The Change of Heart.

In a respectable manner, Krystian Sikorski and Nibiru entered the arena which he had built, because this was originally where he planned to hold the fighting parts of the competition, but there would first be a spectacle to see.

Everybody went and sat in a seat in the arena, for they wanted to see this performance, put on by two powerful beings. Two of them, in the one day. Could it get any better?

He put Layla and Michael up in the announcers section, and they introduced the challengers.

Layla announced Nibiru. "Welcome, ladies and gentleman, to a spectacle that won't be forgotten. A duel between Nibiru and Krystian Sikorski!"

The students start yelling for Nibiru to win, as they are extremely excited about what was going to happen.

"At one side, we have Krystian Sikorski, a Hell Overlord!"

"And at the other, we have Nibiru, a Demon!"

Michael then announced the rules. "The battle will take place on an area 10 meters by 10 meters long and wide. An invisible barrier has been put up by Nibiru, so that you guys, and the planet, aren't destroyed. If someone falls off of the platform, they lose, but if they are hanging onto the edge, it's fair game."

Everybody thought that these were fair rules, so they all waited for the words to start the madness.

"3. 2. 1."

"Open the Game!"

They were promised a spectacle, and that is what they got. The two rushed towards eachother, hunting for blood. Both of them only used their hands, so it was like an extreme fist-fight. Nibiru stretched out his claws, and stabbed towards Krystian's throat, but he blocked it by moving out of the way.

The two of them clashed like giants, sending speedy sparks towards the students. Some flinched, but the barrier Nibiru put up protected them. The then realised that they would be protected by this barrier, so they sat and watched.

Nibiru and Krystian continously kept countering each others attacks. Nibiru would try to rip out Krystian's throat, but Krystian would just barely push his hand out the way. Krystian would try to kick Nibiru in the stomach, but Nibiru would respond by punching Krystian's kneecap, forcing it back down. It was like a violent game of back and forth, like tennis, but you punch the tennis ball.

Nibiru sent a devastating kick towards Krystian's chest, and it actually connected. Krystian was sent flying off the stage, and sent into the barrier, which he bounced off of, landing back on the platform.

Krystian tried to get up, but he was winded, so Nibiru had the opportunity to fire him up into the air, and use a special piece of magic. He didn't speak a word, but Krystian came flying down, slamming into the ground, under the force of extreme gravity. Nibiru then created a fun little construct of his, and sent Krystian up, and simply dropped him.

When Krystian was dropped, he was suddenly sent flying a short distance, before being flung in a different direction, but faster. Nibiru had created a cube of gravity magic, which would send Krystian into one of the walls at random, at a high speed, which would increase with each hit against the wall. Krystian was sent flying around the invisible cube, everyone in the audience absolutely mesmerised by this performance. It truly was a spectacular sight to see.

Suddenly, Nibiru got rid of the gravity cube, and Krystian was sent flying into the ground, completely shattering the platform, except for the part Nibiru was standing on. Nibiru had to also keep the Earth from shattering, as the speed would have cracked the world completely.

Krystian was lying there, unconscious, but only for a minute. Everybody waited in silence, seeing his twitching body, and he suddenly he jumped up, and bowed.

"Very well played, Nibiru. I have lost."

Everybody cheered for Nibiru, and then congratulated Krystian on his sportmanly conduct. Nibiru walked up to Krystian, and patted him on the back, somehow not killing him.

"That was a great duel, Krystian Sikorski. Now, I believe you have to catch up with your sister."

Krystian remembered his sister was here, so he flew up to her, after Nibiru turned off the shield. "Well, hello, Ava. How are you on this, quite eventful, day?"

Everybody started to look at Krystian, but Ava answered. "Well, I'm fine, but I didn't know that you still exist after death. Why didn't you visit me before?"

"Well, I needed a follower who had visited Earth before, but not as a human. When Nibiru here defeated Baphomet, I could send him as an avatar of myself, so when he died, rightfully so, I was able to take his place. Believe it or not, Hell isn't that bad a place. People live there, work, live like they would on Earth. It was quite a normal place."

Everybody was slightly intrigued by this. So Hell wasn't a place where people constantly beg for death, or to die once more.

"Ava, I plan to stay here, on this planet. I could be a teacher at this school, and Nibiru could also."

Everybody then looked at Nibiru, wondering what he thought of that. "Well, since I cant pose as a student, I will become a teacher here. I will teach a new subject, which will be revealed later."

Everybody looked at him with a curious look, for a class by him would be quite the interesting class.

"Now, with that over, would Krystian Sikorski like to join me in hosting the event?". This intrigued Krystian. It would be a fun little idea, as her heard about it through Baphomet, or Sithrio, and it genuinely piqued his interest.

"Well, Nibiru, it would be my pleasure to help you host the event. I can help you decide on the answers."

The class then looked at Krystian, surprised that Nibiru would accept someone so easily.

The two of them walked to the arena, having a good chat, while Nibiru rebuilt the stadium. The two of them stood on it, and yelled out to the class.

"Alright, grab your weapons, or whatever you need for the competition now! We meet back here in an hour!"

The students rushed towards the main building, running to grab their stuff. Everybody that knew about Nibiru's creative abilities gathered around him, for he wanted to tell them something.

"Alright guys, I gained a new menu that replaced the secret menu. It's called the 'Over Heaven' menu, and we also have to test out the Corruption Menu and the Evolution Menu. I might actually get myself a little evolution that I can change with this form. Like an instantly changeable figure."

He pulled out his wand, and looked through th menu, targeting himself. He went into the 'Over Heaven' menu, and found something that interested him.


[Race: Ancient]

[Despite the name, this form built for Nibiru is not safe at all for his opponents. The power of Nibiru will multiply billion-fold when in this state, but you also have a health bar, showing how much damage you have sustained, but this only activates in a fight.]

This interested him, so he pressed evolve, and he could feel his body changing into a new shape. One larger, stronger, faster. He has become Safer Nibiru, The One Winged Angel.