Chapter 22

Erik wondered what would be so urgent that he was asked to go to home so early in the morning. He was still helping to look for Ceris son especially because of his suspicions.

He instructed his men to first inform him if they find him before calling the police. He had to take this chance to perform some tests.

"Mr Cossa, Erik said he will try and come hime for dinner, right now he is extremely busy."

"Call him back and tell him he has to be here before noon no matter what."

Adil heard loud roar before he could call Erik back and he shivered in fear. That was Simba and from that he could tell the Lion was no amused. Last time a man who lost while running away from police and trespassed in that area was mauled to death in seconds.

Simba was never friendly to Adil but since Adil grew up with Eka and Erik it tolerated him. He said a prayer for the boy and hoped Mr Cossa would be able to control Simba not to harm him. He knew it was silly but he prayed the boy would have the Galanguras' lion spirit and with that he would be safe.

From the corner of his eye, he saw a flurry orange gold figure pouncing towards them, it was over!