Chapter 23

Ceri was beyond frantic, she had collapsed from exhaustion and lack of sleep. She needed sleep bit could jot bring herself to sleep, she felt like she was burning from the inside out. The heart ache was indescribable. Metta was her heart beat, her whole universe, how could she lose him.

It was already noon of the following day with no news, this was supposed to be a dream three day vacation (free, on the beach with her baby) now it had turned into a nightmare.

Her phone rang, she hoped it was news from the police this time. It was Erik calling to see if there was any update on her side. He reassured her his men would find Metta and that she could continue her stay at the hotel at his expense until her son was found.

Their group was supposed to check out tomorrow and fly back to their country.

Ceri was blaming herself for losing Metta, why did she let him walk around without her by his side she thought. If only I had been with him, holding his hand maybe he would not have gotten lost.