Chapter 21

Metta was hopeful to see a person, after following Little monkey for a while, the group had rested and he fell asleep.

He was woken up by their chattering and they walked to some brushes and started eating some berries.

Finally someone was here, maybe this person would help him look for his mom.

"What is your name?"


"Do you live around here? Why were you following those monkeys? You know you can get sick from sharing food with them, where are your parent?"

"Adil, stop! Don't pressure the child with too many questions, let us take him home, we will feed him and call Erik to come over".

This must be Eka come back as a child. I will have to take him to Simba, if the lion accepts him, that will be the conformation. Simba will definitely know his master. Mr Cossa thought to himself.

Metta and Adil were conversing and getting along well and were unaware of what Mr Cossa was planning.

"Come this way boy" Mr Cossa lead the way.

"Mr Cossa, can we not go through that path?"

"Why not?"

"That path passes through Simba's liar, you know he does not take well to anyone but family!"

"I believe I know what i'm doing".