Chapter 10

Metta loved safari trips and camps the most and he would be so obedient just to get a reward trip. He felt no sense of danger when the lions roared at night and when he found leopard tracks early in the morning when he went out following the park rangers.

It was so thrilling for him to hide close to the watering hole as he watched the variety of animals come and go. Especially the frightened Impalas as that skipped by after getting startled.

Ceri wondered where this sense of adventure and lack of fear stemmed from, maybe it was from his father she wondered. Sometimes it almost seemed like he could talk to the animals. Could it be his father had the spirit of Galanguira and her son had the Galanguiras spirit lion living in him? If so, that would explain why was once lost in the forest he walked back in the oaths of the chetahs without being harmed.

If only Ceri had not been outcasted from her village.... she thought. Metta could be enjoying life with his cousins and would even enjoy going to the forest with the hunters instead of waiting for these infrequent camping safari trips to the national reserves.

One day, she would go back and show them how successful she was, show them being an outcast did not limit her.