Chapter 20

Ceri was still out close to where Metta disappeared searching. She was exhausted from pack of sleep and she looked like a walking zombie. It was already ten am and there was no news of Metta.


On the other side Eriks Dad was taking his morning walk along a reef in his private property near the beach when....

"Adil!! Why do I think I see a clothed monkey over there with the group. It almost looks like a child., could I be hallucinating?"

"Not again! Adil thought" Ever since Mr Cossa's son disappeared, he always thinks he sees him in the most bizzare places. But this was the first time he had seen a child.

'Anyway I better go look out of respect'

"Where Mr Cossa?"

"Over there, look" he said as he pointed. "See, that one is not jumping and hopping from branch to branch like the others, its walking picking berries and eating, and those are clothes!!" "Hurry and get there"

Sure enough when Adil looked closely, he could see a boy following the group of monkeys.

He called out, careful not to startle the child. The child looked over but did not seem to understand so he switched from Portuguese to Swahili. And the child came over cautiously

"This is fate!!! This is my Eka.. you have returned to me as a child."

Adil was in shock, why did this child look exactly like Eka?