people excelled in fighting, others in scientific studies. Others specialised in animal taming, so that was another category that could be added.

"These are the categories. Pure fighting ability. Ability use in fighting. Ability use outside of fighting. Intelligence. Taming. And finally, Science."

Everybody started to jump up and down, realising that they all had a chance. While this was going on, Nibiru noticed that something wasn't right. He could feel the presence of someone standing behind the children, with the intent to harm them.

"Everybody! Duck!". Everybody put their heads down, and they heard an almost deafening noise, and a thud. When the children at the back looked up, they could see something on the ground, paralysed.

Nibiru, since he had his Over Heaven form, didn't need to speak, so he pointed his finger at the presence, and fired a shot of pure magic at it, faster than he could have even expected. He had to manually anchor the world where it was, or else the world would have shattered there and then.

He used his system, Urizen, to check who it was.

[Name: Sithrio]

[Previous: Baphomet]

[Race: Devil]

[Baphomet, but he was changed by one of the Hell Overlords, the one by the name of Krystian Sikorski]

Nibiru lifted up the surprisingly still alive body of Sithrio, and shook it back and forward, using barely any of his power, and Sithrio was decapitated by the sheer force, like hot plastic peeling away from the cold.

When his head hit the floor, a dark flash of light shone from the ground, and a figure appeared from the light. Krystian Sikorski.

Ava saw him, and looked over in shock. "Brother!?". This surprised everyone, for they didn't know this person was a family member. He looked over at Ava, before speaking. "Hello, Ava. Has everything been well on Earth in my absence, except for this being?"

"But... You're dead! How are you standing here!?", Ava yells, confused. "Ava, you do realise that there is a place called hell, just like there is heaven? Nibiru has been to heaven, and I have been to hell. I don't bear any ill will towards anyone, but I do wish to have a spar with Nibiru, so I can test his power". Nibiru then laughs.

"Alright, everybody. Before the competition, you guys get to see a spectacular performance!"